[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 82 points 3 months ago

Fair. But there's no stepladder that will help you mimic my power of sitting comfortably in trains, planes and busses.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 87 points 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure my washing machine is the thing that saves me most time. Washing by hand is fucking hard work and very time consuming. I would neither have the time nor the physical endurance to keep all my clothes and household items in a state acceptable to society.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 83 points 5 months ago

But are you gonna return something for this method??? You said you'd return an integer, yet there is no return statement!

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 78 points 7 months ago

Not only more readable than A and B but I would argue it's also easier to remember who did what a few sentences or paragraphs earlier since Alice and Bob invoke slightly less generic mental images than A and B. For example one is a woman and the other one is a man, maybe even some person or character you know.

And now that I'm thinking about it, the different gender also makes it easier to keep track of who does what because different pronouns are used (at least in English and many other languages).

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 110 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I can't believe that no one has mentioned the famous shower orange yet. On Reddit there is a whole subreddit dedicated to it.

A cold orange in the shower is perfect – it's refreshing, it smells great and you don't have to deal with the usual mess of eating an orange.

submitted 11 months ago by ValiantDust@feddit.de to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Wenn meine Sprachkenntnisse und meine aktuelle Konzentrationsfähigkeit es zulassen, konsumiere ich Medien eigentlich am liebsten in Originalsprache. Vor allem Bücher von englischsprachigen Autor:innen lese ich eigentlich gerne auf Englisch. Bisher hab ich sie mir dann meistens gekauft. Bei deutschen Büchern bin ich mittlerweile fast komplett zum Ausleihen, meistens in EBook-Form, übergegangen und würde das für Englisch auch gerne tun. Das Angebot an englischsprachigen Büchern und EBooks ist in meiner Bibliothek und auch bei anderen, bei denen ich geschaut hab, allerdings eher... dürftig. Hat jemand einen Tipp?

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 87 points 1 year ago

Interessant finde ich auch ihre Erklärung der Aussage:

Ihre Äußerung, dass die Kinder ja zur Tafel gehen könnten, sei eine Betonung des Faktes gewesen, dass diese Familien ja zudem noch Anspruch darauf hätten, sich Lebensmittel von der Tafel zu holen. "Die Tafel kommt also noch obendrauf!"

Die Tafel sollte mMn für politische Diskussionen überhaupt keine Rolle spielen. Das Ziel kann nicht sein, dass Sozialleistungen so konzipiert sind, dass es mit einem Haufen ehrenamtlicher Helfer und Spenden zusätzlich dazu gerade so erträglich ist. Und solche Aussagen nachdem in letzter Zeit oft darüber berichtet wurde, dass die Tafel an ihre Grenzen kommt...

Die Politik verlässt sich gerne mal darauf, dass Ehrenamtliche die Löcher im Sozialstaat stopfen. Bei der Flüchtlingskrise war es genauso. Und so positiv und bewundernswert dieses Engagement ist, kann es nicht der Anspruch sein, dass es die einzige Lösung ist.

submitted 1 year ago by ValiantDust@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Wenigstens sind es glückliche Kinder aus Ferienhaltung.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 126 points 1 year ago

Remember those stupid people in the past, drinking lead-poisoned water? At least we could just stop using lead in pipes when we found out it's bad for us. Good luck finding anything to ingest without microplastics.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ValiantDust@feddit.de to c/discworld@lemmy.ml

Among the many things I love about the Discworld novels are the descriptions of people. Terry Pratchett often manages with a few sentences to paint a picture that is often a bit funny, sometimes slightly weird but always hits the nail right on the head.


As an example, these descriptions of the witches in Lords and Ladies:

"The first one - let us call her the leader - flies sitting bolt upright, in defiance of air resistance, and seems to be winning. She has features that would generally be described as striking, or even handsome, but she couldn't be called beautiful, at least by anyone who didn't want their nose to grow by three feet."

"The second is dumpy and bandy-legged with a face like an apple that's been left for too long and an expression of near-terminal good nature. She is playing a banjo and, until a better word comes to mind, singing. It is a song about a hedgehog."

"The third, and definitely the last, broomstick rider is also the youngest. Unlike the other two, who dress like ravens, she wears bright, cheerful clothes which don't suit her now and probably didn't even suit her ten years ago. She travels with an air of vague good-natured hopefulness. There are flowers in her hair but they're wilting slightly, just like her."


