Because it's no longer 1996 and there are domains beyond ccTLDs and com/net/org?

He looks like he's either going to tell the cops they're so fired, or he's shit himself.

I killed all delivery nonsense a while ago. It was like 4 fees plus a demand for a tip on top of inflated prices; go to the restaurant and pay $15 or pay DoorDash $35 for the same shit? Fuck that, I'll drive and pick my own damn food up.

And bonus, if half of it gets eaten in the car - I mean "wasn't given to me by the restaurant", sorry - at least I'm the one who ate the damn thing.

They're not wrong in that most people aren't suited to or should be running what is effectively public services for other people from some surplus Dell R410 they found on eBay for $40.

That said, it's all a matter of degree: I don't host critical infra for people (password managers, file sharing, etc.) where the data loss is catastrophic, but more things that if it explodes for an afternoon, everyone can just deal with it. I absolutely do not want to be The Guy who lost important data through an oversight on an upgrade or just plain bad luck.

But, on the other hand, the SLA on my Plex server is 'if it works, cool, if not I'll fix it when I can' and that's been wildly popular I haven't had any real issues, because my friends and family aren't utter dicks about it and overly entitled, but YMMV.

TL;DR: self-hosting for others is fine, as long as the other people understand that it's not always going to be incredibly reliable, and you don't ever present something that puts them at risk of catastrophic loss, unless you've got actual experience in providing those service and can do proper backups, HA, and are willing to sacrifice your Friday evening for no money.

The only comment I'd add here is that you should make sure you have a real domain, that you've paid actual money to, when setting this up. ActivityPub assumes the domain is immutable, and the free dynamic domain names you can get (or free TLDs like, say, .ml was) are a bad choice. Spend the $10 or whatever, because if something happens to your domain name, you cannot just update it in the database and fix federation: it completely breaks everything in a way that's not repairable.

The closest thing you're likely to get is a black and white Brother laser.

It's as open as a printer is likely to ever be in terms of driver support, the availability of parts is reasonable, and you plug the thing in via USB and then forget it exists until you need to print something.

I have a 2300D I've had for most of a decade now and the only thing I've had to do is put paper in it.

[-] 52 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And that's why corporate social media is so sticky: your average user doesn't care WHAT is done to them and the most they'll maybe do is grumble slightly and spend a little less money, but won't actually bother to do anything or make any changes, or go somewhere else.

Wow, I'm shocked that they're going to sell the biometric data to anyone who wants it. Well, not that shocked. Actually, not shocked at all.

[-] 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

ActivityPub is not a distributed network: you don't have communications between servers in a mesh, the server that owns a community(ex. pushes out JSON data to any subscribers.

Small servers won't talk directly to each other, unless they're subscribed to communities on each other so having a lot of small servers doesn't actively impact the load on each other, but only on the larger servers that have the more active communities.

And, even then, the JSON requests are going to be a lower impact than a user actively browsing the site, though probably only marginally and maybe not in all cases.

To be fair to Hogwarts Legacy, I would strongly suspect that a good number of the people actually playing that are actual children that probably need someone to point out things like that to them, since they probably don't have the same level of experience playing games as you do.

However, if I hear one more thing about how travel was so inconvenient before the invention of floo powder, I'm going to punch something.

Data this app collects: yes.

Nah. If you enjoy it, and your kids like spending time with you gaming, then who cares?

Life is too short and kids grow up too fast to care what some grumpy old people who wouldn’t know fun if it hit them in the head will say about what you enjoy.

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