[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

But we oppress some people. Criminals for one are people I would say are oppressed.

That's exactly right. Crime, punishment vs rehabilitation and the prison industrial complex are big topics on the left. Nowadays, it's popular even for people on the right to criticize the "prison industrial complex", but the left has been criticizing it since at least the 70s. The most radical leftists even argue for the abolishment of prisons and pretty much every leftist advocates at least for prison reform and focusing more on rehabilitation as opposed to punishment.

You presented oppression as a bad thing.

Yes, I would say oppression is generally a bad thing. To explain further, I would also say that people shooting people is generally a bad thing, but I think we can all agree that in some special situations, people shooting people is a "necessary evil", for example when there is no other option and you need to defend yourself. I still don't think you shooting someone in self defence is "good", I think it's a situation that sucks for everyone involved, but you had no other choice, it was necessary and the best possible option.

I look at prisons in a similar way. I don't think people should be locked up for non-violent crimes or in cases where they are clearly not a danger to anyone, I don't think people should be tortured in prison as punishment, but I do think that in order to protect the lives (and personal freedom) of other people, we need to sometimes separate dangerous people from society.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

I think it was far more widespread than you think.

Widespread is relative. Compared to before, it was very much widespread. But overall, it was still not popular or mainstream at all.

But it is also the case that people in Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Texas, etc. were all listening to what was being released from the coasts.

Sure, but this was during a time where even within the left or left leaning spaces, homosexuality was seen as a controversial and often negative thing. Even if somebody was sympathetic to some aspects of the "hippie movement", that doesn't automatically mean that they were accepting of homosexuality.

widespread experimentation with marijuana

Yes, experimentation with recreational drugs definitely exploded, but I don't think that just because people tried pot doesn't mean they were all ultra-leftist pro-LGBT activists.

In the days when pre-marital sex was taboo, many couples had at least one powerful incentive to marry.

Yeah it was the norm that pre-marital sex was taboo, that doesn't suprise me at all. But as is often the case, many people still engaged in pre-martial sex, they just did it in secret. And the same was sort of true for the LGBT community because homosexuals and transsexuals have existed before the 1960s, they just existed on the edge of society.

1/3 people saying it is acceptable probably indicates a far greater amount of people thinking it is somehow cool - like how being in a biker gang is cool, or like how being a drugged out disco burnout or hippie was also cool.

But those people were not seen as "cool" by most people. Yes, there was a certain fascination with both the hippies and biker gangs as they were seen as outlaw rebels in a sense, which has some coolness factor, especially in America where the "rooting for the underdog" narrative is baked into the culture. Homosexuals were not seen as cool just as trans-people or non-binary people today are not really seen as cool in the same sense because they don't really fit the rebel image.

Bikers and hippies were opposed by conservatives because they believed them to be revolutionaries who are threatening the system and causing instability and lack of order. Homosexuals and the LGBT community are/were opposed by conservatives because they are seen as degenerate, perverted, unnatural and weak.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

I don’t understand why they can’t just chill out and turn off the politics.

When you go to other lemmy servers, most of the posts are not about politics. On this server, every other post is about "how dumb everyone on the left is" or about "how trans people are pedophiles". Of course there will be people who will react to that and of course people will assume that you aren't interested in "civil conversations" when you have that attitude..

If conservatives can navigate reddit and come out alive, I don’t see what the problem is.

Most people just don't want to be in an online space that they see as toxic.. It's not that they will get traumatized or anything, they just aren't particularly interested in a forum that feels like a teenage boy's locker room. That stuff is interesting when you are 14, but after that, it gets old pretty fast.

From what I’ve seen so far, especially on lemmy and some of the leftist psychopaths from beehaw, they want everyone who disagrees with them to just die basically.

It's funny, the only place where I have seen people calling for the execution of people is this server. And then you wonder why most people don't want to have anything to do with it..

You’re not having civil debates with them because they don’t want that in the first place. Their goal is to ‘prove’ that anyone on the opposite side of the political spectrum, is evil It’s really fucking annoying

And it's exactly those kind of blanket statements that make people not want to engage with you..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

I honestly doubt Europeans know all the us states, the Canadian provinces and the various south and central American countries.

Do you know all central American countries by heart? Also most countries in Europe also have many different regions, provinces, states, cantons, etc. I think it's very common for Europeans to know the different regions in their countries and for the rest to know the country and capital city, at least for European countries.

