
joined 2 years ago
[–] deepthaw 6 points 1 year ago

I stand by my head canon that Galaxy class ships are equipped to deposit saucers on planets to establish starter colonies. It's already basically a floating city in space.

[–] deepthaw 2 points 1 year ago

He's gonna fire a lot of employees in about a year.

[–] deepthaw 26 points 1 year ago

I'm a bit sad that I've stuck to my guns on completely jumping ship from Twitter (and Reddit after the API fiasco) and so many people who said they would just ... didn't. It was an ad for white supremacy on Shitter that finally made me nope out.

[–] deepthaw 2 points 2 years ago

I was working with optimizing memory on my pentium III lately for when i want to run more arcane dos games, and actually switched video cards because the BIOS on an nvidia card was so big that it was making it hard to map memory to that area... fun times.

[–] deepthaw 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

How are Intel's drivers? My new PC has an A750 because I like to live dangerously. It's been great in Windows for the few games I want to play (the older stuff that has performance issues with Arc I'm largely not interested in or can play on my old PC)

[–] deepthaw 6 points 2 years ago

I'm glad somebody else has brought up that TWoK sort of feels at odds with Trek despite being the best of the films. However, I say it is still the best Trek movie because:

It focuses on the characters who know from Star Trek, and their growth, change, loss, and acceptance is critical to the story. While the things that happen to them aren't limited to Trek characters, Kirk, Spock, et al. were the definition of "Star Trek" at the time.

The militaristic aspects aren't totally foreign to Star Trek. While exploration was always at the forefront of their mission, Starfleet was (as Carol Marcus pointed out) still a military organization. What has happened is that the exploration/scientific aspects in the story have been initially shifted to Dr. Marcus.

The sci-fi aspects and story telling are still very strong, it's just that Kirk and Khan shooting each other in a nebula is so great that we forget they're there.

  • What are the ramifications of a device like Genesis, which puts a civilization even closer to the ability to "play god?" Is every tool that can create also doomed to be a weapon that can destroy?
  • How does a future society balance the often competing goals of scientific exploration with military power, especially given something like Genesis?
  • What responsibilities do we have when we decide to "play god" within a much smaller microcosm such as Khan's people. Kirk presumed he was doing the right and just thing by setting them up on a planet but never returned to check on them. Was he responsible for what happened to Khan as a result?

The increased breathing room of a full motion picture that doesn't have to delve into the backgrounds of the characters we already know gives the story room to breath, and unlike TOS we have time to let events that aren't driven strictly by the "gimmick" of the scifi aspect intermingle and impact with the plot device(s).

I still hold that TMP is the most "Trek" of the movies, but TWoK is the best of the movies while still being sufficiently "Trek."

[–] deepthaw 8 points 2 years ago

I work for a college. We use our internal link shorteners to make sure a given link points at the latest version of a resource and measure engagement by seeing what is the best way to get important information to our students and faculty. (Did people actually click on that announcement in our LMS?)

They’re terribly useful for us.

[–] deepthaw 3 points 2 years ago

Wondering if you tuned in during synth battle royale…

[–] deepthaw 3 points 2 years ago

I’ve been using it in lieu of google maps for quite some time now and it seems to work fine. It no longer assumes I’m The Blues Brothers and direct me to drive straight through shopping malls.

A plenitude of Pikes (self.startrek)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by deepthaw to c/

Can I just say how fortunate we are that both of the recent actors for Pike did smash-up jobs? I’m talking about Bruce Greenwood in the Kelvin films and of course Anson Mount in SNW. Each brought something different and was a stand out in their respective appearances.

[–] deepthaw 11 points 2 years ago (8 children)

Been a lot of trolls in COM lately. Probably one of them.

[–] deepthaw 9 points 2 years ago

so Twitter was vi then he turned it into edlin and now he wants it to be emacs.

[–] deepthaw 6 points 2 years ago

You don’t need to. It might even help you figure out if you’d like Lower Decks.


I saw Brit Floyd live once - it’s a fantastic show that really gives it their all. Glad to hear whatever legalese was going on is settled.

Following successful negotiations Chas Cole (for CMP), the long time producer for Brit Floyd, and Damian Darlington, Brit Floyd's Musical director, confirm that they have come to an agreement with regard to the rights in the name Brit Floyd pursuant to a confidential settlement agreement. CMP and Damian Darlington have agreed a long term deal which means that Brit Floyd's current North American tour (and future Brit Floyd tours) will continue unaffected, fronted by Damian Darlington and represented by Palladium Entertainment. Chas Cole and CMP continue to create and produce high quality bespoke rock tribute shows and promote their original artist tours across UK, Europe and North America.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by deepthaw to c/

Matrix Server? (self.sdfpubnix)
submitted 2 years ago by deepthaw to c/sdfpubnix

Is the SDF Matrix server still active? My password doesn’t work and I can’t find a way to reset it in maint.

Nibbler 16 years young (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by deepthaw to c/cats


Too pricey for me, but damned sexy.


Ben Eater has been doing a series where he builds a 6502 breadboard computer from scratch, and it’s at the point where it can run some Apple I software (Wozmon)

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by deepthaw to c/retrocomputing

Wanted to get back into the DOS era of software and games (it’s what I grew up on.) I would have preferred something older, but I ended up with a Slot 1 Pentium III/500. Fortunately it has an ISA slot so all the truly DOS friendly sound cards.

Specs: Gateway 4W4 Something Pentium III/500 384MB Yamaha YMF715 ISA sound card (SoundBlaster Pro and OPL3) S3 Trio 3D/2X AGP mt32-pi (Roland MT-32 and General MIDI) Generic Compact Flash-IDE adapter Gravis Gamepad that still has that little joystick you screw in. 20” Dell Trinitron (forgot the model)

Testing it with Tyrian here, but my plan is to play through Ultima Underworld soon on it.

What’s everybody else’s vintage computer of choice?

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