This has always blown my mind. Watching people willingly allow Big Brother-esque devices into their home for very, very minor conveniences like turning on some gimmicky multi-colored light bulbs. Now they're literally using home "security" cameras that store everything on some random cloud server. I'll truly never understand.
The first rule of Usenet is: You don't speak of Usenet. They like being kept off the radar, but braggers can't help but bring it up every opportunity they get.
It's because the Moderates (aka. Republicans in blue suits) control the party and it's been this way for far too long.
It's the same reason Nancy Pelosi kept stepping on AOC's toes and even worked to keep her out of key committee positions, despite her being popular with a lot of Democratic voters.
All mail is automatically forwarded then deleted. So the inbox is left empty (except the backups I'm keeping for possible legal coverage.)
Exactly, removing birthright citizenship should only be possible through a constitutional convention. It's not up to SCOTUS what parts of the constitution we do and don't recognize.
I've been using Proton Mail for a few months now and I love it. Setting up auto-forwarding + delete is pretty simple in Gmail too. Then I set my phone to sync my "empty" accounts so that Google doesn't delete them.
I'm guessing it would depend on how early they're detected. I'm not involved in planning or anything, just putting what I know about them out there. But yes, they would be who NASA calls when they find something.
I know they were involved in the DART mission. With the satellites used being launched and operated out of Vandenberg, a Space Force base.
They mainly manage our satellites. Including communications, intelligence gathering, GPS, missile detection systems and monitor/protect them from attack/EM interference. That includes all of our civilian satellites.
They also make sure we (the whole planet) don't end up like the dinosaurs. Which is nice.
Now they just need to take down Moe Rogaine's podcast.
Argument from ignorance
It's better to be safe than sorry is all I'm saying.
Edit: There's also this.