
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Have you seen the original Hellraiser? I think it's supposed to be set in the US, but the problem is, at one point in the film two US policemen show up at the door. Considering they're quite clearly on an English housing estate, I wasn't quite sure what was going on!

[–] 3 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

If you wanna provide the money, I'm sure they will. It's always about the money.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago

I can't remember the piece size of the top of my head, but physically, the Raiders of the Lost Ark temple is my biggest and would happily build it again.

My only worry is that the rubber bands might perish at some point.

I enjoyed building the ECTO1 but the stickers were really annoying. There's a large number of stickers representing rust and they're all identical.

I was going to leave them off so the car would look pristine like the original film but I changed my mind.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

I really liked the first film, I should watch it again. I'll skip the trailer though for the sequel, probably reveals too much.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I notice a lot of the comic fans don't like this film because he's not blonde and from Liverpool. I never read the comics so this is my introduction to the character. I love the film. 😁

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

I've just read a review that mentions the reshoots with the green screen shots are of such a low quality, they were surprised it got past Disney quality control.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I think it's on YouTube in 720P. Nope, just checked, I'm sure it used to be. There's just SD copies now. One of them is 4:3!

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Ha! I'd completely forgotten about that. Smith tends to annouce a lot of stuff. I'm still waiting for Mallrats 2 which was a film, then possibly a TV series. I'm not sure if that's still floating around.

It would be nice to see the original Dogma resurface. The rights are so old, it's not even streaming anywhere.

Your only option is second hand physical media. The DVD should be quite easy to find.


A post by Kevin Smith on his Instagram account reads:

We shot DOGMA here 26 years ago, at the Saints Peter and Paul Church in the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh! #alanrickman and #georgecarlin (and my Dad) all stood on the steps of this cinematically sacred place back then, whilst they lived. And this year, we’re gonna honor all of ‘em… when we resurrect #Dogma! More info very soon, Parishioners! #KevinSmith #dogmachurch #catholicismwow

If I remember correctly, Smith, has obtained the rights for Dogma recently as they were held personally by Harvey Weinstein as opposed to Miramax. This is why once all the Dogma Blu-rays were sold out, there hasn't been any reprinting. Therefore, the Blu-ray goes for quite high prices on the second hand market.

I wonder if there will be any new retrospective documentaries if it gets a new release? There was a documentary called Judge Not: In Defence Of Dogma which was planned for the US special edition DVD but for legal reasons was not included.

That instead ended up on another US DVD for the film Vulgar, a black comedy written and directed by Kevin Smith's friend Bryan Johnson and staying Brian O'Halloran.

Although it can easily be found on YouTube.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

May I offer:

UKFilmNerd's Blog: The musings of a film nerd.

Slight confession, since October, I've only written one review due to life/work issues but hopefully in a few weeks this will change.

When everything is optimal, I usual put out three to four reviews every two weeks.

(This is because I'm in a hotel 7 days in a row for work. What else am I going to do! 😆)

Don't be afraid to nose around the site, there's years worth of content. You could even see how well writing improves/gets worse (delete as applicable 😂) over the years.



Golden | Pharrell Williams biopic reportedly got "roaring applause" at test screening before Universal scrapped it

by Ryan Lambie | February 11, 2025

Now scrapped, Golden -- a biopic about Pharrell Williams directed by Michel Gondry -- was reportedly shown to an appreciative test audience.

When it was first reported that Universal Pictures had decided to permanently shelve Golden, a biopic about musician Pharrell Williams, the official line appeared to be that all involved agreed that it wasn't fixable in its current state.

A joint statement, attributed to Williams and director Michel Gondry, said that, "When all of us got into the editing room we collectively decided there wasn't a path forward to tell the version of this story that we originally envisioned."

According to World of Reel, however, Golden's scrappage may not have been a quality control issue after all. The outlet reports that, weeks before it was shelved, the musical drama was test screened for an audience in Pasadena, and that far from being a disaster, Golden was warmly received.

In fact, the brief quotes suggest that Golden falls in line with Gondry's imaginative, often technically ingenious earlier work, including Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind and The Science Of Sleep.

A movie-goer who saw Golden described it as "very creative," with "well thought-out and executed musical numbers." There's also talk of "big rotating sets," which sounds like exactly the sort of thing you'd expect to see in a musical directed by Gondry, as well as "emotional solos and a big finale with crowds."

To cap it all, the starry cast -- which includes Bryan Tyree Henry and Da'Vine Joy Randolph -- are said to be excellent, and that, by the time the end credits rolled, the audience was "completely won over."

All of which makes *Golden'*s production story all the more strange. Universal had spent a reported $20m on the project up to the point it was axed. It's a film about a world-famous musician, with a high-profile cast and a respected French director. Shooting had already wrapped, and it was seemingly on track for a US cinema release on the 9th May.

Admittedly, *Golden'*s pre-production wasn't without incident. Theatre director turned filmmaker Michael Mayer worked on it for about seven years before Gondry stepped in as his replacement in March 2024. Still, filming went ahead and -- a title change from Atlantis to Golden aside -- all seemed to be running smoothly.

