There was personal information included in the data. Did no one actually read the article?

Only idiots think Apple is privacy friendly lol.

Apple has everyone fooled.

Apple are privacy-focused insofar as they will privately sell your data, sneakily.

[-] 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Now you’ve outdone Google.

Alright, calm down. If they "outdid" Google, they would have their own SEO dreamland platform. All they did was work within the confines of Google's algorithms, A/B testing until something works. When Google makes changes they repeat. Overall the Internet is in a reeeeally shitty state due to the marketization of search results. There have been some things I have searched for whereby there were pages of what was essentially cloned articles. Many times I'm unable to even find what I'm looking for. Recent example, there was that article posted about that AI service / software that aimed to poison images, I don't remember the name. I tried searching for the actual software / website. I gave up and never found it through the utter bullshit "articles" all spouting the exact same thing and clearly taking advantage of the "freshness" and relevancy of the tool.

That's perfect. There was a thread not too long ago discussing how Amazon Prime removed am item from someone's media library and gave them $5 as "compensation". Imagine someone coming into your house and taking something they don't sell anymore and leaving 5 bucks on your kitchen counter for your troubles. So many people in this world want their cake and eat it too, you can't have it both ways. If it was agreed that buying a digital asset conferred some type of ownership, they might have an argument now. They made their bed, now they can piss off and do what they want with it, it's theirs to do with as they please because we can never own a part of it.

What are people doing to get this message? I haven't seen a YouTube ad in so long I can't remember.

  • Don't use the official app, use something like NewPipe or the equivalent on iPhone, on desktop use Firefox with uBlock origin (go into settings and enable filters at your leisure)

  • Get a VPN that has adblocking built in (I use Mullvad, I honestly don't know how effective it is because I have other adblocking as well on top)

  • if you want to get fancy with your home network, use AdGuard on a raspberry pi or docker or whatever works best for you

I almost literally yawned reading the title. "Journalists" regurgitating things they don't understand and hyping them everytime like it's the breakthrough of the century. I feel it waters down actual breakthroughs and makes people immune or at least apathetic to these stories because it's the same thing over and over.


I 'upvote' more or less all posts I interact with (sometimes I forget to vote). I feel like we should bring back open dialogues and heavily dissuade people from simply disregarding someone's entire belief system or ideals based on 200 characters of text (an example).

Think about one person in your life who you first thought was a complete asshole and once you got to know them they were pretty cool, maybe you became best friends with them. The point is, judging a person based on a minute snippet in time is a fool's errand, and your own state of mind contributes a lot to your own judgement of people. Your next thought might be, well they have a history of x, y AND z, so they deserve every bit of judgement coming their way! I would ask you, why? Are you not simply fueling further hatred, vitriol and division? So instead of stopping for a moment and thinking about the world from someone else's perspective, you'd rather just spit out some more hatred and move on like that person doesn't exist?

I would love to see some solution to the shitty state of the Internet. I only say Internet because for the most part this doesn't happen in real life in my experience. I think it has to do with consequences and social sigma and so on. I reckon it would be pretty awesome if there was something like the following:

  • all upvotes are free range, people can give out upvotes like they were candy
  • downvotes come at a "cost", whereby if you want to downvote someone you have to reply directly to them with some justification, say minimum number of characters, words, etc.

In an ideal world, and setup, this would help raise positivity in the world and have people at the very least have a second thought before being negative.

Yes I understand there would be flaws, I've worked with and used computers for a long time, I know. I chose not to delve deep into those as I feel that would defeat the purpose of the message I'm trying to convey. And, you know, lead by example.

What do ya'll think? Any suggestions to boost positivity in the world, I'm all ears, smash them and any other thoughts in the comments.

If we're talking about alternatives to YouTube, should the bar for "quality" users really be those who haven't yet been banned from YouTube? Does it really matter? If you can choose what you look at, subscribe to, etc. I'm not sure I fully understand the fear, or your point as to those users being on the platform as well?

If there's an agenda, people will lie. Keep that in the back of your mind when browsing. The extent to which people will lie depends on what there is to lose and what there is to gain. There is also mass delusions, which spread because the majority of people aren't willing to take a moment to think critically or be skeptical about things. Short-form content exacerbates this and everyone wanting to be the first to spread something make the whole issue worse. To the point where things get fabricated because that naturally speeds up the production of content, rather than it happening organically and then reporting on it. The Internet as a whole has amplified this a lot.


Yes, now it looks like frankenshelf. Adds character. What do you think?

I find the hype of something is inversely proportional to the quality of the end product. If some game company put 7 years into a game and their marketing was, "could be alright, see how you like it". I'd be all over that shit like white on rice.

So you're saying it's relatively cheap for the privilege of being in an abusive relationship?

It's a good outlook to have. When you assume people have good intentions it makes a world of difference.


Would you pick up on this if you were in a hurry and happen to be expecting a package? (imagine it's in English 😅) What immediately catches your eye?


Hello everyone,

Currently, I've been using Descript for editing, but I've encountered some limitations:

  1. The Descript app is not available for Linux.
  2. The browser-based version has limited features.

I don't want to switch from Linux just for this. I'm searching for an alternative that is both fully compatible and feature-rich. Ideally, the alternative should have:

  • Multi-track editing
  • Transcription services
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Help me spend minimal time editing without hiring someone 😅

I'd love to hear your recommendations and experiences with other platforms that fulfill these criteria.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Looking forward to your suggestions!


Hello everyone,

As someone with a background and deep passion for security, I've navigated the labyrinthine world of not only tech recruitment, but others as well, more than a few times. I've encountered a myriad of challenges that I believe many of us face but seldom discuss openly.

Generic Job Descriptions: Has anyone else noticed how many job descriptions in tech seem like they were written from a template? It's frustrating to sift through dozens of job descriptions only to find they all seem eerily similar, making it challenging to understand what a company is truly looking for.

The Never-Ending Interview Process: Multiple rounds of interviews, technical assessments, and then maybe a 'cultural fit' interview. The process can be draining and time-consuming.

I'm keen to open a discussion and hear your thoughts and experiences.

  • Have you faced similar challenges in tech recruitment?
  • How do you navigate the complexities?
  • Any tips for job seekers in tech, especially those interested in security?

Let's discuss!

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joined 1 year ago