submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Based on this, I might have more specific follow-up questions. Please be kind with me as this program just started, and we are all really just trying to create friend groups as efficiently as possible and have good intentions, before everyone gets set in their ways so to speak. Thank you!

EDIT: One of the guys (Bob) suggested that we create a group text (aka chat). So I made one, including 5 of my guy friends but excluding 2 girls that I was closer to before and want to now distance from (obviously didn't state this explicitly as we have to be "PC", but the context is she kept spamming/complaining in our girls' chat, is very phony, and once lied to me after this chat was formed, which they know nothing about as she puts on a facade for them). Bob and one of the other guys (Ed), are friends with one of the girls (Ann), so they were unhappy but ultimately went along with it. Then 2 other guys got added to the chat. After a week or so, 2 of my closest guy friends in this chat (one of which I'm starting to develop feelings for) asked me about those girls I used to hang out with and that we should add more girls to our chat. I said there's no drama; I just spent more time with them in the past before I had a chance to branch out and meet new people which I always like to do. I'm unsure if they feel this way specifically because of Bob/Ed wanting Ann to join, or since nearly all of the single guys were competing for my attention at some point and giving me somewhat romantic signals. I'm generally friendly so guys sometimes can't tell if I like them romantically or am just being "nice". I've been cautious about liking the guys' messages and haven't even really done so but I do actively respond when they initiate topics. We left it at: we'll brainstorm which girls to add. This was before I started liking him, so he said he wanted to add a girl that he thinks he likes but not yet. He didn't update back, possibly as we've recently started seeing each other differently as well.

Recently, I got pulled into a get-together with Bob/Ed where they didn't tell me who was coming so I basically went in blindly, and Ann was behaving like the host. A few other guys from our group were there but not my closest friends, weirdly enough. It was very uncomfortable, and I had to act like it was fine. To make things weirder, Bob made a group text with only those who attended this event, asking everyone to text when they got home (we drank a lot but I think this was a silly excuse to form a new group chat where she's the center of attention). I was unhappy and don't know if I should confide in the guy I like about all of this. Idk how much he knows, or how close he really is to these other guys. A lot of politics. Then, someone who's good friends with the one I like asked in the chat to meet today, and we 3 all went, along with Ed and a guy who was at the weird event. I feel like Ed and that guy are always colluding to bring Ann in, disregarding how I feel and my preferences - even if they don't know the actual reasons.

Wasn't it inappropriate for them to basically play me like that and not just tell me upfront about Ann? And create a stupid group text, which she has continued to blow up? Should I talk to the guy I like about all of this, or I'm afraid he'll think it's too much drama? Should I explain about her complaints/lies, or just be PC and ignore the new chat? Shouldn't they respect my preferences instead of pressuring me to add a girl because what is so wrong with enjoying a chat with the bros (even if one isn't seen as platonic now)? Or should I just add a different girl I like better, even if it risks getting awkward (e.g. she judges me for talking to so many guys or they don't gel)? Or should I disengage from this group and be polite from a distance? I don't know how to salvage this. I want to be friends and stay professional overall, while tapping into potential with the guy I like, but I don't know if it's time for me to just distance myself. He also hasn't really initiated private texts with me nor asked me to spend time one on one, and I fear the group text prevents this. Please help me out, all!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Please be kind with me! I always mean well and have good intentions. I'm just in a position where I've started a new career role (overwhelming in and of itself), while also trying to see what unfolds when it comes to relationships (I'm at an age where there's more pressure). Any help/advice is appreciated!

My guy friend (Bob) and I got a bit too friendly at a nightclub. It wasn't like anything drastic happened, however we did hug several times flirtatiously which he mostly initiated. I might've initiated the very first one but it was pretty mutual. I didn't know how to deflect his multiple hugs especially in front of our peers where we usually have to be so PC and professional. Somehow, we started chatting after leaving the club, and I'm not sure how the topic came up but it was likely when he stated that I looked uncomfortable. I mentioned I just wasn't expecting us to get so physically close in a short period of time, at a nightclub nonetheless, even if it was hugs. I explained I tend to be more conservative with intimacy and we also just started our professional roles.