Like yeah I don’t know the names of all the eastern European countries

As an European who is pretty bad at geography, eastern Europe is very hard for me as well.

what language Albanians speak

Well that one is easy, Albanian ;).

Afghanistan is the middle east

Your country basically fucked Afghanistan for decades, but you don't even know which general region it is located at? But to be fair, I'm not sure if I could point to it on a map either.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

You mean bc the left

Ah yes of course, another thing to blame the left for..

so they block us on other platforms

I think the reason why you get banned on the big platforms is because you are bad for business and because you turn every community into a call of duty lobby where a bunch of (either emotional or physical) 14 year olds scream slurs at eachother.. That's not a place where businesses want to advertise, woke advertising and pretending to care about social issues is the latest fad and you don't fit into that, so you get the boot..

Also, you are free to have your community here.. Nobody can censor you.. Of course people and other services can block/defederate you, but you could still have a conservative utopia here where you have discussions. Instead, all you do is complain about "the left", as you always do.. What happened to personal responsibility?

I know I'm repeating myself, but you can't call yourself "Ihatetroons", simultaniously cry about how the left unfairly accuses you of "hating troons" and expect anyone to take anything you say seriously..


Yeah no shit.. But there are 2 subs on this server which have any content, and both of them are meme subs.. Is the left stopping you from participating in non-meme subs on your own server?

Again, not by our design.

So the left is also responsible for how you design your spaces?

there are in fact other communities on this instance.

Are there? The closest to being an actual community is ask-exploding heads, and there are like 5 posts with comments in it.. I mean I get it, the defederation trend doesn't help this community grow, but if your whole position is an uncompromising and provoking attitude, I am asking myself once more what else you would expect the big instances to do.

Even from a pragmatic point of view, what admin would voluntarily say "oh yes, I would love to have more controversial memes on my server, that's always fun.". In reality, all this gets you is more people complaining about stuff on your server and/or a bigger moderation effort. You have to be pretty passionate about anti-trans memes in order to federate with a server like yours, or be a small enough server that not enough people care.

I think you may be confused on what free speech means.

We are talking about "free-speech" in the context of an international online forum, not in the context of US law, so I do think it's a bit interesting to think about how your "free speech" forum has a very one-sided narrative.

Did you expect something different?

No, to be honest, I didn't. But it still is interesting to actually see that even if you have full control over your server, even if you get to make the rules, you are still doing the same thing as always: Blame "the left" for everything all day long without suggesting any viable solutions.

If you want discussion, there’s DMT if you have thick enough skin

ok. Thing is though, I don’t really care.

Yeah, but again, I can't really believes you.. To me, you obviously seem to go out of your way to be percieved as a transphobic biggot.

It's like the 16 year old punk kid with a huge pink mohawk who will insist that "I don't give a fuck what people think about my looks", yet he will spend 2 hours a day to get his look just right..

So I don't know exactly what it is, maybe you crave attention, maybe it's a sex thing, idk, but I think you definitely care, whether you realize it or not..

my main goal with the s/n was to create something that the most disagreeable, sjw/activist cunts would probably block on sight so that I wouldn’t need to bother with them.

If what you are saying is actually serious, your logic would be deeply flawed. If I was annoyed by star wars fans on the internet, the last thing I would want to do is call myself "star_wars_sucks" because obviously, all that would do is provoke star wars fans into attacking me.. And I also can't really figure out how posting "star wars sucks" memes would help in any way.

The best way to not get bothered by people is by not mentioning the topic that annoys you at all and maybe block people who bring it up, but if I was posting memes online about how "star wars sucks", I would definitely expect to be bothered by star wars fans.

If you want discussion, there’s DMT if you have thick enough skin

Damn, you really think of yourself as an edgy badass, don't you? DMT is another right wing meme sub imo, nothing special.

They can dress it up with pretty words.

The point is that you seem to believe that people can just go to a hospital and get surgery instead of going to a therapist. Thats not how it works, you go to a therapist first.

they were posting off-topic shit repeatedly and frequently

Which is annoying, but the solution to that is moderation, right? Back in the forum days, you had admins who would remove your post instantly if you dared to post the wrong topic to the wrong place. But at one point, the idea that doing that would be "against free speech" became popular.

What else do you think would solve this issue?

Funny, bc all the stuff I was talking about was from BEFORE I decided to adopt that little moniker.

Even if we forget the username, you make it a point that you are “extremely frustrated with” the trans community, you call them "trannyfags", talk about them "mutilating their bodies", even admit that you don't like them. Did you also only start doing things like that when you adapted the name?

