Nah, Manjaro is Arch for toddlers.
I'm using Freetube, too. While it fails to play 2160p reliably, you can always use a button to send the video to an external player like MPV. And MPV works without any issues.
You can just share links to maps, OpenStreetMaps has a bunch of different mobile apps, for example, Organic Maps is a good one. Links to OSM look like this:
Usually the methods are not shared because streaming services would go out of their way to break them. Just like Youtube breaks yt-dlp every now and then. But Youtube is too big to implement any serious protection, so, downloaders usually win. I heard Crunchyroll is ripped via their mobile app, albeit modified. But specifics are better left in the dark.
Ducks are learning to gaslight people. Fascinating.
As far as I know, there is no way around making a backup. Titanium Backup may help with moving your apps, you'll probably have to deal with other files with your favourite file manager.
I doubt yt-dlp supports Soundcloud metadata. One possible solution is just running your music through MusicBrainz Picard to restore the metadata.
The company's CEO is Pavel Durov, the very clown who built russian alternative to Facebook, VKontakte, and then practically sold it to russian government with all it's users. And russian government, being itself, repressed anyone who liked "wrong" stuff there. So, Durov being no stranger to selling things to governments, in my opinion, deserves zero trust.
Except it's a proprietary piece of junk stuck on USB 3.1 (and I love my thunderbolt connectors too much to let it slide), that can't offer proper power delivery because of power pin literally burning out.
The only thing they did good is fixing the need to check cable orientation before inserting it (yes, you don't have to try three times, you can just actually use your eyes, USB-A connector's orientations can easily be told apart just by two square thingies on each of it's sides).
But as USB-C came out two years later, it wiped the floor with lightning. Anyone saying otherwise is either insane, didn't read the specs or purposefully misleading you. And only now Apple is switching over. Freaking 7 years later. Though, not because they realize how inferior their connector is, but because they were made to.
Because math works with Y up. Physics steal from math, engeneering steals from physics, so, here you are.
What I can't get is imperial measurement system. Apparently, nobody but americans can. And that stuff is far worse than Y and Z switching places.
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