Our chat got so awkward, and I found that he has manipulative tendencies. He has constantly given mixed signals, pretended not to remember basic details about me that we've talked about admitting that he likes to mess with people, got defensive stating he doesn't want to be friends as this will be weird, he wants to tell his best friend about all of this, drank a lot and said he drove so it seemed he wanted an excuse to hang out. The punchline was when he said he doesn't think we should date and then asked if he hurt my feelings as it apparently looked like I was going to cry. I was confused because nothing had even started between us, and I felt like he was being really presumptuous or wanted to upper hand. He wavered back and forth, said he liked being friends with me and the group we've formed with his best friend collectively, apologized a few times for potentially leading me on. After all of this, he also told me he had been wanting to kiss me, clearly wanting to drag out the one on one time so late at night. Ultimately, we agreed there's mutual attraction but not enough or proper that we should act on it. We agreed one of us has to be the stronger one and I walked away first.

The big problem now is his best friend. I caught some type of feelings for him right before all of this happened and was actually hoping to see him. I made sure that Bob knows how much I value my friendship with his friend, with himself, and us as a group. He said he won't tell him details like the hugs but he does want to bring up the awkward gray area moment. My stomach is unsettled because I believe Bob planned this all along, as soon as I had a great deep talk with his friend with him in earshot earlier that same day. I think he got jealous and may ruin my connection with his friend. He even said he thought I'd make a nice couple with his friend. I asked if we should just all 3 sit together after a meeting we're attending tomorrow, and he deflected it. I get that he'd want to have real talk with his friend, and I told him point blank I'm not trying to meddle, but I now feel like I really need to do something from my side.

Should I tell his friend when I see him in person today (Bob won't be there)? If so, what do I even say and I should text Bob a heads-up right? Or give Bob more time to tell his friend since he's busy this weekend? Stepping back, is there anything to even tell Bob's friend? Because of the hugs or mainly that it became a gray area between friendship and romance? How can I deflect hugs without making guys feel rejected, especially when others are watching and we need to be very professional in this group? Is Bob someone I should stay away from and what could I have done better? Any other advice or thoughts are welcome. Thank you!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

I have a number of Google Photos accounts that I believe I had backed up my iPhone to over the years. However, I hadn't deleted the backed up photos from my iPhone each time, so there are many duplicates across the multiple Google Photos accounts.

Can you please help me identify the most efficient way to remove these duplicate photos that are taking up so much space? I tried to compare two accounts at a time manually but this method is extremely time-consuming, and it would really help a lot to learn a more efficient way. I know how to move photos from one account to another, but the issue is one of the two accounts containing duplicate photos is at full capacity and the other is almost full. Even if they had free space though, would the duplicates show up side by side in the account they're moved to? Because if not, it'll be hard to tell if each photo was in fact a duplicate and therefore no photos were lost somehow in the transfer process, unless I again manually check at a detailed level. Maybe I can eyeball it and send the duplicate photos to a third account with more free space, delete the same photos from both originating accounts, and then send this batch of photos back from the third account to one of the originating accounts?

This has been bothering me for a long time and I would like to do all that I can to avoid buying Google storage over and over. Thank you!

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 5 points 4 months ago

Red flag parade lol! But yes very true, I think poor guy knows it too and is really trying to turn it around. I literally told him I'm not sure if it's my trust issues or he's a walking red flag, and he took it very well. That's also why I'm attracted I think, he is so sweet after all he's been through. But reading everyone's warnings was a wake-up call and made me feel bad and questioning myself for feeling attracted to him. Thank you so much

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Please read post for full context and be kind with me. Any help/input will be appreciated!

