[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 1 points 8 minutes ago

I think Alan is an ancom unfortunately on a bit of a Debord "oh no not the spectacle" bent here. Cultural analysis of fascist ideologies falls flat compared to historical analysis of fascism.

Example I always give is Verhoeven putting a "sexless" scene in Starship Troopers essentially as a reference to Orwell's "people only have sex for the party in the evil socialist future, also young women are prudes and snitches grrrr" (let's skirt past the real reasons he wrote that) - it doesn't make any actual sense for the people watching it, like "oh this is weird why aren't they slavering over each other like dogs????” did not occur to people. The subtext is too literary and also not really subversive at all.

Trying to examine fascism as a collection of particular beliefs just doesn't hold up.

Is it disturbing people are lining up for Marvel movies? I guess, but he is treating this like a supply and demand thing. Do people really clamor for movies like Battlefield and Iron Man to have imperialist ideology in them, or do they just kind of go see what's on tap? It again reverses the cause and effect of fascist ideology. Ideology is a tool for them, a guise that can be discarded, or used to parody and mock other movements.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 1 points 35 minutes ago

He is friend and sometimes dinner I love him

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 1 points 44 minutes ago

You did not even attempt to prove me wrong. You visualize a possibility where you could. But you are mistaken, pro-Ukrainian sources are admitting what I am saying to you.

You are just egoistic and stupid.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 hours ago

You're really just going to copy and paste one of your prior comments, but I am the one copy and pasting? Are you completely out of ways to reassure yourself that not engaging with any of my arguments about the blowback of politicizing Linux on NATO's premises is the smart guy thing to do?

Seems more like the propaganda loving soup brained response to me, stupidly repeating yourself again. I'm just hitting you with face shots over and over again and you don't even block.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 hours ago

They're literally still not fully mobilized. If Russia mobilized instead of what they're doing it would have loads of legal financial and political consequences. This whole war has been about asserting their national security without blowback. Hence the North Koreans coming to the party. That certainly won't strain from the DPRK.

Far from "running out of bodies", Russia has not even begun conscription. They offer incentives to volunteer, they have reserves, they have mercenary corps. All ways to dodge full war mode.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 hours ago

Nobody would ever do this on Lemmy though

video essay

Yeah no I am good. I think you should assume people are using alts until proven otherwise. Like the people on here accusing everyone of being Russian bots.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 4 hours ago

Oh, you're not mad, you're laughing? That's a good cliche stock phrase too.

I see you're so involved in repeating your Reddit cliches to me that you forgot the entire conversation prior to this. I actually have no responsibility to link you to the prior replies in our comment chain.

What are your ideas?

You already forgot what the conversation is about and are just smashing that rage quit "SHUT UP RUSSIAN!!!!” button. You are playing dumb about why you responded in Russian in the first place, because you know it was incredibly stupid and jingoistic of you. I am glad you're unable to stand by your actions and now have to veer back from NYAH NYAH RUSSIAN NYAH NYAH to "erm, I am so affronted, how dare you call me an idiot, I actually wanted to insult you for no reason and I didn't read what you were saying".

I think everything about what you are doing is pathetic and cowardly. Just like everyone else on this subject of sabotaging the Linux Foundation, all you have are your lies, and you certainly know how to peevishly stand by them. You are a good dog begging for scraps from foreign wars. You won't get any.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 hours ago

Literally everything I put in the text box is clearly stream of consciousness original writing. That'a why it bothers you so much. I communicate in a way you can't about your ideas because I am telling the truth about my observations and principles.

That's funny, you're using stock "lol u mad" "quiet russian bot" phrases, and now you declare you don't have any reason to argue with my ideas because I copy pasted them. You copy and pasted everything you know into your mind from Reddit and other shithole websites.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 11 hours ago

You're completely out of your depth. You can't even respond. Just more thought cancelling cliches.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 0 points 18 hours ago

They hurt all of Russia's trading partners and forced oligarchs to keep their money in Russia. It is helping them far more in terms of boosting the costs they get for their natural resources which is one of the major things the US sought to prevent. The overall pivot to Asia by all of Washington's rivals is very apparent.

Sanctions only partially work when you're able to enforce them and starve out a population that is small enough to be isolated, but ultimately it forces them to form new relationships with one another that were made impossible by imperialism. Russia had ten years to prepare for sanctions and they have turned lemons into lemonade. What the sanctions have really damaged is European industrial capacity to compete with America. They are even talking about trying to shunt to them the burden of funding the NATO military adventurism.

Mindlessly cheering on besieging a foreign nation after we couped their neighbor to install nazis and started a civil war, it is just stupid and sadistic. It isn't helping anyone in the west other than military contractors and financiers. You have lost grip of reality. Racism is basically a mental version of having brain lesions, like being a sociopath.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 36 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

143, you are blocked for inane questioning.

[-] griefstricken@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 day ago

Wild shit, actually this is the only thing I wanted to know about MTG since I cashed out like ten years ago because I could break even on all MTG expenses.

In my time Scavenging Ooze was considered a gamebreaking EDH card. What was this one?

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