[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 0 points 18 hours ago

Experts in the field CANNOT speak up without losing their licenses and possibly being sued.


[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 18 hours ago

They hired you, and you are clearly ignorant.


[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

but he’s losing right now


[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

you weren’t some low level receptionist/worker,

Nope, I was a teaching assistant. And it's silly (to put it mildly) that you dismiss the role of receptionists/office workers in an Disability Services office. Do you think they'd put just about anyone without being at least trained how to deal with students with disabilities entering the office?

You do not come across as being even slightly educated on this.

This is an absolutist statement. Did I say "who cares about the disabled lol" or something like that for you to say that I'm not even "slightly educated" on this? and Frankly, you attacking the person and not the argument is starting to get old. You remind me of that other poster that for him, it was his way or the highway, no middle-grounds.

And now I can see why you think the way you think. Given the conversation so far, it seems like for you Biden must either be "100% superman" or else he's useless. No middle ground. The funny thing is that I don't even like Biden!

Did you have a coworker or person who needed text to voice? If not, why advocate for that? You don’t need to accommodate a disability that none of your coworkers have lol. This is different than making public spaces accessible to the general public, eg wheelchair ramps and wheelchair accessible bathrooms.

I don't understand why you said this or how this is relevant to the conversation.

A'aight. Let's just leave it at we disagree and I don't like your way of arguing these matters. You can say I'm an ignorant fuck and feel good about yourself. Awesome! Alright. Have a nice day.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 20 hours ago

It’s absolutely not a bad analogy, it’s actually quite apropos since the president’s other title is Commander in Chief,

Commanders in Chief are not first line soldiers lol

Again, doctors cannot publicly say he has dementia without losing their license.

Ah, I didn't know that. But someone who is an expert in the field could chip in. Right now, it's only political pundits, rich people, newscasters and gasp Hollywood stars!

Actually, here's a couple of them:



I'll concede that those may be biased, so if you find links supporting your claim from alleged experts in the associated medical field, please do share.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 21 hours ago

Also I can tell you aren’t disabled and don’t know anyone who is disabled.

Double-comenting because I worked for a Disabilities Office in a college campus long ago. And I'm the one who is always pointing out ADA failures left and right (like when coworkers send e-mail announcements consisting in images of text.)

So..... sorry, you're wrong here.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 21 hours ago

Or do you think it’s okay to let mentally handicapped people be first line soldiers in war?

I'll stop you right here. That's a false equivalence, or a weak analogy, whichever you prefer.

It’s not that he cannot SPEAK, it’s that he cannot COMMUNICATE because he has SEVERE COGNITIVE ISSUES he can no longer hide!!!

Again, you are not a doctor, and I am not one either. When an actual doctor diagnoses him and says that he is not competent enough to be president, in public, I'll come back here and admit that you have a point.

He also didn’t fully correct himself - he never stated Zelensky’s name.

He did say Zelenskyy's name. You either forgot that, or didn't notice, AHA! I don't think you're competent to be a Lemmy commenter (ok, just joking.)

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If there is a Bible in the school library, then there is porn.

Edit: ah, Decoy321 beat me to it.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

This would be a dream come true!

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You could say it’s ableist to allow a person who can’t consent (not being in their right mind), to do as dangerous of a job and as taxing of a job as president.

That's not what ableism is about, though. A person who can't consent is a person with a disability, sure. But not everyone with a disability is at a disadvantage. If Biden was in a wheelchair, and people said that he shouldn't be president because he can't walk, that's ableism. Biden has a speech impediment, and yet, he can think clearly. If you say that because "he can't talk good" then he can't be a president, then yes, that's ableism.

President Putin snaffu

I'll give you the "Trump" example, but I don't like the "Putin" example, because he was quick to correct himself.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Yup. 2016-2020. Thanks.

[-] elbarto777@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Oops! Sorry yes, 2016-2020.

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