
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

If you go to their website, there is a picture of a Tendi, but it is mildly terrifying. You have been warned.

[–] 1 points 4 weeks ago

I've had a good time with my Thinkpad E16 Gen 1 over the past few months (definitely lower spec than your machine - pretty much all of them have only an iGPU). A lot of them are still upgradable - I upgraded mine from 8GB of RAM to 24GB, and the thing had dual drive bays, so I just left the stock 256GB Windows drive and put in a 2TB alongside it for Linux stuff.

As long as you have a recent kernel, hardware support is decent, so long as you avoid the models with Realtek (my E16 does have Realtek, but I managed to smooth out issues).

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile in that timeline, the butterfly effect causes Harry Kim to pursue the command track; he graduates early in 2369. Then he:

  • Becomes captain Vendome-style 2370
  • Somehow does so well on his first command that he hits admiral in 2375
  • Keeps worming up the admiral ranks
  • Is tapped as head of Starfleet operations in 2378.
  • Becomes Federation president in 2390 (all that Mars and Romulan crap sort of got butterflied out)
  • Right near the end of his second term in 2398, he accidentally ascends to godhood.
  • Maintains peace and order from a distance in the universe over the centuries.
  • Becomes supreme master of the multiverse several millennia later (well, one of them, anyway. They have shifts, or at least the non-linear equivalent.). In his ultimate omnipotent Kim wisdom, he sends several "lesser" Kims the way of one William Boimler to aid him on his quest to save reality.

All hail Tapestry timeline Kim!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

In the words of the wise doctor (and, funny enough, the Memory Alpha quote on the page for the class): "I didn't spend 7 ing years on a g d** Oberth to get knocked down to station physician!"

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I would agree season 3 is a great season.

I agree that the species was doomed, but I still feel like repeating a grief story was a bit insane.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You forgot "City on the Edge of Forever", unless you meant late 20th century.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeh. I'd imagine at least in urban areas, they'd be reclaimed. In more unpopulated areas, I could see them becoming hiking/biking trails, or maybe just being left intact in some places for the few hobbyist car drivers left. (I mean, Kirk's stepfather owned a Corvette in the Kelvin films, though that had Nokia product placement for some reason. We'll just say that temporal cold war stuff allowed Nokia to last a bit longer and make car accessories, and that this is still a very old stereo.)

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I just wish there were no mysterious threats...

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Let’s just hope I’m not in Lakarian City, USA in a few years…

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

They’ve said it’s coming in early this year - there’s literally a clip of it out: It definitely looks near done.

Also, season 4 seems to already be in pre-production.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I think that’s partly why I love and gravitate towards DS9, from the culture wars allegory to analysis of imperialism to the ethics of terrorism and beyond.

I think the beauty of DS9 is you have very different characters evolving together and shows people with different world views can still develop working respect and friendship with each other.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

I agree in some senses with the stand-alone part, but not necessarily the animated part. I feel like it would just need to be marketed right. Executives are convinced for the most part that animation is either only for kids or for irreverent adult comedies, when it really should be viewed as a general medium.

I think Infinity Train is the best evidence of my point (look it up if you don't know); it really transcends the typical bounds assigned to animation. Book 3 especially is truly just a great fantasy/sci-fi drama. However, it was basically killed by executives who wanted a tax write-off and couldn't see its potential outside a "kids show". Now some of the series is purchasable on various online storefronts, but the only way to watch all of Book 3 is to pirate it.

If executives and people alike would liberate themselves from the stigma of animation, I feel like you could pull off high-quality, TNG-length seasons that allow less rushed charater development for a reasonable budget compared to an expensive live action streaming show. In some ways, Prodigy was an example of this - I felt like I got more time with the characters than almost any other modern Trek (granted SNW is still going on).

I've never met a person where I mentioned Star Trek and they went, "Ew, Discovery. I'm never watching any Star Trek ever again"; I think Discovery had its flaws (and strengths), but it made little impact on franchise popularity.

