[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 14 points 1 month ago

Thanks for the write-up! Really interesting how the fact that Eastern European countries are experiencing similar material conditions also leads to them developing nearly identical political scene.

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

Trump was always against abortion ban because he knew how much it will help drive Dem turnout

Trump calls DeSantis abortion ban ‘a terrible mistake,’ sparking anger from some key Republicans - September 19, 2023

Trump privately called a Roe v. Wade reversal ‘bad’ for his party - June 24, 2022

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

Hypothetically if there were two identical candidates with their only difference being that candidate #1 will enact abortion rights, I think voting for them is a valid form of harm reduction.

However just look at the track record of Kamala and the Dems. Just this campaign they have been willing to fund genocide, imprison immigrants, increase police funding and completely ignore climate change. They have no moral compass, the only guiding principle for them is whatever will earn them more money or votes. And abortion rights happens to earn them both a lot of donation money AND a lot of voters. They have no incentive to ever fight for it in the same way they will never fight for M4A or free college education. It is simply another tool to force large part of the working class to forever vote for them.

I personally won't label anyone who votes for her thinking they are fighting for abortion rights as an evil person, but for me it's just a completely useless act. Even if dems do act to protect them, they will 100% do it in a way that Republicans can easily re-ban next election.

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 33 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I agree with that. He was going for a repeat of the presidential election, but miscalculated the left.

France has a two-round system, so even if the far-right won the first round he just needed to keep second place and the left would be forced to back him up in the second round giving him an easy win. But with the left overperforming, now his voters are the ones forced to do the whole "lesser evil" dance in a lot of districts. It will be interesting to see in which direction they are going to break.

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 20 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I wouldn't put the cold war with China on Trump. I think the period of his presidency coincided with the Chinese government finally getting more independent on the geopolitical scene and also transitioning to high-tech manufacturing competing with the West (Huawei, BYD, Tiktok, etc...). Once the US government realized they are no longer dealing with just an obedient manufacturing hub, they launched the trader war. I think the policy would have been the same no matter if Trump/Clinton/Biden is in charge. Literally yesterday Biden announced even more tariffs on green energy products.

The war in Ukraine is kind of the same. The only reasons Republicans became pro-Russian is because the Democrats were anti-Russian and the parties are obliged to always disagree. If Russia invaded Ukraine under Trump they would just make up a different excuse to support them. "Evil Putin is restoring the Soivent Union. We must stop the commies!!"

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 16 points 9 months ago

spoilers for the third book

Honestly I love how the book played me like a fiddle there lol. The whole time I was on the side of the protagonist that if people are less likely to respond it will help reduce the tensions with the Trisolarians and potentially avoid the conflict. Then as soon as the attack happened and the author explained that a MAD doctrine works only if both sides are ready to push the button and thus the only way to minimize casualties is by being prepared to kill everyone, it all suddenly made sense

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 28 points 10 months ago

I watched about half of it before I got bored. There were 1-2 good ones, but it was mainly basic soundbites that can get replayed on Fox News to attack Democrats.

Stuff like "What would you say to Biden right now?", "Are the sanctions undermining America's geopolitical power?", "Is there a risk of nuclear war if American troops enter Ukraine?", etc

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 34 points 10 months ago
[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 39 points 10 months ago

Wallahi he is finished. Just opened the r/politics post and even they don't have an idea how to defend this lmao whywhywhywhywhy

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago

Even though BSP lost, it's ridiculous they even got so close.

Sofia is supposed to be the stronghold of the liberal parties and everyone was expecting a complete blowout, not a victory with 3000 votes margin

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 31 points 1 year ago

I'm jealous honestly, in Bulgaria we don't even get to have succdems

[-] TalkingDuck@hexbear.net 12 points 1 year ago

How is leading the polls? What's his voter base?

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