I'm sure a counter example exists, but I've been around for year and not seen it yet. Though I'll accept that the exception probably exists.
It could exist as an automatic thing, but you need to carefully define in what situations it exists. If anything goes someone will do something absurd - my company is a hitman for so you can't try me for murder only my company which only has the pistol for assets. Now take the above but for something that is borderline - where are the borders. Should my car automatically be owned by a LLC (this is how most small airplanes are - you often don't sell the airplane you sell the company that has that airplane as an asset). There are many many situations in life where a LLC might be useful, most of us don't bother most of the time and are just fine, but maybe we should anyway?
However there is a different consideration: in pretty much all cases where someone wants a LLC the will need some paper anyway because they want different taxes and so you may as well require paperwork for all cases even those few where taxes won't be a factor.
There has long been the claim that CPUs (these days GPUs, but the claim predates GPUs) that can ray trace your games with plenty of frames are just around the corner. So far that hasn't happened and most people working on CPUs/GPUs are pessimistic of it. Maybe you could raytrace something simple (tetris?) in real time, but modern games put in too many objects.
While it does cost $$$ to run those plants, those plants make a lot of water and so the low price they pay is still reasonable.
Which is to say their insane profits don't harm you at all. (if you were worried about it you would get a cheap refillable water bottle yourself and fill from you local tap water.
They don't hurt, but they still do not feel nice.
I find the same on the left wing. Everytime I put out a slightly right wing position I get attacked and a ton of down votes.
Every time anyone mentions on Lemmy right wing positions it is with only to attack a strawman version that is very removed from what most right wing people think/do.
Highways and transit are very similar in construction. Things like rails are different, but the vast majority is exactly the same.
Doesn't Quebec get their water from sources that are replenished by rain and thus have plenty to spare?
There are a number of jobs that count various community contributions in your review. This is a very large topic - write a paper in a major journal, give a speech at a conference, submit high profile bug reports - you can get a large raise for it. (the worry of course is that you get a reputation and thus someone gives you a great offer so if they want to keep you they better pay enough that you won't leave). Exactly what gets you those promotions/raises isn't clear in part because they need flexibility for someone who honestly discovers a new way to get that reputation and thus they have to give them a promotion. People who don't deserve the promotion see the policy in place and look for ways to cheat themselves to a promotion they don't deserve.
right to work means you can have a job in a union shop without joining the union.
My grandpa was a snow plow driver for the state of MN (retired sometimes in the 1990s), but as a republican was always opposed to the union. He still paid union dues, but they were reduced and kept in a separate fund by the union and only used for contract negotiations (important for him - he was a big republican and the union political funds of course donates to democrats). Since he wasn't a member of the union he couldn't vote on union leadership, but the leadership called him one of their best people there because he always attended the union meetings where contacts were discussed. As you can start to see not being a union member when there is a union is really complex weird. I'm sure there is more about this that I don't know about (one obvious thing - what if they voted to go on strike)
I only tip for service. I get mad when places that don't provide service ask for tips. You don't tip the clerk at McDonalds or other situations like that. Tipping deliver drivers is unethical - you are inciting them to break driving laws as that is the only way they can provide better service.
I don't want to hold a tablet up to my ear, and I want the privacy from holding my phone to my ear (vs a speaker phone)