We met on a dating app several months ago during a hectic time for me but I wanted to ease back into dating after a bad break-up. Witty banter right away with us via text. He was a breath of fresh air, direct and candid especially when it came to the most dark and traumatic topics. Something about the way he texted me made him stand out and made me feel something. However, I had qualms because as much as I find a "bad boy" thrilling, I can't say he's my go-to type. He has been through more than anyone should in an entire lifetime: divorce and drug addictions run in the family, absent biological dad and malicious step-dad, grieving many losses, PTSD, and he himself was an alcoholic who tried various hard drugs for some time (he says no longer the case). He had to care for his siblings and be the bread winner early on. It's not that I ever want to be judgmental or prejudiced, but I can't help feeling at least somewhat anxious and afraid of making another dating mistake, this time with a man who's already endured such complex pain. I am not sure if we are trauma-bonding, but I'm so scared if it is, as we've also already talked about my own parents' dynamic (not the "normal" happy relationship either) and losing friends who couldn't see the light.

With all this darkness, why do I feel so attracted? It's how he has dealt with all of the setbacks, and the way he's said things on his own accord that heal the most painful parts of my prior relationship with a narcissist. How he cared for his family, looked for his father, got past addiction. He consistently tells me the sweetest things and has already started calling me loving names whereas my ex refused to even months after becoming official, already asking me my birthday and wanting to make it special whereas my ex ignored me completely the day of my bday causing the breakup. He remembers the little things and is proactive with the big things - we've talked about our long distance, religion, politics, kids, hypothetical trips/travel. I've been love-bombed before, gaslighted, tricked, mocked, neglected. But I do not think he is love-bombing or desperate. He does double-text often and reply immediately each time, but does that necessarily label him "clingy" or that he just simply likes me? In the past, I wished my ex did that more.

I'm also drawn to his maturity. I wasn't ready for his all-in mentality when we first met, so I actually had to step back, and he was sad but respectful of my decision. I had no idea but he recently told me it took him weeks to get over me, but that he never completely did. He sent a one-word text a month ago before moving to another state hoping to update me or even maybe meet for the first time in person. I was overwhelmed by everything on my plate and recently responded; now we're texting nonstop and having calls for hours, letting it unfold naturally. He's already told me he's going exclusive with me and was sweet about me pulling away the first time. He said long distance may actually benefit us (I don't think he means opportunity to cheat, but more so because I'm also moving within my current state and will need to be extremely busy which he seems okay with) and that I'm the only person he would move back for. We've openly discussed my trust issues and his fear around marriage but that he truly wants to settle down/have kids. We're in the process of seeing when we can at least meet in person soon.

So taking all this in, I have questions for you all. Does he seem genuine in what he says and his intentions? Does he need too much self-work before entering a relationship? Is his past alarming or any red flags relating to his experiences? Are we trauma-bonding or am I overthinking/letting my own insecurities get in the way? How can we make long distance work when it's starting off this way and even if he moves, I'm apprehensive about balancing everything with my intense new career role? During long distance, I won't have much time to spare for visits until next year (but can meet up this summer) so should we keep it an open relationship or no label, even though that could bother me as I'd prefer exclusivity? Then again, we've both been searching for the right person and if not now, when? It may always feel like it's not a good time because it's always busy. Also, about trauma-bonding, aren't we all bonding over some sort of shared trauma or struggle in order to build a deeper connection

Edit: Do any of your answers change if his PTSD is from serving as a veteran, not family related abuse (as far as he knows)?

