Is there some sort of joke here that I'm not getting?
I built better tree forts when I was 12.
Is there some sort of joke here that I'm not getting?
I built better tree forts when I was 12.
Then free speech also means banning, or at least strictly limiting, corporate political contributions.
This anti-distortion rationale for government speech regulation used to be central to the First Amendment, especially in campaign-finance cases, until the Supreme Court rejected it when striking down corporate campaign-contribution limits in Citizens United v. FEC.
But of course that counts for nothing, since the Supreme Court is a wholly owned tool of the plutocratic oligarchy.
I don't have the foggiest idea.
And really, if I did have a good idea, I wouldn't post it publicly anyway. That'd just be tipping my hand to the astroturfers.
If you ever want to grow a bit of integrity, ask yourself why you're avoiding what I said and focusing on the fact that I said it.