So why other tech and not gaming? Do indie gaming companies not hire remote?
you made this a top level reply by mistake
Is video game testing anything like it's portrayed in the movie Grandma's Boy?
I have no idea why Microsoft always attempts to implement the next "big new tech thing" in Windows for every version, just for them to always inevitably reverse course after it flops as they repeat it again
Being interested in CRT TVs, that's intresting to know
I'm going to start making my fries from potatoes that I will grow inside, although part of that is also just to save money on groceries
Did you become religious again or just a less annoying atheist?
For those of us in the US (yes I know this is world - sorry) we can only hope the brain worm dead bear boy doesn’t gut the FDA as badly as he promises, or companies are going to start adding all sorts of fun stuff to our food.
Educate yourself and your friends about “the poison squad”, fascinating story of the kinds of crazy shit they used to put in food. Copper sulfate in canned peas and such.
Oh, Jesus. I'm autistic and rely on safe foods, I can't wait for them to start killing me now
Another NoStupidQuestion, what are trans and saturated fats anyway?
Depends on which is closer. Also, only South Florida is truly tropical
I play the Dreamcast version of SA
I'll probably get another kind of tech related remote job. More likely I'll just start to hate video games rather than actually enjoy work anyway