[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

gonna use this as an opportunity to launch my ted talk:

there's no such thing as anything but "race mixing" since every single human on the planet is a mix of different ancient races anyway

(or to put another way, race is a bs term anyway since we're all homosapiens)

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 9 points 3 weeks ago

jami has so much potential. just wish it ran a bit more reliable

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The Internet and smartphones are not mystical devices.

Whether they're mystical or not is an entirely different conversation ;p

This is something you can independently confirm yourself very easily...

you are vastly understating how non-trivial this task is. or you are allowing your emotional desires to cloud your technical analysis.

teams of experts put in months at a time to assess only a fraction of the required scope. these experts are putting in so much time while admitting they couldn't achieve full coverage despite having financial backing & well trained teams. it's reasonably unlikely so many experts would dedicate so much time & resources if its such an easy thing to independently confirm.

if Camdat and ganymede were sitting with one of their nontechnical friends, and their friend says "hey my stock smart device which i only use with facebook and a few things seemed like it eavesdropped on my voice about <common product/brand>". and they swear they didn't reveal it via some other channel etc. blah blah we've all heard it many times.

if you, Camdat listed all the reasons why the same phenomena can likely be attributed to a variety of other surveillance and correlation methods, some of which are arguably at least as scary. i would likely agree with every single thing you said.

imo its wiser to leave it at that, rather than making the assertion its absolutely not happening, or getting frustrated with them for even wondering.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Notice how public discourse goes round & round in a lively show, but never seems to get anywhere?

This is strawman public discourse, and its largely by design.

Stop thinking, worrying and especially talking about climate change.

Instead talk about pollution & poison

Everyone can see it. It can't be denied or handwaved or debated away.



[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

necessary decline in our quality of life

i'm not refuting your core premise.

but on the note of this issue, not sure i can agree.

have a look at this public infrastructure technology from 122 years ago:


imagine if we'd spent the last 1+¼ century collectively working towards the utopia this kind of project hinted at - instead of developing new machines to destroy?

typically they say utopian dreams scatter in the face of increased technological awareness. have to say my experience has been the opposite.

the more i learn about technology, the more i realise we could probably be very close to a near-utopia by now. for some suspicious reason we took a very different road, and here we are.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

imo honor is roughly a synonym for integrity.

yet integrity means different things to different people.

and people also mistake honor and pride.

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 9 points 2 months ago

To suggest that Mozilla PPA has no benefit to the average user is disingenuous at best or outright malicious malpractice with the intent of defamation

Thanks. Could you give some examples how the average user benefits from this collaboration between mozilla and meta, as implemented or due for implementation in firefox?

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 11 points 2 months ago

Dunning-Kruger effect

could you please explain further what you mean and what you're referring to?

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 10 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

cos nothing proves "microsoft <3 opensource" like releasing a project over ⅓ of a century old

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 year ago

nearly asked you for a tutorial, then re-read lolol....

[-] ganymede@lemmy.ml 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

when anything is that important, the medicine must be opensourced ^1^.

if so, and it's handled correctly, you can still have body autonomy in those situations due to the resulting freedoms - much akin in nature to the software foss freedoms we all cherish. and in that sense, would not be a limit of “Your body, your choice". while still maintaining, if not increasing, the public protection to such threats.

it was really refreshing to see some discussion in public health policy from some very smart and relevant people for opensourcing those medications. unsurprisingly it was swiftly shot down, but it was nice to at least see it taking place - which is a small positive change.

^1^ naturally we decouple authentication and traceability from commercial interests. and ofc it does not mean noone gets paid

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