I work at a company that often gets threatened to be sued by entitled white people. The important thing to remember is that these dumbass Americans have no idea how their legal system works.
What typically happens, in my experience, is an entitled white dumbass takes issue with a rule or requirement they were told but ignored. They'll make a big grandstanding show of threatening the lawsuit, because they think if they look scary enough you'll give them whatever they wanted. Then they'll get to the lawyers, who without fail will explain to them how they have no legal grounds for a case. Sometimes, if the dumbass is exceptionally entitled, they'll even shop around a few law firms trying to find anyone to take the case. Eventually, we just stop hearing about these people, because they give up on trying to sue us. They're all talk and no bite.
This comment really doesn't help your case. The race is notable because minorities in the U.S. have not engaged in this sort of behavior against us. I imagine it's because they're more used to the law being antagonistic against them, or because they come from other countries like OP where the law isn't traditionally threatened in such a frivolous manner. I'm calling out a very specific kind of American, which I think anyone whose worked customer service in the U.S. knows very well.