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I will say while the harassment wasn't in the sense of bossman asking for a quickie in his office - the harassment was clear with sexual undertone. For more context, we went on a work trip where it was supposed to be all 3 of us there overnight. Ann bailed (no surprise there), so I was forced to be there with Ned. I wanted to go to a cheaper hotel and made it clear I was content staying there myself while he went elsewhere, and Ned kept pressuring me to get this fancy hotel, same one as him. He rented this bright colored trendy car (not the norm for business trips) and said he thought it would look better/more impressive. I instantly thought "Who cares? We are here for work." It clearly wasn't for the client because he purposefully parked far away so they wouldn't see (suspicious in and of itself). He wanted me to go to dinner (with his friend, but still) and randomly claimed he forgot to pack the most essential things and wanted me to go to not one, but two, stores with him. I was so pissed when he kept pressuring me to order a more expensive dish to share and got upset when I didn't. We got back to the hotel around 10:30pm or even later. Constantly cracking dumb jokes trying to make me laugh. So yes I think the look in his eye wasn't innocent warmth and longing. I sat in that car and went with his shenanigans because it was a work trip. Some people might be ok with this shit. I'm not some people. As for dramatic, I'll take it over keeping silent over this misogynistic treatment that has no place in any community.

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 4 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I agree, thank you! That was the worst part of it all. I think it brought back some of my past trauma as well dealing with this other nasty mean pair ganging up on me. I was several years younger than that pair too. Some people just love to try exerting control when it isn't even about that. In this case, it was as if Ann kept trying to matchmake us and felt like I owed that to her, blatantly asking my age and stating that he is X years older, asking what my type is, blaming me for "creating distance" when I always take public transpo home and simply wanted to again - on a Saturday night at that. Do you think they might retaliate though, especially Ann? I don't know why I'm so afraid of that part

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I agree, thank you! I started doing that when he was harassing me about printing months ago. It was such a ridiculous question. He asked me where in the office the printers are. They are literally everywhere. And he has been there before. There is a huge map at the entrance. Also I was not even on the floor, nor am I Maintenance. I emailed back something like "I missed the text you had sent on the weekend. There are printers near each of the supplies areas on the floor."

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Thank you! How should I phrase it to be professional yet assertive? I admittedly sometimes sound "nice" when I'm trying to set boundaries but clearly that hasn't been working with him and he does not seem to respect me.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Please read post for full context; any help or input is appreciated! I disclosed sensitive info to a close female coworker (let's say Ann), who is best friends with the male coworker mentioned (Ned). I'm sure she told him, but then they both seemed to want me to still tell him directly. I did because I believe in doing the right thing, and Ann also was a huge help for something relating to my info, even though I strongly did not want this secret to spread. Ned kept it secret; however, I detest how he started feeling like he had the upper hand and could manipulate me like a puppet to do stupid intern shit for him like repeatedly printing files, including evenings and even attempted to reach me on the weekend by text. I ignored and replied from my work email the next Monday. I could see in his eyes that he had romantic thoughts about me which is largely what made all of this sickening. Ann also went behind my back to tell my private business to one of our other coworkers, who is extremely judgmental and tough on people, and even he did not exploit it - leading us to actually become much closer and respect each other.

What pissed me off the most was when Ned - and Ann - ganged up and tried coercing me into letting him drop me off at home on a Saturday night after I reluctantly made sacrifices in my schedule to meet with them two - choosing to ignore my multiple clear "NO" about the ride as I preferred public transportation. I was having a panic attack in his car while they just relentlessly and repeatedly egged me on, thinking they could break me. They finally let up after going back and forth, and I went home by public transpo.

Ned went to a different team so we didn't talk for months. I then updated everyone in a mass email about my leaving the overall group, and that's when he called. Again, he waited until evening - after work hours - to call me. I instantly feel disgusted as it took me back to that traumatic experience. Why can't he just get the hint and drop it? I did not reach out to him directly to update him, even though it is related to the original sensitive info, because I do not want to talk or encourage anything! I do not want to keep in touch with someone who completely disregarded my preferences and basically nearly kidnapped me. I have no interest in him platonically, romantically, or professionally. Should I call back, text, email from my soon-to-expire work address, email from my personal address, or ignore him? I'm afraid it'll still bug me if I ignore. I also want to be on good terms with Ann (she has some connections where I'm heading to and I fear she'll retaliate), even if she doesn't understand what went wrong and no one has apologized since that incident.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I would really appreciate any help! I connected with this guy on a dating app a few months ago and we started texting. It naturally paused while I was traveling during the holidays, and he said update him upon my return. However, I had to deal with a traumatic personal matter and needed time to decompress after the loss. I was still thinking of him though and knew I had to text him. A month later, I apologized and explained everything; he was thankfully understanding.

