[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 25 points 3 months ago

From Wiki

Mark Wiseman (born 1970)[1] is a Canadian businessman and financier. He is currently the chair of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation.[2] He was formerly a manager at BlackRock. Prior to 2016, Wiseman was President and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB).

somehow I dont think this guy really gives a shit about a single one of the people in Canada, other than how much money we can make him

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 20 points 4 months ago

I bought the game about 6 months ago, and it failed to grab my attention. Ran great on my pc, super fast load times, graphics look good on triple wide too, and only came across one bug that I can remember, so guess I'm lucky. Maybe I should re-try it.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 23 points 4 months ago

I just want to know how people keep falling for this grifter.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 24 points 4 months ago

find friends, like a lot of them.

hang out at one persons place watching tv till they turn it off, then move onto the next house. might take a bit, but youll get there

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 28 points 5 months ago

ummm...stroking my bird. Thats not a euphemism, so dont ask any followup questions.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 20 points 6 months ago

but wouldnt lower numbers mean no one needed to fix & revamp a working OS?

higher numbers mean more fuckups than needed to be fixed until it was so broken there was no longer a way to code you way out, had to start right from the start!

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 30 points 6 months ago

seems like I will no longer be paying for prime. that's honestly the reason I started in the first place, shipping was secondary to me.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 22 points 6 months ago
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm kinda new to linux, however I seem to remember running a headless ububtu server years back. Also remember it took a long time to setup being my first headless server.

So, to my current issues. I just installed mint on an old pc and just want to use it to run my security cams, store the files, and host my nas. Took me over 6 hours to get the raid setup properly, so much differing information on 'how to' for noobs like myself, but managed to get it working and moving files over to raid file now.

Coming from mostly windows crap most of my life, its confusing where and how the raid is setup, and honestly I'm still not convinced I did it right, but everything I check says it is, and I'm sure it knows better than I do.

Ok, now the issue, how in the ever lovin shit can I just share that stupid folder/disk to my network. 90% of the options are greyed out while looking at the properties tab, and need sudo access to change it, so whats the point in having the gui? Am I just dumb and smoked way too many doobies? Got samba installed, but not configured yet, only cause I ran across much more conflicting info, some said in mint its easy like windows...right click and share that shit, easy right? Even I didn't think so, and I'm ok with that, I'm really sick of windows and want to convert all the pc's but damn....stiff learning curve.

Don't get me wrong, I ran DOS back in the day, and I was not bad at it, better than your normal user at the time but by no means a power user. So I should be able to grab the concept quickly, but I am failing. Total of 12 hrs on this now and considering just putting win7 back on this pig and giving up.

I know no one can give me direct answers, and not looking for tech support, but looking for advice so im not wanting to 'hulk smash' this thing

submitted 7 months ago by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

Lets try our first Meme Monday and see how it goes!

Lets keep it SFW, and pc gaming related. If you think its appropriate, post it and lets find out together. If it gets lots of downvotes, I wont remove it, but that will give me a good baseline for next week.

submitted 7 months ago by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

I'll be renaming it next week, hopefully we get some more interest next week, if not, no big deal. Hit and a miss, but I'm trying!

submitted 7 months ago by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

Hello All!

Today is our first Free Friday (title change suggestions welcome)

Rules 0-3 are in effect still, however tech support, build & game suggestions/questions and just about anything else you can think of, pc gaming related, is fair game today. Please save the meme's till monday tho.

If you have a youtube channel, I dont mind you posting a single video, but its gotta be a lets-play or commentary about pc games/gaming. Please dont be posting your homies channel, or some creator you really like...lets keep this local to us for the time being.

You have an idea thats not listed above? Post it and lets find out how the community reacts, but still better follow the basic common sense rules above.

So, the first official Free Friday is now open!

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

A while ago I had asked everyone what their opinion on changing up the community here a little. Nothing major, but maybe drum up some other content. No shame to the regular posters, keep doing your thing, I am not trying to shut you out or even hint that I, or really anyone, objects to what you bring here.

I do however have a couple ideas for 'theme days', and any ideas you have are welcome. I am not planning on turning every day into a theme, but was thinking of - Meme Monday, where meme's are not against the rules, as long as they are PC gaming related. I was also thinking of - Free Friday, so as long as its pc related, or gaming related, its ok to post. So if you want to ask about game suggestions, tech support, or something else in the off topic side, barring NSFW, ads, spam...etc, friday is the day.

Now there are communities built around those I have suggested already out there, so if anyone feels like it would pollute our community, or have other objections, please let me know.

If there is no real pushback, tomorrow will be set for our first free friday, lets see how it goes. I'm going to learn myself how to make/get a bot to auto post as reminders when it starts and ends seeing as we don't all live in the same timezone. Since I am in western Canada, and follow mountain time, for the time being, I'll use my timezone as the 'standard' for the theme days. this may change depending on how everyone feels.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 19 points 8 months ago

so what you actually “see” is a nose-free impression of your surroundings

yeah, i wish.

I was gifted a big fat bulbous beak from my parents, it's half my vision!

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 24 points 8 months ago

ah, a fellow stoner i see. what flavor are you puffin on?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I know its not quite that simple, I'd have to make thread first, and after I get enough, make clothing out of it. Could this actually be done? I can sew, but never made my own clothing nor have I ever made thread, so I don't know if it could actually be done or not. I'm 100% sure the time and effort would not be worth it, or money spent on stuff to produce the thread, etc. But looking at my lint garbage pale made me wonder.

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 23 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

First you start by buying a bunch of land, preferably around, or close to, a city.

Second you have to develop the infrastructure (water/sewer, power, etc)

Third you need....oh shit, you mean...yeah I think its been answered, sorry for my confusion


So, kids are gone, ex and I are no longer together (hence ex i guess lol) and I still find I over cook, I try to use less but it seems if I cook much more than a box of macaroni its too much. Sure I save leftovers, but one can only eat so much leftovers.

How have you dealt with over cooking? Or maybe I'm the only one?

Mod Post (lemmy.ca)
submitted 9 months ago by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/pcgaming@lemmy.ca

So we have been around for a little while now and I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are for our little community. Do you have any ideas for changes, do you like it the way it is, should we open up the rules a bit, or maybe I should activate the delete button more often?

I currently have no plans to change things up, its been a super easy job being a mod here. Please don't take this as I'm looking to overhaul the community at all, just want to know what you all think about the future of PC Gaming. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome

submitted 11 months ago by UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca to c/nunavut@lemmy.ca

I've been through most of Canada, missing a few small places on the east coast. I have been in the NWT way back in the 80s/90s but missed Yukon and Nunavut. Hopefully one day I can make it up there.

I have to admit, I joined hoping to see some people posting pictures in the future!


Hello all,

I am not sure how you have all been so good, but not a single post has been flagged, nor has a single comment. Nothing has come across my mod notification since I started here.

Ok I shouldn't really be all that surprised, its a good bunch of folks we have here.

Or I'm just not doing my job and no one has fired me.

Either way, thank you all for making my mod job....well, pointless!


Not sure if this counts as my back yard tho 😉

[-] UncleBadTouch@lemmy.ca 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My first post, and hopefully the picture i attached works. This is Loki, my 27 year old macaw, one of 2 rainbow chickens i have

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joined 1 year ago