
joined 2 years ago
[–] fratermus 6 points 3 days ago

f you feel that strongly about it, create a Fuck Mozilla community and post there to your heart’s content.

The sidebar doesn't identify this as an advocacy community so I think complaints are on-topic. And, yes, Firefox is my daily driver.

[–] fratermus 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

What do you guys use for Windows to Linux remote access?


I want to see desktop

Some kind of VNC setup

[–] fratermus 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

TL;DR: laws based on emotion (especially those named after individuals, or that include the words children or patriot) are rarely good laws.

I tell her imagine if that was our kid missing, youd want as many people to see it as possible.

AMBER alerts don't do what the public thinks they do; they do what the politicians know they do: demonstrate doing something when the base demands "somebody's gotta do something". It's political equivalent of looking Very Serious and intoning "thoughts and prayers".

If we actually cared about the kids we'd notice the majority of AMBER alerts are due to frustrated non-custodial parents taking their kids, and to runaways. We could address the problems at first base, or we can continue to be shocked, SHOCKED I say, and go through the kabuki once again.

VictronConnect 6.x on Linux (
submitted 1 month ago by fratermus to c/houseless

For folks who get aborts/dumps on 6.x check to see if libxcb-cursor0 is installed.

[–] fratermus 7 points 1 month ago

I generally only reboot for stuff like kernel updates.

[–] fratermus 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The base doesn't care about such things, so I expect "I never said that" and/or "I was joking"

[–] fratermus 7 points 1 month ago

Saw the .de domain and my first thought was this was about using a potato ricer to make spätzle. I may not be normal.

[–] fratermus 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Why the Christian Right Demonizes Discourse

I mean, kids might be led down the dark path of Reason & Evidence

source: grew up in a fundie household.

[–] fratermus 2 points 1 month ago

How do you exercise your dogs in bad weather?

Every day, wearing dog coat if required.

[–] fratermus 17 points 1 month ago

Off-leash Chihuahuas and mini dachshunds are the bane of my (leashed) pibble's existence on walks. They are forever running up and getting right in her face. When they bite her or latch onto her throat she lays down on them. After a few squishes the dog usually gives up while the panicked owner wails "I'm so sorry... Princess! Come here Princess!... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry."

My dog is chill but if she eventually ragdolls a biter I don't want to hear any complaining about it. FAFO.

[–] fratermus 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

keywords have some rules
need to use the Booles
that's the way I type it baby
I don't want to scroll forever

(search fu up-grades)
(search fu up-grades)


Bartlett’s proposed ordinance amendment to control the parking of recreational vehicles and similar things is a dicey situation. It seems easy to manage, but the specifics pose issues that need addressing. The overall purpose is to protect property values.

Yes, this discussion is about RVs owned by homeowners but the financial incentives are the same

Cf. homevoters

[–] fratermus 1 points 2 months ago

Why don’t you get a diesel heater for the winter?

I follow mild weather and so am very rarely in freezing temperatures. On chilly mornings making coffee and breakfast over propane warms the interior significantly.

If I ever did install a vented heater like that it would likely be a gasoline version, since the PM's tank already has a place on it to tap.

[–] fratermus 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Just a reminder that Texas has safe haven drop boxes at fire stations and post offices specifically for dropping off unwanted babies,

In case anyone thinks this is a new concept, one of the most influential pieces of early Renaissance architecture (Ospedale degli Innocenti) had a rotating drop-off port for babies. There was someone on the other side of the wall 24/7.

Edit: Atlas Obscura has an article on it


I hope everyone is doing well and catching some of that low December sun on their panels. The good news for folks in the northern hemisphere is solar harvest will start going up again. Those starving battery banks will start getting some relief. :-)

When I built the rig in 2017 I estimated my power requirements then used insolation models like PVwatts to figure out what it would take to meet them year 'round. In practice this meant sizing the array for Decemper in my wintering spots. It's worked surprisingly well. Just enough power in deep winter and power to waste the rest of the year.


Bob Wells, the Cheap RV living guy, has sold his last van-based rig and moved into a Subaru Forester.

He explains his reasoning in the video. I am all for people doing what makes them happy. :-)


Forked from a discussion on reddit. There is widespread belief that charging freezing is ok. That's not necessarily the case.

This situation is a bit different because OP will have access to shore power.


In the bread machine post I promised more foolish experiments. Here ya go, I run a toaster oven offgrid with solar so you don't have to!

Bonus content: I derated the oven's wattage using a harbor freight triac.

propane burner repair (rivet) (
submitted 3 months ago by fratermus to c/houseless

My first time doing a pop rivet and it worked perfectly. Woot!


Each winter brings a flurry (ha!) of first-timers wondering how to keep warm. Not giving advice in the above post, but explaining how I do it.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by fratermus to c/houseless

{Edit: it was based on my usual dried beans recipe}

This was enough for dinner that night and lunch the next day. So divide these costs in half to get the per-meal cost:

  • 170Wh of energy
  • $1.11, if my math is right:
    • ~$0.24 for onion, $0.49/lb at the local mercado.
    • 180g of small red beans. These were free because someone had them but couldn't/wouldn't cook them in their rig...
    • ~$0.01 5g of salt
    • ~$0.03 dried chili pepper from a bulk bag, again from the mercado
    • $0.83 1/2lb of louisiana smoked sausages (hot) from the manager's discount bin

Pressed the Beans button on the 3qt Instant Pot and forgot about it until it was done. Served with cold beer....


I am fully aware most folks won’t have the interest, space, or power to run a bread machine. But for me it’s cheap fun.

Did I burn down the van? Did I kill my my batteries? Did it make actual bread?

Another silly experiment in a week or so.


The article talk about camping but also describes full-timers. There is also a kind of Green Book angle that might be useful.

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