If you wanna provide the money, I'm sure they will. It's always about the money.
I can't remember the piece size of the top of my head, but physically, the Raiders of the Lost Ark temple is my biggest and would happily build it again.
My only worry is that the rubber bands might perish at some point.
I enjoyed building the ECTO1 but the stickers were really annoying. There's a large number of stickers representing rust and they're all identical.
I was going to leave them off so the car would look pristine like the original film but I changed my mind.
I really liked the first film, I should watch it again. I'll skip the trailer though for the sequel, probably reveals too much.
I notice a lot of the comic fans don't like this film because he's not blonde and from Liverpool. I never read the comics so this is my introduction to the character. I love the film. 😁
I've just read a review that mentions the reshoots with the green screen shots are of such a low quality, they were surprised it got past Disney quality control.
I think it's on YouTube in 720P. Nope, just checked, I'm sure it used to be. There's just SD copies now. One of them is 4:3!
Ha! I'd completely forgotten about that. Smith tends to annouce a lot of stuff. I'm still waiting for Mallrats 2 which was a film, then possibly a TV series. I'm not sure if that's still floating around.
It would be nice to see the original Dogma resurface. The rights are so old, it's not even streaming anywhere.
Your only option is second hand physical media. The DVD should be quite easy to find.
May I offer:
UKFilmNerd's Blog: The musings of a film nerd.
Slight confession, since October, I've only written one review due to life/work issues but hopefully in a few weeks this will change.
When everything is optimal, I usual put out three to four reviews every two weeks.
(This is because I'm in a hotel 7 days in a row for work. What else am I going to do! 😆)
Don't be afraid to nose around the site, there's years worth of content. You could even see how well writing improves/gets worse (delete as applicable 😂) over the years.
From what I remember, the second one is a lot of fun. I certainly remember the part where Elton John showed up, and we thought that was hilarious.
Yeah, the director, Gareth Edwards, was like, “What's this!?” And as you say, it was a marketing idea. It is a cool shot though.
The Rogue One trailer's feature quite a lot of deleted footage, especially as there were reshoots to change the ending. Some trailers feature footage of Jinn and the gang running across the beach and if you look closely, she has the Death Star data hard drive in her hand. This is taken from the original end action sequence. There are quite a few YouTube videos that pull out all the footage from the marketing and show what didn't end up in the finished film.
slaps forehead of course it was! Duh!
Have you seen the original Hellraiser? I think it's supposed to be set in the US, but the problem is, at one point in the film two US policemen show up at the door. Considering they're quite clearly on an English housing estate, I wasn't quite sure what was going on!