Eventually, it became several phone calls for 2-3 hours each time (I initiated the 1st one after he said let's plan a date and I was too drained to jump right into meeting in person). Talking was so natural and calls flew by. Then we soon met for our first date in person, and I know the order of events was perhaps already a disadvantageous road less traveled, but the date didn't go well. Leading up to the day of, he mentioned feeling nervous and kept asking if I was too, so I tried to make him feel more at ease. I recognize that the guy does not owe the gal paying for her on a date, as assumed by certain gender role stereotypes, but from my experience the majority have at least offered to cover a beverage and it is appreciated. He did not, and threw me off even more by taking my coffee (I ordered first and we ultimately had the same order), leaving me there awkwardly waiting for the next one to be made while he put his cream/sugar in. I felt that was strange and rude right off the bat, even with nerves.

When he mentioned the next spot he wanted to head to after that, we went but it was too crowded and I consider it to be one of my safe havens in general so I started feeling anxious about spending hours with him there especially after the coffee incident. I politely suggested a similar smaller, less crowded venue and he seemed offput, as if I was personally attacking his choice. We did go but he made remarks that alluded it fell short of his expectations. He was also quite different in person, behaving aloof and unfocused which he admitted is his usual demeanor, expressing how emo and dark he can be as well. This was right before Valentine's Day so I wasn't surprised when we did no contact until he texted 1.5 months later, apologizing for ghosting me and saying he wasn't mentally ready for dating and felt really lost. I haven't replied and it's been another month.

He seems a bit depressed and I genuinely want nothing but for him to be well. Part of me has wanted to reply but I fear him ignoring it for another month and this continuing to drag out (I take accountability for contributing to that), or worse - ghosting me completely. I don't see a romantic future with him at this point and want to handle this the right way. Should I reply or leave it be? If reply, how should I phrase it? Was the coffee thing just due to nerves? For 1st dates, thoughts on whether guys should pay and if it's okay for gal to counter with a different venue? Any other input/advice?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

I am no stranger to Excel and Tech in general, however this stumped me! This all occurred on the corporate laptop where we connect to the network remotely using a security token ID. Any help is extremely appreciated as I would hate to have to do hours of re-work. Adulting is hard.

I was working in an Excel spreadsheet, when suddenly the Excel application started glitching. Any updates to a given cell would not immediately reflect. I could only view the change after toggling to a different tab and returning to the tab with the updated cell. Instead of clicking the Save button, I clicked the Exit button on the Excel file as I know a pop-up would be triggered if changes were made since the most recent save. The file closed with no pop-ups, so I figured that was because I had already recently saved the file which I remember doing. I then rebooted the laptop, logged in again with new token as we do each time, expecting to see all my updates when re-opening the file. Especially because the time stamp of the file clearly indicated the moment right before the reboot. But the file had completely reverted to the original state! I even checked many other local folders including Downloads, Documents, Desktop. I checked the Recent Files panel within the Excel file but all versions were also in original state. I looked for the Auto-recovery panel but none was available.

I'm panicking as I'm really in a bind and time crunch. I considered consulting our IT team but they are usually so slow and would most likely be too late, if they can even recover the updated file. Is it possible to recover the updated file in general now? What was the issue in this series of events, and what would have been the best solution? Any other advice or insight to help me out? Thank you all!

