[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 55 points 1 year ago

Right? "Go outside!" AND THEN DO WHAT, MOTHERFUCKER? Just be depressed outside??

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 39 points 1 year ago

Old Reddit is Reddit. If they get rid of it, I'm sure as fuck not sticking around for this new site. It looks like Bing and Youtube had a deformed little monster-child.

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 31 points 1 year ago

What's the metric unit for depression?

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 51 points 1 year ago

I'm 6'5". I'd love to hear your suggestions for what I should do with my legs when you recline your seat. Do you think I can just take them off? Am I supposed to sit sideways with my legs in the lap of the person next to me? Am I supposed to do Yoga for a year before I get on a plane, so I can spread my knees out 180 degrees from each other and you can lay your head on my dick?

I'm not "slamming my knees into the back of your seat". They simply exist where you're trying to be, and the fundamental properties of matter are causing them to collide. You can be as pissed about your comfort as you want to be, but it's not going to change my knees into ethereal ghost knees so your seat can lean back.

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 38 points 1 year ago

I've played through Fallout 1 and 2 dozens of times.

I have yet to finish Fallout 4 or Fallout: New Vegas.

The sea change from "actual RPGs" to "shooters with occasional minor choices to make" enrages me.

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 33 points 1 year ago

Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far.

Can't speak to Muslim culture, but European culture way back in the day didn't want women riding horses because of sex.

There are a lot of branches on that tree, but the biggest one is that since horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen (hymen science has progressed quite a bit since I last looked into it, so I don't know if that's actually a thing), it was the same thing as having sex for women. They believed that women got sexual pleasure from it (which, I guess, was a bad thing), that they'd start craving horses as lovers instead of humans, and all sorts of weird shit that only twisted, perpetually horny dudes would think of.

So the sidesaddle was invented. It allowed women to ride horses while, literally and figuratively, keeping their legs closed.

Unfortunately, riding sidesaddle is a massive pain in the ass, so that fad didn't last long. Maybe about fifty years or so of general popularity (because, obviously, you can still get a sidesaddle and learn to ride in it today, if you want, for whatever reason) over the course of all horse-domestication history.

Of course, like so many things from European history, this primarily applied to rich/noble people. The poor didn't have the luxury of giving a fuck about most of it.

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 28 points 1 year ago

Jesus, is this what we're doing with Lemmy? Posting memes older than my kids?

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 31 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

a fucking chat on fucking reddit are you kidding me what?

RIGHT? AND, AND! It's a chat where you can't get rid of the bright flaming red notification until you make the neigh-irreversible decision to either shun a person forever or reply to them.

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 35 points 1 year ago

Yes, motherfuckers, I do demand that all of my morals and beliefs be as close to 100% internally consistent as possible, and yes, I actually believe them all the time. Who are these assholes saying hypocrisy and amoral selfishness are fucking good things?

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 98 points 1 year ago

Let 'em.

interestingasfuck has been unmoderated and closed for weeks now. Other subs are going to get the same treatment, and going dark is worse than going NSFW. The most effective form of protest any sub can engage in at this point is forcing Reddit to fire and fail to replace them.

I guess people just don't want to moderate anymore.


Hey, just wanted to mention this thing I noticed. So I blocked a user after a few rounds in a thread, but when they responded to me, I still got the notification and could still see the first line of their post from that screen. But the entire comment thread, including my own replies, was invisible from the article page until I unblocked him.

Right now, it seems like the "block" function doesn't keep people from talking trash directly to me, it just keeps me from responding to them or seeing any part of the thread from anyone under their highest post.

That really kind of takes all the teeth out of the "block, don't defederate" argument, but I'm also sure it's just some kind of bug.


A friend asked me earlier tonight if I had "processed" some stuff that happened to me a while back, and I jokingly told her "My philosophy on emotional processing is: I ain't got time to bleed."

Several hours later, which is just now, I thought about it again and I realized that was way too accurate. Mentally and emotionally, I'm living my entire life as if I was being stalked by the Predator.

I went through so much shit for fifteen straight years, where I was always running or hiding or fighting or outwitting dangerous people (my ex), financial disasters, and housing catastrophes, with a horde of other issues of varying sizes flowing in to fill up all the gaps. I've been out of that life for almost five years now, and the serious crises have slowed down to what I suppose is a more normal pace of about one or two a year (instead of before, when I was squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath every time I walked in my front door, preparing to find out what emergency was waiting for me).

Even though I'm not constantly running or hiding from a Predator now, I'm still... there. I'm still in that jungle. It's not that he's gone, it's that I don't know where he is or how much time I have before he finds me. I'm spending all my emotional energy on carving wooden stakes and digging tiger pits and preparing for the fight that, in my heart of hearts, I know is coming.

Of course, life is life, and sometimes shit just hits the fan, and I'm always glad for my tiger pits when it does, so my brain doesn't really see this as a problem. "Yeah, it's exhausting, but aren't you glad you had the deep-deep-super-emergency savings account when X happened? Aren't you glad knew and had practiced three alternative routes to get to that client's office when the highway flooded? Aren't you glad you left for that meeting an hour and a half early? Aren't you glad.... aren't you glad... aren't you glad?"

And yeah, I kind of am. I'm generally in an ok position for the one-in-a-hundred or one-in-a-thousand bad random event to happen. So what if I'm spending an equal amount of money and time and worry on the other 999 things that don't happen? Even though I'm kind of disturbed by this realization right now, I'm still having a hard time convincing myself that this is a problem. It's not normal, obviously, but is it really so bad? Especially since sometimes my friends get into some shit and I can say "Hey, here's five bundles of field-made leg-spike-traps to help you out with that Predator that's on your ass. Don't worry, I have ten more in my hidden stash, and thirty more in my extra-hidden stash, I'll be fine."

So no, I ain't got time to bleed. I have to rig up these snare traps and swinging-log-traps for a monster I've seen neither hide nor hair of in five years. If I stop to think about what I've been through, much less take the time to cry about it, it might catch me unawares. I'm still not prepared enough.

But when I ask my brain, "When will I be prepared enough?", my brain replies: "Shut up, it'll hear you. Whittle another spear."

[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 150 points 1 year ago

All Reddit had to do was STFU and wait for a month or two. Lack of any reaction or results is probably the most demotivating thing in all human experience. Go forward with the plan, say nothing, give no interviews, send no messages, do nothing to the mods or the subreddits, and within just a couple weeks, the users would get bored and force the place to return to normal. Either through pressuring their mods or just starting new subreddits with the same theme as the closed ones. The effect on the front page and the common lurker would be minimal and transient.

Instead, Spez has to go around slinging shit from his diaper at literally every opportunity, taking more and more extreme actions, hiding behind a fake mod name, saying super salty things to everyone, etc. He's basically the only person continuing to add fuel to this dumpster fire. It's literally just him. If he got sick or hit by a bus or something and had to shut up for even just a week while he was recovering, Reddit would lose interest in the whole thing, because without a visible enemy to fight, the users would turn their frustrations on each other. But he's clearly suffering from some deep psychic wound that keeps him from being able to shut his pie hole.

D&D Rule (media.kbin.social)
submitted 1 year ago by VoxAdActa@kbin.social to c/196@lemmy.world
[-] VoxAdActa@kbin.social 29 points 1 year ago

At this point, he needs "stfu training".

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