[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 10 points 8 months ago

I do agree on the whole, It's the next phase of automation. The real problem stems from the fact that we hold onto the system where a tiny handful of people get the full benefit of the productivity, while the others are paid in time incriments which value goes down with demand, so as more jobs are automated or assisted (to allow more work with less people), supply demand devalues the labor.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 10 points 10 months ago

Point is it's a stroke of a pen to change the priority... One president or one DEA switch away. The supreme court upheld Roe V Wade which was why it wasn't important to codify it into law... until it was.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 12 points 10 months ago

Well those aren't uniquely AI problems.

AI generated or human artwork created CP is also kind of debatable in terms of harm causing vs potential harm reduction. (IE the question is, does availability of fake CP in which no one is harmed in the making of it, lessen or raise the amount of actual offenders).

Misinformation, scams etc... all just as likely to happen via shops of cheap labor

The problems of AI that I believe this post is talking about, are the labor displacement issues, IE when AI gets good enough to outperform humans at tasks... how will the economy deal with unemployable people. Which is a specifically capitalism problem. IE the fact that work is based on supply/demand... and lowering the supply of work while keeping peoples demand of needing income... leads to people starving to death.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 9 points 11 months ago

Falling for implies it matters to them. They've discovered the weaknesses in the system. The supreme court has goals to take on issues that can't be demonstrated to negatively effect anyone, so in order to get the cases and overturn law they need straw plaintifs to give cases.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 10 points 11 months ago

To me I think majority of conspiracy murder... still may have merit, without actually lifting a finger.

IMO I don't think the real question is "did the government establish a hit on JFK, MLK, The twin towers etc...".

but rather, did someone in power get a note saying "this is likely to happen and here's how to prevent it", and it get burried.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 9 points 1 year ago

My thoughts exactly, this actually screams awesome fashion lol

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 16 points 1 year ago

or more accurately users just have no grasp of what things come from. No shortage of times in tech support where I've heard things like "Yes I know the internet is down, I'm not trying to go to the internet I'm trying to go to facebook".

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 11 points 1 year ago

Gotta say outright, a god that punishes people for not believing in the correct interpretation of him... is a God who's heaven I wouldn't want to go to. Just do the math on regional factors alone. Fact is if you believe in a god, if you are born in a heavily muslim area, there's a 75% chance you'd believe in the muslim interpretation. If you are born in a christian area, there's a 75% chance you'll have the christian belief, same for hinduism, bhudism etc...

Fact is no matter how you slice it, if there is a correct version of god to believe in, at most maybe 1/3rd of people are in the right place to believe in that version of him. Meaning 2/3rds of the world is at a cultural disadvantage to not correctly beleive in the right version of god, and thus would be doomed to hell. That's before factoring in hundreds of other factors like life circumstance etc...

Simple fact is if a god exists, and is good, and has an afterlife (none of which are facts I believe in). I don't think belief or knowledge is any sign of fairness for such a being to do, and certainly sending things to hell for something that they are literally incapable of even trying to think about... is just nonsense for anything but the most malicious and evil interpretations of a god.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 10 points 1 year ago

I'd assume because the internet is 90% catered to american's.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 13 points 1 year ago

Yeah to me the obvious end days was when the "half priced but with ads" plans came out. It's going the route of cable. the patern is so predictable.

Year 1: Ad free - 5-10,

Year 2: Ad free 10-15

Year 3: ad free 10-15, low price ad tier 5-10

Year 4: ad free 20-30, ad tier 10-15

Year 5: ad tier 25-30, ad free 75

Year 6: Due to low demand, ad free tier is removed. ad tier 40-50.

That's of course counting the shitification of their being 20 services, which are equally sharing shows of every genre so that no matter what type of shows you like, you'll need to use 3-4 services to get the main shows you want.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 9 points 1 year ago

Well there's both sides, I mean while in theory it's just the free market making a stopgap for the weakpoints in medicare to buy time for them to be fixed. The reality is we already know what happens when corporations get their hands on something that shouldn't be free market. They rack up killer profits, and use those profits to buy congressmen and judges, and before long not only is congress not going to move forward to stregnthen medicare to cover those holes... but in fact create new ones to make sure that medicare becomes even less valuable without one of these plans.

[-] TheFogan@programming.dev 9 points 1 year ago

Agreed, russia has proven themselves more dangerous, and more laughable at the same time. Their ability to underhandedly destroy us from within is far stronger than we ever were allowed to believe. Their ability to mount an actual attack, is far more laughable than we thought.

Though I do suppose the real scary part of it is. The potential death throws kind of attack. Putin's immaturity, narcissism etc... is far scarier than we have ever understood. Russia quite frankly is the superpower that I could easily see hit the point of "If I can't run the world, I'll destroy it so you can't have it", and quite simply we've never seen or understood the potential of Nuke vs Anti-Nuke warfare.

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