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 4 points 5 months ago

Thank you so much for the thoughtful insight! It's funny in a not so funny way how growing up I was like of course I will eventually settle down, get married, and procreate. Probably meet a "one" by 22, 23 and marry a few years later. Yeah that sounds like a great plan. And then reality hit, including a pandemic. Long story short, I'm not sure if I want kids and can't fathom all the work that comes with that but I'm also not closing the door on it.

8 billion humans yet the ones I've tried loving were either emotionally unavailable, looking for something different, or a narcissist (most recent and hurt the most even after all the other boys). It almost makes me wonder if I'm incompatible with a relationship.

I appreciate the safe space and validation to forget what I think I should do and prioritize what I want to do. I probably sound really dark about this topic but it helps having support from kind samaritans like you. We'll see what happens. If you don't mind me asking, did this all work out for you? Winding road or fairly easy?

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 9 points 5 months ago

It is definitely possible and I have spent much less time on social media overall these recent years. Societal expectations/norm, family asking, my own internal thoughts contribute surely contribute too. How does one look past all of these reminders?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Please be kind as this topic is a pain point for me. I'm feeling the pressure of finding my significant other because I'm at an age where it seems like everyone in my social media feed is getting engaged, married, or having kids. The issue is I have a huge transition coming up and will have to move in a few months to a place that is a few hours away by car. I will have a lot more free time soon before moving, but then after I've moved to the new location I will be extremely busy and worry that I won't be able to sustain a relationship, let alone a long distance one. However, I am very aware that the clock is ticking and something else to consider is that I need to rely heavily on dating apps currently, whereas there would likely be more potential suitors where I'm headed to. What if I do find the right person during this seemingly short window of time? What if we could make the long distance work or he wanted to move with me? Or do you think it is smarter and there is more potential for me to meet someone at the new location after getting situated? Any advice or suggestions are welcome. Thank you!

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 6 points 5 months ago

That makes sense, thank you. I didn't think of that and consider how things looked from his side. I keep wondering though, was there anything that could have been done to fix the situation once it happened?

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 10 points 5 months ago

I appreciate it! I still see it from this angle too and those were my exact intentions, even though it was a bold move. Reading everyone's input helps me feel less bad and consider new perspectives

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 6 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

This helps, thank you. I can see how he would have no way of knowing that type of behavior is not the norm for me and that I'm not carrying something contagious. It's all very ironic because I myself tend to be mindful of germs but did that on a whim. I keep wondering though, was there anything that could have been done to fix this once it happened?

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 5 points 5 months ago

Thank you for the thoughtful comment and encouragement! Do you think there was anything that could be done to fix the situation once it happened? I'm a little worried how much it's been on my mind since it happened a few nights ago but it is definitely improving with time. I think I'm just feeling lonely romantically nowadays

[-] appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org 6 points 5 months ago

Thank you so much! I'm relieved to hear that you would have interpreted it as I had intended, an innocent flirty sign. It was really the first time I had done that and agree about the sanitation/safety factors. What should I have done to fix it after that happened, if any? For example, I keep wondering if it would've helped for me to apologize and clarify my intentions, and try to continue dancing with him. Or do you think he would see that as desperate? Do you think he thought I was an "easy" person without boundaries?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

Please be kind with me as I am new to this platform. I was at a club when a very handsome guy, totally my type, started dancing with me. I don't know what gave me the courage to take the half finished beer from his hand and take a sip of it without asking. I then gave his beer back to him, and he said he had to go but will be right back. It was an excuse to stop dancing with me since he just stayed put in his friend group without going anywhere. I've been feeling really bad after that happened and would have danced the night away with him if I could. And now I have no idea what his name or phone number is, just keep replaying that night in my mind.

What is your opinion on a woman taking a man's beer and having a sip without asking? Is it such an awful gesture that his sudden rejection was warranted? Was he angry, scared off, or just thought I was easy? I am not that type of person and had no ill intentions whatsoever. I just acted on natural impulse and was trying to be flirtatious. Thank you for any advice and comfort.

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