[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 86 points 3 months ago

This is an easy test. If Reuters is lying, that means the Model 2 is still in development. Prove that Reuters is lying, Elon. you are uniquely positioned to be able to do that.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 88 points 3 months ago

Not sharing the driving behavior.... for now. Any faucet that can be turned off can be turned on again.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 79 points 3 months ago

I still remember Netanyahu bitching about Obama in front of the US Congress. He'll call anyone on their bullshit but doesn't like it when he's called on his.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 74 points 4 months ago

delay, appeal, delay, appeal, delay, appeal....every time with the motherfuckers.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 77 points 5 months ago

My guess is someone saw what was being built and said "hey, we can build something similar and sell it", hence the C&D.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 67 points 7 months ago

If the judge has to answer for his wife's social media (and he doesn't, but let's say that he does), where does this leave Justice Thomas and his seditious spouse?

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 68 points 7 months ago

Wait until they hear what Nikki Haley's real name is.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 63 points 8 months ago

Hostages are variables that Hamas controls and Israel must respect. They can be used as chips to barter with, shields to hide behind, and tools to shame the Israelis in the court of public opinion.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 74 points 9 months ago

When they take out uBlock Origin, they take me out as well.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 82 points 9 months ago

I wonder what the actual legal disposition of the laptop is. Was it truly abandoned or was it a "don't return it to the customer; say we're still working on it" thing? How did Rudy get possession of the laptop, and once he logged into it did the laptop did he access anything like email or cloud services (and if so, how is that not illegal access to someone else's data)? Rudy and his lawyer have much to answer for. Dis gon' be guuud.

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 79 points 10 months ago

Surely a publication like The Wall Street Journal wouldn't have an agenda to support... go back to the office and be grateful for your ever-shrinking share, plebians

[-] dynamojoe@lemmy.world 94 points 11 months ago

Reddit won? Good for them. I'm still not going back.

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