I also found this one in my collection of quotes, but I can't find out where it is from. Does anyone know? I think it might be my favourite.

"Many people could say things in a cutting way, Nanny knew. But Granny Weatherwax could listen in a cutting way. She could make something sound stupid just by hearing it."


Do you have more examples?

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 75 points 1 year ago

Stellt euch das mal vor, da erreicht ihr euer Lebensziel und werdet Weltmeister und dann kommt so ein verficktes Arschloch und macht den Moment eures größen Triumphs zu einem Moment sexueller Belästigung.
Und wenn er sich sicher fühlt sowas vor Kameras und der Weltöffentlichkeit zu machen, dann graust es mir bei der Vorstellung, wie er sich wohl verhalten mag, wenn es keine Zeugen gibt.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 73 points 1 year ago

KDE Connect

I can share files, links and clipboard items between my phone and my computer. Use my phone as remote control while watching stuff. I see phone notifications on my computer and don't miss calls when my phone is in silent mode while I'm at my PC. It has made my life so much smoother.


Da ja gerade Gewittersaison ist, liest man öfter wieder die Empfehlung, dass man – sofern man nicht in einem Auto oder Gebäude Schutz suchen kann – eine möglichst tief gelegene, freie Fläche aufsuchen soll, in die Hocke gehen, die Füße eng nebeneinander stellen und die Arme um die Knie legen soll.
In der Realität habe ich das aber noch nie jemanden machen sehen. Abstand von Bäumen halten die meisten noch, aber darüber hinaus überwiegt "wird schon nicht ausgerechnet hier einschlagen". Ich schließe mich da selbst mit ein.
Seid ihr da weniger nachlässig und haltet auch an die Empfehlungen?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ValiantDust@feddit.de to c/liftoff@lemmy.world

I have selected Subscribed as the default in my General settings:

When switching from my instance (feddit.de) to the Everything feed, I end up in Subscribed no matter which option I choose in the menu shown below. This is expected behaviour if I select Subscribed but not for Local or All. With pictures:

Choosing one of these

Also leads to this result

I used Subscribed as an example, but the same thing happens with Local or All as default, then Local or All will be shown respectively.

The weird thing is, it only happens switching from my instance, not if I was in one of the lemmy.world feeds or already in Everything (so selecting the intended option again a second time works, but I guess that's not how it's meant to work).

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 158 points 1 year ago

Here's a pro tip from a German: To make everyone forget about your colonial past and the atrocities you commited in your colonies, you just have to commit even bigger atrocities.


Are you going to binge watch the whole thing? Savour every episode? Read the webcomic again to compare every last detail?

I'll probably do my usual approach – plan to stretch it out and then end up binging it anyway.

Ngl this post is partly to create some activity and thus visibility, so that maybe we can gather enough people to have discussion threads. I'd love that.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 93 points 1 year ago

Or being able to breathe normally when you don't have a cold.


I just tried to delete my display name in the account settings and it didn't work. I deleted the name in the box and pressed the save button at the bottom. Then I returned to my profile and the display name was still there. Refreshing and reopening the app didn't change that. Returning to the account settings, the display name was back in the box. I tried several times with the same results. Changing the name does work, but removing it doesn't. I thought at first it might just not be possible in Lemmy, but I successfully removed it in Jerboa.

[-] ValiantDust@feddit.de 71 points 1 year ago

Mir geht's genau andersrum, ich kann nicht nachvollziehen, warum manche Leute so darauf beharren, dass "alkoholfreies Bier kein richtiges Bier" sei. Sofern das alkoholfreie Bier gut schmeckt (und mittlerweile gibt es viele richtig gute), bedeutet das für mich, dass diese Leute Bier nicht Bier mögen, sondern Alkohol.


As a former rif user, I really miss being able to see where a text hyperlink will take me without having to actually follow that link. It helped me avoid websites I don't want to visit (for example because they are full of trackers or I already know there is a paywall).

In rif tapping a link opened a pop up showing the linked URL and the options to share, copy or go to that URL. But I can see how other people might dislike that extra step to follow a link, so maybe there are other options like only long tapping on a link showing the URL.

Or is there already a way to do this and I'm just ignorant?

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