[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 113 points 6 months ago

To be fair I am also concerned about children's safety in Alabama, for a multitude of reasons and non has to to with transgender people.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 171 points 6 months ago

The NBC article is not telling you this:

Klarna brags to businesses that offering their app will increase the average store order by 45%. That means that the average shopper is spending 45% more—for things they can’t afford—all because they don’t have to pay for it all at once. That’s messed up!

Source: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/debt/klarna

It is NOT about people who can't afford food, it is about psychologically manipulating you into overspending and it works on so many people that the handful who it doesen't work on are just the tiny exception.

And that in a world that can only survive if we consume less.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 93 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

When I was taught about the 'wage-price spiral' at school, I asked the teacher why it wasn't called the 'price-wage spiral', because at home my parents only ever talked about the need for higher wages when prices went up, and the teacher said: "Because your books about it weren't written by the unions, but by industry."

“Some combination of moderation in pay pressures and firms’ margins will be required for services inflation to return to more normal rates,” she said.

Let's only talk about the wages and not the margins, right? And of course do not at all talk about big business and extremely rich people not paying taxes on the money their workers have made while not getting paid properly.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 77 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

tl;dr: Wir haben nie damit aufgehört.

Der Versuch Gefängnisse zu privatisieren wurde vorerst abgesagt, weil es sich nur lohnt wenn man, wie in den USA, auf Menschenrechte verzichten kann und das ging bei uns (noch) nicht so weit.

Altenheime, Krankenhäuser werden seit Jahren privatisiert. Immer mehr private Kinderbetreuung von privaten Kindergärten über Tagesmütter bis hin zu Privatschulen seit Jahren.

Privatisierung von Friedhöfen ist ein Ding, spricht halt keiner drüber.

Hier in der Gegend hat eine Stadt das Gebäude des Altenheimes verkauft und dann gemietet. Jetzt wurde dem Altenheim gekündigt, weil der Investor einen zahlungsfähigeren Mieter gefunden hat, Pech für die alten Leute.

Kanalnetz und Trinkwasser verkaufen? Aber klar doch: https://www.welt.de/regionales/nrw/article171329574/Wenn-die-Provinz-einfach-ihre-Kanalisation-verkauft.html

Alles was auch nur ein kleines bischen Profit verspricht wird verkauft, der Rest bleibt in staatlicher Hand und dann wird dort gekürzt weil die Kasse gewollt leer ist.

Das Geld das in diesem Falle gewonnen wird geht garantiert nicht in die Jugendförderung sondern in die "Wirtschaftsförderung" aka Klientelpolitik der FDP.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 139 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If someone is lost as I was:

Spoilerdeer protect their young from predators, the young deer are in the center of the circle where the predator can't get to
a group of army ants, separated from the main foraging party, lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle. This circle is commonly known as a "death spiral" because the ants might eventually die of exhaustion

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 168 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Not so funny when it actually happens to you:

Because of really bad experiences with alcoholics as a child, I am afraid of people who drink. My psychologist and my doctor wrote that down.

When I became seriously ill and could no longer work in my old job, I had to retrain. To do this, you have to go to the German employment office and get an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, including what your doctor and therapist have to say.

They read the paper from my doctor and my psychologist, but just skimmed over the words and decided that because the word "alcoholic" was there, I must be the alcoholic. They told me that I could get paid retraining and benefits, but only if I attended a therapy group for alcoholics once a week - me, who is afraid of alcoholics because of the abuse I suffered as a child. .... I immediately started crying and swore that I had no problem with alcohol, only with alcoholics!

It took 6 months to get someone at the job centre to actually read the papers word for word to find out that me saying "I'm not an alcoholic" was not me being an alcoholic in denial. I got a half-assed apology and my retraining 6 months after I could have started it because of this. Not to mention that every time I refused to go to AA meetings they threatened to take away my benefits and I was in such a bad mental state that I probably would have killed myself without the help of my family. Oh, and my family who tried to intervene were labelled as co-alcoholics, holding me back.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 142 points 11 months ago

The more control over your privacy the better.

I was once (long ago) sick on Monday and my employer called me and told me that I should be able to come to work when I was able to play World of Warcraft on Sunday, because he looked my character up in the armory and saw me getting a boss kill or something.

I was sick, because I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday morning....

People can get in all kinds of trouble because of their gaming habits. A game critical of religion or religious, a game about sexuality and/or gender, a political game about dictatorship or capitalism or unionizing. A historical game about something your country doesn't want you to know or a game that mentions Tian'anmen and Winnie-Puh. A game from a Russian developer that fled Russia when the war against Ukraine started and you are a gamer in Russia who wants to play it.

Good if Steam allows more control over our privacy, it took them long enough.

submitted 1 year ago by Wirrvogel@feddit.de to c/musik@feddit.de
[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 116 points 1 year ago

They should not be allowed in cities at all because they encourage irresponsible driving and when they hit a pedestrian or cyclist, the injuries are more deadly. Make people with these cars stop at the city border and use public transport.

