Droughts in Europe (edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu)
submitted 2 months ago by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.world

A nice overview if drought areas in Europe.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I am quite relaxed: 35 bucks for a lifetime update of an App is still quite cheap and I spent more for worse 😅

That they allegedly sold 1.000+ licenses without communicating their downfall is what lead me to involve Apple Support for a complaint.

Bean is toast (wearecocoon.co.uk)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/bean@lemmy.world

Now that http://wearecocoon.co.uk is officially out of business (subpages are still working) did anybody try to get a refund in the App Store?


I just opened a fraud case with Apple support: http://reportaproblem.apple.com/

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 6 points 5 months ago

I'm 100 % with you on that. Health comes above all else.

But his mate, who is also running the business, could just leave a message of absence or so. With the pre-course this would honestly be enough - at least for me.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/bean@lemmy.world

Hey Steve,

its been a while since your last occurrence, when you and your buddy re-assured your commitment and explained some time of absence: fine with the most of us. But since then: silence.

Some of your early customers already moved on and wrote off their invest.

Could you please step the game up a little and start managing your community and maybe our expectations? For example you could share a rough roadmap, just so we know, that you are still on it and your community issues were heard? Or take half an hour once a week, biweekly or monthly to communicate your progress and what you are up to?

Best wishes a early stage customer that already resorts to other clients

submitted 6 months ago by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.world

Just for the sake of communication and keeping this sub relevant: how are you situated (rural/city/flat/house) and what are your skills and preps to e.g. deal with harsh weather, a short-term cut off of energy and heating or cold and ugly weather on the trail with your BOB.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.world

With black week and some headlessness I bought my second Sawyer Mini on eBay. I hoped for a sellout, but when I received shipping information from China and was not able to cancel the order, I already knew whats going down 😂.

Anyhow, I received a cheeky counterfeit and am now talking to Sawyer and eBay. I'm not worried about the money, it is more like these filters can be life threatening and should be pulled from market.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

I suppose only US buyers can be gutted that way

submitted 8 months ago by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.world
[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Ein befreundeter HNO aus einer Universitätsklinik fragt gleich wie Du versichert bist 😀

Du könntest in die Fallzahlen der Qualitätsberichte schauen um rauszufinden welche Klinik mehr dieser Fälle operiert hat. Klinikradar arbeitet die Zahlen durchsuchbar auf.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 38 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Irgendwo habe ich heute gelesen dass Ihre Familie mit der Niederlage Nazideutschlands wohl viel Land (was denen sowieso nicht gehörte) aufgeben musste. Da sind die noch vergratzt…

Und was die AfD angeht. Die radikalisieren sich zunehmend, zeigen Ihr wahres Gesicht (Wahlplakate mit SS Slogans, … misogyne und frei fremdenfeindliche Wahlprogramme).. Ich hoffe dass die zeitnah die Quittung bekommen.

Edit: "Wie viele AfD-Funktionäre stammt Weidel aus einer Familie von Vertriebenen. Wie den Höckes oder Storchs gelang es auch den Weidels offenbar nie, sich von der Erinnerung an das erlittene Unrecht zu lösen. Sie konservierten die Erinnerung an die Mühe der Familie, sich nach dem Krieg eine neue Existenz aufzubauen."

https://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/alice-weidel-die-afd-spitzenkandidatin-erstaunt-fruehere-weggefaehrten-a-1167859.html )

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

Wir sind doch alle überrascht, dass er ein Wort wie Ursache kennt und wenig verwundert, dass er es nicht richtig begreift.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

They lack of shiny tools, funding and support… so what do we have to expect? I fear: nothing big.

They might be eradicated or integrated before my pop corn is finished.

[Bug] Flair tagging (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/bean@lemmy.world


I just saw that tags containing a slash are not recognized as flair tag ( https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/2118160 )

[does not/work]

This seems to break the parser, but I cannot imagine how.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Cloudflare says the ssl handshake for

do not work.


Works now.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/bean@lemmy.world

Hi folks,

did you uncheck, that your AppStore builds should be available on macOS?

Back in the early days, I installed an test flight build (1.0.1) on my mac. Now I wanted to check back and see, if there is any of improvements in regards to macOS.

I can't find bean in the macOS AppStore (with the iOS/iPadOS filter) 😞, so I suppose you deactivated it on purpose?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/bean@lemmy.world


I simulated to buy the pro version in TestFlight. When I installed the AppStore version my pro status was not reset properly.

Edit: This is how I found out, not part if the problem:

I recognized this, when I installed the App on the iPad and tried to restore the subscription: there was none.

submitted 11 months ago by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/preppers@lemmy.world
[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

Feels good do be human again? If I were a lemmy dev I would add captchas to that checkbox.

submitted 11 months ago by a887dcd7a@lemmy.world to c/prepper@lemm.ee


With all these fires going around and the potential of house fires a quick question about gas masks.

Is the RD40 40mm thread EN-148-1 the same as the STANAG 4155 Nato thread?

Would a draeger rd 40 filter fit a MP5 Gas mask ? Or a military nbc filter fit a draeger x-plore-6300?

Edit: Just want to know if the civilian and mil spec threading is identical.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

„The three likely started camping in July 2022 and died sometime over the winter.“

„I wonder if winter came on quickly and suddenly they were just in survival mode in the tent,” Barnes said. “They had a lot of literature with them about outdoor survival and foraging and stuff like that. But it looked like they supplied at a grocery store.”“

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 7 points 11 months ago

Is it known why they wanted to be „off the grid“ in a freaking tent in the first place?

I mean the adults are tributes to Darwin, but taking the son not knowing what they are doing is criminal.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Mastodon is a twitter-alike software that can be deployed on different servers. So everybody who wants to, and has a shiny domain, can run said software…

Lemmy is a reddit-alike software that can be deployed on different servers. So everybody who wants to, and has a shiny domain, can run said software…

Often they choose subdomains like lemmy.example.com and mastodon.example.com . However, lemmy and mastodon share a same communications protocol. Thats why they are in parts compatible…

You can basically be on your mastodon server and then some lemmy content shows up.

The operator of mastodon.world choose to share a lemmy installation via lemmy.world.

[-] a887dcd7a@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

Someone linked this lemmy-explorer https://lemmyverse.net

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