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[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

The party leadership is adopting that stance because they hate progressive politics more than they hate fascism. The thing is though, Americans are seeing who is out there speaking to them directly and who is actually putting up some kind of fight against the encroachment of fascism and who is just standing by and allowing fascism to spread, or in some instances apparently actually buddying up with fascists. It's the progressives who are showing that they actually care about the people, while the mainline party leadership sits back and allows Trump to destroy the American state.

More and more Americans are going to have their eyes opened to who exactly is running their party and to whom their allegiances lie--that being the wealthy and powerful, not the people.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Kamala's presidency was only ever going to, best case scenerio, push off fascism for 4 more years. America was going to become fascist one way or another. She would have continued the neo-liberal project that has been sending Americans further and further into financial distress while giving lip service to minority rights. She would have implemented more minor, corporation friendly social services that don't actually fix anything rather than just place a band-aid on a bullet wound. There was no reform to be had because the Democrat party leadership had all the power and they worked harder to suppress progressive Democrats than they ever did to suppress regressive Republican policies and even full on fascism.

If there are Democrats in that party who actually want to make real improvements for Americans, and there do seem to be some who do, then you have to make sure that they realize that the only way the party has a way forward, that their vision of America has a way forward, is if they battle for the heart of the party so that those Democrats in leadership positions who are all too happy to fall in line with Trump's fascism are rejected and real people who actually care take over the reins. The American people are seeing who is actually fighting for them right now and who is standing by and letting Trump run rampant over everything without any kind of push back.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Uh huh. Sure you have.

If you think that Kamala was going to stop fascism from coming to America you're out of your mind. Most Democrats don't have any issue with fascism. Look at what most of them are doing right now. They're just standing by and allowing Trump and the Republicans to do whatever they want with no challenge. They're voting in favour of his insane dept head choices. They're voting in favour of his bills. They've got fucking Gavin Newsom out here doing buddy buddy interviews with open fascists on his podcast. They're censuring their own party members who actually are actually brave and principled enough to stand up and shout down Trump for the harm that his administration has done to the American people.

The only members of the Democratic party that care are people like AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Tim Walz, and Al Green. They're the only ones going out to talk to the American people. They're the only ones standing up against Trump's agenda. The rest of the Democrats don't care because they don't really believe in democracy, they care about money and power.

Harris's VP pick is out there fighting. Where the fuck is Harris? How come she has completely disappeared from politics? Does she not care that America is falling to fascism? No she doesn't.

A Harris presidency was never going to stop fascism because she knows that her wealth and status will shield her and she never cared about the average person past what they could do for her, personally.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Oh no? Have you looked for any?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I don't know, nobody has ever had the stones to do it for long enough to matter. How has blithely accepting neo-liberalism's theft of the 99%'s economic future been going?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Don't vote and force the party who gives lip service to representing your interests to actually step up and put their money where their mouth is! Any party who can only run on "we're not as bad as the other guys" doesn't deserve to exist.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (13 children)

In a two party system that just means no political party will ever represent your interests. You're giving up any power that you have to influence politics so that the "lesser of two evils" can slowly drag your country to hell.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (20 children)

You don't vote for a political party in the hopes that you might be able to push them to represent your interests, you vote for a party who WILL represent your interests.

What kind of fucking power do you have to influence a political party when you tell them that "I will vote for you no matter what you do, but please pretty please be nice to me"?

I swear liberals sound like they're in an abusive relationship with the Democratic party. "They promised it would be better if I go back to them this time. I'm sure it's going to be completely different now!"

It's the Democrats fucking JOB to convince people up vote for them. Don't blame the people if the party can't convince them.

[–] 26 points 1 week ago (11 children)

I'm reading his "safe" comment in a bit of a different light. The Harris campaign was playing "safe" politics by ooh rah-ing about the military, guns, and the border. By throwing their full support behind Israel and shouting down and cutting out concerned for the Palestinian people. By running around with Liz Cheney.

Their campaign started off strong. Kamala was brat, Walz was calling Trump and his allies weird and joking about Vance fucking his couch. There was energy but they dropped the ball by switching to the "safe" Democrat campaign book. They didn't go out to speak to the people where they were at town halls like Walz said in the article, they didn't have firebrand Walz shining a flashlight on how bizarre Trump's people are, they didn't have a message that would excite the people and really shake up a statue quo that was slowly and inexorably draining Americans of their economic prospects. They just played the safe Democrat game of incrementalism and subservience to wealth and power rather than the people.

Obviously Walz didn't say all this, but I think the "safety" he refers to absolutely refers to Kamala's campaign adhering too closely to a traditional campaign style that was not going to win them much enthusiastic support.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Just the usual conservative tactic of underfunding public healthcare to push brake healthcare practitioners and patients into privatised healthcare services, which leaves public healthcare services understaffed and just further snowballs into worse staffing issues at public healthcare services and leaves the state of access to healthcare in the province in an abysmal state.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Ironically, while Ford might be doing a pretty good job staying tough against Trump, he's doing his level best to try to drive Ontario right to the back of that healthcare line as well. So save us a spot?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

"Democrats have taken genocide off the agenda" how's the weather in that fantasy land that you're living in?

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