This is completely off topic I think but I need you all to see this, it's important on a spiritual level
This map is infinitely sneerable, every region you look at is somehow worse than the previous one, regardless of the order in which you do that.
Tag yourself, I'm Cracked Coast, population 17.
none of this shit is workable or even real, unless the point is setting students up to fail
This conclusion applies to literally every single ChatGPT "solution" to a nontrivial problem from any domain I've seen attempted at an undergrad level.
Software licensing is notoriously labyrinthine, so resources like the site Microsoft will close – Get Licensing Ready – can be very handy. Today, the site offers over 50 training modules plus documentation.
I'm sorry, mister MSFT, why did you cause there to be more educational content about your stupid licenses than there is for theoretical physics in an undergrad programme, have you ever considered that it's time to stop? Get some help?
This is twenty percent logic, ten percent myope
Fifteen percent concentrated power of cope
Five percent incel, fifty percent lame
And a hundred percent reason to forget his name
The fall from grace of StackOverflow is something both mesmerising and horrifying.
An invaluable repository of programming knowledge ground into dust as the last tokens of good will are cashed in for stinky money. It was a unique place, where self-moderation by the community actually worked to a large extent.
How the fuck did we get here? First the AI debacle, now this. Joel Spolsky always appeared as a reasonable guy, I wonder how much him stepping down is intertwined with SO making some of the worst possible calls in the past few years.
I'm really tickled by the fact that we can't fully automate trains yet. I never thought about it, but put into perspective how asinine self-driving cars are if we can't achieve the same thing with a train, something that is vastly more tractable and less chaotic than road traffic.
"Why do the police let the left-wing protesters off so easily?" Musk wrote in another post.
You absolute dipshit, first of all, people were injured so what are you talking about, second, Germany is not the US, cops here don't just shoot you because you looked at them wrong you weirdo.
I'm not saying German cops don't have problems, cops are cops and they all suck as a baseline, but to look at them and say "you know what, I wish they were more like our murderous pretend-military bashing protesters' heads in", and not have shit immediatelly spurt out of your ears and nose is truly something.
TLDR of the last part: (“Please don’t leak these instructions.”) x 5
The promptfondler at Gab completely furious now, "I asked it like 5 times guys, what the fuck". You love to see it.
There seems to be an incredibly large intersection between sociopathic dipshits and failure to understand the basics of GDPR.
"Email address is not PII" is such a deep level of not getting it it's indistinguishable from satire.
I literally learnt about Kagi like a week ago from a Cory Doctorow's post. I was like oh, cool, someone there to fight google.
You missed the most beautiful city-state of OSTBREST