They can only do this is Twitter is ignoring DMCA takedown requests… that’s the whole point of the DMCA. I know Twitter is understaffed but surely they haven’t gotten rid of this system?
You’ve gotta think that these people would rather use a toilet. Is the public toilet situation in SF really that bad?
If you think turning off the wifi is going to stop people from masturbating…
Trying out art on my actual walls. I know I can kind of do that right now with ARKit, but it's not great; it's the kind of thing that Vision will handle beautifully. Also bringing home furniture. I'm looking for a new dining table, and the idea that I have to just drop two grand on this thing when I've only ever really imagined it in the space is kind of nuts. Sure, I can tape it out on the ground to see how big it is, check it fits, but that's still not going to help me know how it feels in the room.
I think it also would have been great recently when I got about fifty swatches of material in the post for blinds. While I think seeing the real thing is still going to be necessary, seeing the full blinds in Vision would have helped immensely.
Wait… how?