Usually (which you touch on), it's more like they're just bamboozled by the cannon. Like, I was watching DS9 once, and my roommate asked if it was the original, which then brought a long and complicated explanation from me. I think you're right that it'd be very nice to have a Star Trek show that one could show to people where when old lore is brought in, it's delivered in such a way that people can pick it up as they go.


I have several that I've leaned towards over the years, but I recently added "Cyclops Rock" to my repertoire.


Personally, to keep my documents like Inkscape files or LibreOffice documents separate from my code, I add a directory under my home directory called Development. There, I can do git clones to my heart's content

What do you all do?


I wonder if it's just coincidence, if this inspired the Johns (I know they're Ramones fans, or if the two songs share a common ancestor.

Confusion on Trek Eras (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

TLDR; Is PRO TNG or PIC era? Do Trek eras as we know them even matter anymore?

Edit: Fixed TOK to be TWOK era. My 2 brain cells had failed me there.

Before I give my problem, here's what I find the conventional Star Trek eras to be (including some common sub-eras that some might consider distinct):

  • ENT era: 2150s-2160s
  • TOS era: 2250s-early 2290s
    • TWOK era: 2270s-early 2290s
  • Lost era: 2290s-roughly 2330s
  • TNG era: 2340s-early 2380s (I count Enterprise C as roughly the start of the TNG era. At the very least, the shuttle for the Hansen's ill-fated trip in the 2350s has the trappings of the TNG era).
    • DS9/VOY/TNG film era: 2370s, maybe early 2380s
  • PIC era: mid 2380s-early 25th century (I think the Utopia Planetia in 2385 is my cutoff)
  • DIS era: 32nd century

I think most newer series have obvious placements, e.g:

  • DIS starts in the TOS era, then starts its own era.
  • SNW is in the TOS era (I'd argue it's straight up canon, based on LD).
  • LD is TNG era, based on LCARS designs and the story conventions it parodies/pastiches.

However, the main thing that is ruffling my feathers is that PRO's placement in my framework is very confusing. It exists on an awkward border between TNG and PIC.

On one hand, some of its storytelling conventions fit better with PIC, not to mention the fact that the Utopia Planetia attack occurs at the end of PRO.

On the other hand, PRO continues some TNG era characters that aren't yet elderly versions of themselves.

This goes back to the initial question: Do we place the vast majority of PRO in the TNG era (and have like the last five minutes of season 2 [hopefully not the show] in PIC era), or do we extend the Picard era backwards to 2383 to include PRO in its entirety?

The 2383 solution might work, as that leaves 2382 in the TNG era for the 5th season of Lower Decks.


I have a random guess about the problem with the alternate, bearded Boimler: he’s actually William Boimler, who killed (or imprisoned) Bradward and took his place on that Cerritos for mysterious Section 31 reasons.

That Boimler even says, “nobody deserves to be replaced by their own double.”


EDIT: I forgot to add a screenshot. Here it is.

While re-watching DS9 S1:E19 "Duet", I noticed this okudagram around 6:21 and got a bit curious.

Some of these images just look like aliens they would have already had pictures of. However, two stand out as potential easter eggs - the picture on the middle left looks unmistakably like Spock, and the human on the bottom left looks like they could be a production worker or a favorite musical artist.

However, Memory Alpha and a simple Google Search don't seem to turn up anything. I'm intrigued to know what history, if any, is behind this graphic.


Is Federation sun screen just that good? Does the standard Federation checkup include un-tanning? I am at a loss for any explanation.


I pick it up again every once in a while. I just had a slate of particularly miserable emeritus short losses, including one where 9 of the 13 Klingons left were in one sector. I was docked in a Starbase adjacent to that sector, and I could have sent an armed probe. Instead, to not get any more planet loss points, I decided, "I'm just gonna take em with phasers." I got killed immediately.


Note that Bashir is not yawning, but doing that weird wall shuffling-screaming thing that no one understands, probably not even Siddig or the director at the time of filming.

Now MOOOOVE ALOOOOOONG HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEM! (Whacks those weird wood sticks together.)


What are your favorite songs off Factory Showroom? I personally enjoy:

  • Spiraling Shape
  • The Bells are Ringing
  • 'Til My Head Falls Off
  • Sing Like a Girl
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