
joined 7 months ago

This is early 20th century history that you probably did not learn in school. To the victor goes the history books. Understanding the perspective of the militarily defeated will give you a different understanding of the world.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Why do FOSS projects become political? My guess is that some of these maintainers can't achieve a platform for their views on their own merit. They can blast those interested in the software with their views.

I will keep using Librewolf until we find they're doing anything screwy. Brave and ungoogled chromium are my fallbacks.

Sherpa TTS is a great companion to Librera to turn any eBook into an audiobook.


This is a good overview of where the US government currently is. Based on my research, it is actually much worse than depicted.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

They already assassinated many of their enemies and got away with it. They allow people of their tribe to come out and disclose what Benz has. This allows them to control the narrative to limit damage and direct people to anything but them. It also allows them to identify other subversives who may gather around this person and to understand their plans. In summary, beware of these people.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Benz has disclosed plenty of dirt about the state department and USAID, but beware of how he spins narratives. He is a Zionist and of the same ethnic tribe as most of the state department. They have divides only up to a certain point. He has and likely will continue to run cover for them.


As most know, Jellyfin is great for consuming media stored on any drive. I integrated my Jellyfin library with Nextcloud to:

  • Enable friends in different locations to upload and manage files.
  • Share specific media with people who don't have accounts
  • Sync media between devices
  1. Install Nextcloud and setup an external drive.
  2. Assign the Jellyfin account to the Nextcloud user group: usermod -aG nextcloud jellyfin
  3. Add the libraries in Jellyfin

I gave my friends access to create but not delete media on the drive for safety. We sync what we want to different devices to play on better apps for the media type such as Librera Reader for books and Voice for audiobooks.