[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 82 points 3 months ago

True. It is plausible. At the same time I have to think that if the human race hasn't evolved to factor cooperation in tribes in most cases, we wouldn't be here discussing this.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 87 points 4 months ago

🐟 —"ambulancia"

🦣 — "ambulance"


[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 73 points 4 months ago

Timer based interrupts are the foundation of pre-emptive multitasking operating systems.

You set up a timer to run every N milliseconds and generate an interrupt. The interrupt handler, the scheduler, decides what process will run during the next time slice (the time between these interrupts), and handles the task of saving the current process' state and restoring the next process' state.

To do that it saves all the CPU registers (incl stack pointer, instruction pointer, etc), updates the state of the process (runnable, running, blocked), and restores the registers for the next process, changes it's state to running, then exits and the CPU resumes where the next process left off last time it was in a running state.

While it does that switcheroo, it can add how long the previous process was running.

The other thing that can cause a process to change state is when it asks for a resource that will take a while to access. Like waiting for keyboard input. Or reading from the disk. Or waiting for a tcp connection. Long and short of it is the kernel puts the process in a blocked state and waits for the appropriate I/O interrupt to put the process in a runnable state.

Or something along those lines. It's been ages since I took an OS class and maybe I don't have the details perfect but hopefully that gives you the gist of it.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 75 points 5 months ago

If only the US lacked the corruption...

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 82 points 7 months ago

Speaking as someone who was overly sheltered... All of this is plausible.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 81 points 7 months ago

The GOP leadership consists of extremely manipulative sociopaths; they will say literally anything to benefit themselves or hurt others. They will weaponize anything with no shame and no hesitation. Everything they do is in bad faith.

Equality? They understand it but don't want it. Equality and fairness is the opposite of what they aspire to. They view themselves as better and therefore rules should benefit them and hurt others, to paraphrase the well known quote.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 79 points 7 months ago

That was Internet Explorer 20 years ago and look where we are now.

I personally can't remember the last time I had issues with a site on Firefox in the last few years since I switched.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 71 points 7 months ago

🙄 No it would be like Ford owning gas stations and pumping faster for Ford vehicles than Chevy.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 90 points 7 months ago

Watching a movie about WWII "I wonder who won??"

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 72 points 8 months ago

bored ape conference

Monumentally stupid.


[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 80 points 8 months ago

Dude is a right wing psychochristian

David Barton has built an entire career out of misusing, misrepresenting, and outright falsifying history, the Bible, and current events and doing so to promote his Christian nationalist political agenda. He has been highly influential not only within Republican politics, where he has many fans among current and former GOP legislators, but also internationally. On top of that, Barton’s Christian nationalist pseudo-history is shaping both Christian and secular educational institutions across the country.

[-] agent_flounder@lemmy.world 89 points 9 months ago

Miller couldn't comment specifically on Cure's death but said he has represented dozens of people convicted of crimes who were later exonerated.

"Even when they're free, they always struggled with the concern, the fear that they'll be convicted and incarcerated again for something they didn't do," he said.

Totally understandable. I would imagine that's kind of traumatic.

(He was incarcerated in FL and killed in GA btw)

Assuming this wasn't execution...

Cops are taught Killilogy. I gather they're trained to protect their own life at all costs and that the public is out to kill them. Also deep seated racism^1 means they fear black men more. So they shoot at the drop of a hat (or for no reason at all).

We really need to disarm the goddamn cops if they can't be trained to de-escalate and control a situation without murdering civilians all the time.

  1. Did you know that early 1900s crime "statistics" were heavily biased against black people? These "statistics" established a bullshit racist narrative that black people are more prone to commit crime, which persists to this day, influencing government policies, more than a century later? (Source: The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime and the Making of Modern Urban America by Khalil Gibran Muhammad)
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