I mean we are talking about the internet here, people misunderstand eachother constantly and chronically irregardless of the topic. You can recieve death threats for saying something like "Videogame x was pretty good, but y was better".. How can you act in any way suprised or offended at people on the internet calling you a biggot for anything? Didn't you just mention "thick skin" and the importance of "free speech" and "posting offensive content"? Now you want to tell me that you were so offended at somebody calling you a biggot that essentially you became a biggot, at least as far as your online appearance goes?

I do hate the politics behind it.

I'm not quite sure what you mean with "the politics behind it", but isn't everyone sick of the culture war politics stuff?

I know you will probably disagree, but from "the left's" perspective, it isn't the left that's pushing the trans stuff. The left just wants what it always wanted, essentially the same thing you also claim to believe in: To let everyone live their lives how they want as long as they don't restrict someone elses' liberty. It's right wing politicians who scapegoat social minorities in order to divide people.

I get that you probably would love it if you could somehow get me to see that I’m a bigot and change my ways.

I mean your views are your views, if you genuinly don't want to hurt anyone and don't want to restrict anyone's freedom, I don't care too much what you believe in.

If I'm being honest, the thing that annoys me about right wingers the most isn't their view, it's how many present their views. And it's not even you choosing the "wrong language" or whatever, it's you seemingly going out of your way to provoke and be offensive, at the same time acting all offended when people inevitably get offended by your provocations and don't want anything to do with you, and at the same time you then complain about the left getting offended.. It's so frustratingly confusing and makes most dialoge impossible..

And don't get me wrong, I see similar behavior on the left as well, you have left leaning city people who unironically believe that all rural people are backwater hillbilly incest racist biggots. But that just makes it more frustrating as both sides just focus on complaining about the "idiots" on the other side and nothing ever gets done..

And while I will not be able to stop myself from voicing my opinions as you can see, I don't have any expectations of you changing your views. This is mostly about my interest in the views of people who think radically different than me or perhaps about if we have any possibility of getting along or at least share our views despite having radically different views.

But the fact remains that leftists drove me to it and that I don’t intend on changing.

Damn, the left really does control everything, doesn't it, even your own actions are actually the actions of the left at the end of the day..

If it eases your conscience to chalk me up as a trans hater, go right ahead. I really don’t care even a little bit.

Yeah again, this does make me think that it is indeed a sex thing. You get hard by people calling you a disgusting transphobic biggot, don't you, you naughty naughty boy..

Jokes aside, you have been a good sport, so thanks for suprising me and actually giving me somewhat of a "civil conversation".

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

Saying "white people are privileged" isn't a judgement though, it is a perceived description of reality. And because of "racism" (the idea that humanity can be separated into different "races" based on characteristics such as skin color), if society places you in the "white people" category, you will be treated differently than if you are placed into the "non-white category".

To name a specific and concrete example, if you happen to get classified as "white", you will not be racially profiled and searched by police simply because of your racial classification. In this specific case, white people have the privilege of not having to deal with that issue.

Where the idea of white privilege falls short is that it implies that "white people" are always more privileged and/or better off than "black people" in every way, which is obviously not true. In reality, your perceived class identity is much more important when it comes to how you are probably going to be treated by society.

The issue is that oftentimes, race is used to judge someone's class status. A black person is more likely to be classified as "poor". However, when you are "white", but you look like a homeless person, you will probably be treated in a similar way.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

If a heterosexual man was taking pills to lactate and feed his kids, I would want to wash my eyes

Ok but it wasn't a heterosexual man..

For very similar reasons this unnatural practice is repugnant.

First of all, male lactation is something that has been documented occasionally in nature, including in humans.

Secondly, claiming "unnatural practice" as the sole and obvious justification why we shouldn't do something always seems very strange to me. We are humans, we have rejected nature a long time ago. Pretty much anything we do is "unnatural" by definition. Any medication ever would fall into the category of "unnatural practices", so would you sitting on an "unnatural" chair and looking into an "unnatural" screen.

I do not want to illegalize or actively pursue some sort of conflict with them, but I also want to state my opinions about it frankly.

Which is fine in my view.

I am sure that there are people on the Left who LOL and upvote at memes that have violent fates for “Nazis” and many were likely chortling with glee at the fire memes about the dead billionaires in the sub…

There are definitely lefties who have a very weird and ultra romanticized view of "revolution" and there is definitely a lot of negative feelings towards billionaires and others. But ultimately, leftists aren't primarily concerned with targeting individuals, whether that is individual right wingers, individual politicians, etc.

