Reminds me of the ! community. Thanks for that story!
Also, ! might get you.
Reminds me of the ! community. Thanks for that story!
Also, ! might get you.
This looks good but instead of the dried fruit I'd try some fresh herbs. Maybe dill, thyme, basil, and fresh minced garlic. Yum!
They make droughts worse.
I have heard of super homophobic guys not washing their butthole because they think it's gay to touch it.
“I have had boyfriends that think it’s gay to wipe their arse because what if their finger touches it through the paper. Thank god I’m with a hygienic bi man now.”
It's not gay if her balls don't touch yours.
Thanks! Much appreciated.
Four different machines pouring into four different cups.
Oh, that's just Margot. Don't mind her.
I can imagine the ruling class to still have their pissing contests with other billionaires from their secure bunkers. Eventually they'll develop bunker busting nukes and everyone will be gone.
It's all so depressing. I know it's not going to help but I need a drink.
The ! community seemed dead so I posted it here instead.