If the initial cut wasn't an unsalvageable disaster, as the initial statement from Universal suggested, then what was the real issue? We can only speculate. But given the scale of the production, it's likely we'll hear more details seep out of it over the coming weeks.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

From what I remember, the second one is a lot of fun. I certainly remember the part where Elton John showed up, and we thought that was hilarious.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah, the director, Gareth Edwards, was like, “What's this!?” And as you say, it was a marketing idea. It is a cool shot though.

The Rogue One trailer's feature quite a lot of deleted footage, especially as there were reshoots to change the ending. Some trailers feature footage of Jinn and the gang running across the beach and if you look closely, she has the Death Star data hard drive in her hand. This is taken from the original end action sequence. There are quite a few YouTube videos that pull out all the footage from the marketing and show what didn't end up in the finished film.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

slaps forehead of course it was! Duh!


For fucks sake Disney? Too tight to pay a respectable artist?


Four major recent films from Disney have disappeared from the Disney+ streaming service in the UK - one of which is now exclusive elsewhere.

TLDR: Barbarian and Amsterdam never received a UK physical media release, and are available to digitally buy and rent. Disney issued a DVD and Blu-ray of The Banshees Of Inisherin, that remains in print. It, too, is available to buy and rent via video on demand services. The Creator is available on physical media but has moved to Amazon Prime.


Crocodile Dundee | New 'Encore Cut' removes footage from original film

by Simon Brew | January 27, 2025

Crocodile Dundee

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A 4K remastered 'Encore Cut' of Crocodile Dundee is being released this year -- but one or two moments have been edited out. More here.

In 2020, the most complained about movie to the British Board of Film Classification here in the UK was the re-issue of 1980's Flash Gordon. 91 people wrote to the board, protesting a simple note that was added to the start of the picture, letting people know the film contained "discriminatory stereotypes". Not a frame of footage of the film was touched, it's just 91 people felt advising people of something in the film was worthy of complaint.

I always thought the re-release of Flash Gordon was handled well. I'm not quite sure a planned re-release of Crocodile Dundee is going to go quite the same way.

The original movie was release in America in 1986, where it became a genuine sleeper hit, and the biggest film of the year. It made an international star of Paul Hogan, and spawned a couple of sequels too.

What's often overlooked though is that the cut of the film released outside of Australia was different to the one that originally debuted. Australian moviegoers got a slightly different, longer Crocodile Dundee. And now, they're getting a 4K remaster of the film in cinemas in 2025.

It's also a recut version of the movie, now known as the 'Encore Cut' of the film. However, rather than just opening up the movie with a warning about material that doesn't look too good through a modern lens, it's being reported that two and a half minutes has been snipped out of the film.

As per QNews, there is opening text, but also, material where Mick 'Crocodile' Dundee and meets a crossdresser has been edited out. It was never the best of jokes, and always a bit jarring, but I do wonder where it leads to start retroactively editing films to fit a modern lens. I'm not in the slightest defending the joke, and never liked it. But this is a very difficult road.

Production company Rimfire Films issued a statement ahead of the Encore Cut's debut noting that "some years ago, Paramount Pictures and other distributors requested the reference to the crossdresser be edited from the original film, as they found it offensive. We agreed to that request".

There's another joke on a similar theme later on in the movie that's said to have been excised, that's basically Mick Dundee groping someone.

Hogan has signed off on the changes to the film. Inevitably, someone has wheeled out the -- sigh -- word 'woke' and asked him about it (just wait until the Mail and Telegraph get hold of this story. I shudder).

Hogan's response is that people pointed out to him that "this guy is a folk hero around the world. He shouldn't be groping people. And I thought yeah that's right, he shouldn't be, so take it out. I mean, he did it in all innocence, in naivety, but it's better without it".

The plan is for Crocodile Dundee: The Encore Cut to debut in Australian cinemas on 8th May, complete with 4K remaster. There's also a documentary about the making of the film, with newly rediscovered materials telling the behind the scenes story of the movie. You can read a little bit more about that here.

No word yet on a British release for the Crocodile Dundee. Also, it should be noted that the original cut is still out there too, and isn't being deleted. It'd be interesting if we could see the actual original Australian cut too, before it was chopped for a US audience.


Speaking with Empire, Álvarez confirmed that he and Sayagues are working on the script for the Alien: Romulus sequel. He said, “We’re excited about where it can go. We’ve almost checked all of the boxes of things that I want to see [in Romulus], and brought back a lot of the things I hadn’t seen in a while. Wherever we go now, we can go into uncharted waters. I think it’ll be so exciting to go with characters you know from this movie, to a place in the Alien franchise that we’ve never been before, and to discover things that you’ve never seen before.”

So he's got the Easter Egg references out of his system then hopefully? Come on, a decent Alien film please! 🙂


Director Fede Álvarez, says he run out of time to get the look of the character Rook completed to his satisfaction. For the home release, he's apparently spent more money correcting it which according to him, leans more towards the practical animatronic than the CGI face.


A Queen sends the powerful and feared sorceress Gray Alys to the ghostly wilderness of the Lost Lands in search of a magical power, where the sorceress and her guide, the drifter Boyce, must outwit and outfight man and demon.

Starring: Dave Bautista, Milla Jovovich Directed by: Paul W.S. Anderson Release Date: March 7, 2025


I don't normally post posters but I had to share this one released today. This was approved!? It's terrible!

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