They are concerned with systemic issues and targeting the system overall.

But isn’t it sealioning if I then go to your instances and say that you are all violent revolutionaries with homicidal fantasies?

It would be, yes. But that's not what I'm doing in my view, I'm not saying "you are all violent racist homophobes", if I believed that, I wouldn't be here. I had a great and insightful conversation just the other day.

But when I see a "meme post" that is about how "Trannies are pedos who abuse children" (masked behind the idea that "it's just a joke, just a bit of lighthearted fun") where the most upvoted comment is saying something like "trannyfags should be lined up and shot", I will call that out.

And my aim isn't to paint you all as violent extremists, my aim is to show you that tolerating this kind of "discourse" is just destroying your own community and ultimately undermines the free-speech space you want to build.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

If 20% of child predators drank frisca and only 1% of normal people drank frisca I would not want my children around frisca drinkers.

Ok but does this not prove that your thinking is completely irrational/illogical and entirely guided by emotions?

If 20% of child predators drank frisca and only 1% of normal people drank frisca, my immediate thought would not be "frisca is causing people to become child predators so I need to keep my kids away from them", that would be ridiculous.. It would be "why is there a correlation between frisca drinking and child abusing?"..

If you don't apply simple logic and only rely on irrational emotional reasoning, you might as well argue that all men should be imprisoned because the vast majority of violent crimes is committed by men.

Trannies are overwhelmingly sexual predators.

The idea that members of the LGBT community is tied to pedophilia has been around for decades, if not centuries, without any evidence to support it. It used to be gay men that were accused of being pedos and child abusers, now it's trans people.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

Not a troll, but I am a lefty.

Breast feeding is biologically possible for trans women, there is medication that allows women to produce milk without having been pregnant (not just for trans women, but also biological women who adopted a child, for example). So this is not necessarily a "performative" or "kink" thing, there could be a practical reason for this in the same way that there is a practical reason for biological women to breastfeed their child.

Having said that, it is in my opinion questionable and controversial. The main focus should imo be on the health and safety of the child, not the parent. As far as I know, there are some potential risk involved with the medicine which makes the whole thing questionable to me, but this applies both when it's used by biological women and trans women.

The main issue that leftists have with posts like this is that they seem to imply that trans women are not able to produce milk and are thus not able to breastfeed, which is misleading. And even if it turned out that this trans-person did it for sexual reasons (which would obviously be bad), it does not mean that all trans people are pedophiles or child molesters or even that all trans people breastfeed children.. They are people at the end of the day and like all people, they are not a hivemind, not all of them are evil and not all of them are angels..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Me personally? No, I'm not a troll. But obviously there are people who are only here to troll. Doesn't necessarily make them brigaders though..

You’re only here to shit on exploding heads users

Not true.

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago

Do people even know what "brigading" means anymore? People downvoting and commenting in disagreement are not necessarily brigading. Trolls going to a community they disagree with to troll are not necessarily brigaders.

Brigading is the organised, planned and coordinated effort of a group of people mass downvoting and spamming a community at the same time. 4Chan used to do it to reddit all the time. Subs used to do it to other subs where they made posts linking to other posts with the instruction of downvoting them or spamming them.

I don't think that's happening here.. Most people on lemmy want nothing to do with you guys, that's why you got defederated. It's just what happens when you leave your little save spaces and go to a medium where most don't share your views, ideas and actions..

[-] aski3252@exploding-heads.com 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That is like saying the vast majority of trump voters support deportation of Mexicans so Mexicans should be deported.

Nope, I never made any argument whether lemmy servers should be heavily moderated or not. In my view, that should be up to the server admins to decide.

The person I replied to claimed that "Lemmy is alienating half the population". In my view, that's not true, most people on lemmy support heavy moderation.. The people this alienates are in the minority. That doesn't necessarily mean they are right or wrong just because they are in the majority, it just means that lemmy is not "alienating half the population"..

You guys can lie to yourselves all you want, but your views are not mainstream anymore.. Most people in the western world don't share your views anymore..

Lemmy has only attracted fanatics so far.

Your account is apparently 5 months old, so you should know how lemmy (especially instances like lemmy.ml) looked like back then.. That's when there were only fanatics, or at least radicals, on the platform.

The people who joined up recently due to the whole reddit thing are tech enthusiastic normies.. Most of them tend to lean center to center-left wing. And from their perspective, you are just as much fanatics as the Stalin worshipping commies over at lemmygrad.ml..

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