SUVs are a paradox: while many people buy them to feel safer, they are statistically less safe than regular cars, both for those inside and those outside the vehicle. A person is 11% more likely to die in a crash inside an SUV than a regular saloon. Studies show they lull drivers into a false sense of security, encouraging them to take greater risks. Their height makes them twice as likely to roll in crashes and twice as likely to kill pedestrians by inflicting greater upper body and head injuries, as opposed to lower limb injuries people have a greater chance of surviving.

I want to add that they also have greater blind spots. I got run over by an SUV driving out of a parking space, because the driver said she didn't see me. I am an old, fat woman with a walking aid with four wheels and had multiple colorful bags from shopping with me and was wearing a white, big summer hat. She would have overlooked an elephant, because her car is as huge as a tank. My walking aid saved me and I only had minor injuries, a kid would have died.

submitted 1 year ago by Wirrvogel@feddit.de to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 103 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I find it important to make clear it was a hate crime, but Lauri Carleton was NOT killed "over a rainbow flag outside her clothing store".

No one gets killed because of a rainbow flag. You get killed because an asshole who wants to rather die than adapt to the world changing wants to spread fear with his last action and needs desperately to find a "reason". Let's not pretend he had a reason any other than being a coward.

My heart goes out to her family, friends and the community impacted.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 80 points 1 year ago

I mean what do we expect, these men had problems before war and now they have these problems plus a war trauma and now that Wagner might not have the money to keep all of them, they are on the streets with no job and not much money and probably no help for the trauma.

There will be a huge amount of men that weren't in prison that come home with a war trauma and/or severe injuries and not much help, which then creates gererational trauma in their families. That's why wars do not just end, but live long inside a country after the actual war has stopped. It is worse if you fight in a war that is seen by most people as an attack and a crime, it can make the trauma more severe.

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 96 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Freu dich nicht zu früh. Als (einfaches) Mitglied der Grünen kämpfe ich gegen die Heilpraktikerei schon seit Jahren und jedes Mal wenn man denkt jetzt haben sie es kapiert, kommt wieder eine Gruppe nach vorne die Heilpraktiker ganz toll findet und die Diskussionen fangen von vorne an. Wenn da Nägel mit Köpfen gemacht würden, würde ich mich sehr freuen, aber mir fehlt der Glaube, speziell wenn es um die Grünen in Baden-Württemberg geht, dem Ländle des Schwurblertums und der Esotherik und der Heilpraktiker/Homöopathie. Aaaaaaah!

[-] Wirrvogel@feddit.de 76 points 1 year ago

Die Zivilkammer betonte, es gebe kein Recht für Gegner von Gendersprache, "in Ruhe gelassen zu werden".

Der Satz ist Gold.

submitted 1 year ago by Wirrvogel@feddit.de to c/fahrrad@feddit.de

Liebes Schwarmwissen,

unser Hausgemeinschaft hat heute beschlossen, dass wir die wild im Hof herumstehenden Räder satt haben, die vor allem den Wäscheplatz vollstellen, weil man nur dort die Räder bisher an etwas anketten kann.

Ausserdem wollen wir die zwei Rollatoren aus dem Flur haben, die zudem bisher von den Besitzer:innen immer einige Treppen hochgewuchtet werden müssen zu einer Ecke wo es dann nicht so eng ist.

Als Lösung sollen 6 abschliessbare Fahradboxen her in die wahlweise Fahrräder/e-Bikes oder eben die Rollatoren eingeschlossen werden können. Dabei sollte eine Box auch ein e-Lastenfahrrad aufnehmen können. Ein Rad hat einen Kindersitz montiert und hat daher etwas mehr Raumbedarf nach oben. Die Boxen sollen sicher genug sein um von der Hausratsversicherung akzeptierbar zu sein im Falle eines Aufbruchs und Diebstahles.

Ich soll Vorschläge für solche Boxen machen, habe aber selber keine Erfahrung damit worauf man eventuell achten müsste.

Da einige der unterzustellenden Räder e-Bikes sein werden, steht auch im Raum die Boxen mit Stromanschluss zu versehen, dies wird aber erst nachgelagert erfogen im Zuge des Garagenumbaus wo Anschlüsse für Elektroautos vorgesehen sind.

Der Platz für die Boxen liegt im Halbschatten, so dass zu starke Aufheizung kein Problem sein dürfte. Dank eines Baumes gibt es aber viele Blätter die auf die Boxen fallen werden oder dazwischen/darunter und die Reinigung sollte nicht zu aufwendig sein. Die Boxen sollten nicht zu dicht sein, da es wegen des Schattens sonst eventuell leicht mufft wenn sie nach Regen nur langsam oder nicht trocknen?

Ich bin über jeden Hinweis dankbar da ich noch nie in meinem Leben so eine Box genutzt und bewusst auch noch keine IRL gesehen habe, ausser auf Bildern im Netz.

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