
joined 6 months ago
[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Nice try, but you're going to have to work a lot harder if you want to trick me into clicking on that. I lived through browsing peak Slashdot at -1, you know

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

• Diligent application of Bayesian reasoning finally gains you the ability to fly, propelled by your own farts

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

#include BidenThoughts.h

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The cult will be the very last constituency to drop away, and likely form the majority of his hiring pool at this point, especially to replace the high-level attrition they suffered last year.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Substantially, uh, wider than I expected. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The bird flu is probably hitting that fellow's diet hard.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Stellantis is circling the drain even more rapidly than Tesla. The 3rd-runner-up car makers of both the USA and Europe bonded together into one great big Megazord of mediocrity. Unsurprising they'd pull something like this.

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago

A bit of a superpower, just a bit. A tiny little morsel, a sample of superpower, if you will.

If you gotta qualify it like that...

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

the axe is bundled inside of cut-down pool noodles!

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Both based on desperately trying to find an application for linear algebra accelerators that can generate VC-scale inflated financial valuations, so, yeah

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Customer acquisition cost for a future service, which is ~fixed after training costs, assuming we can consider distribution costs as marginal. Reasonably impressive accomplishment, if one is taking the perspective of SV SaaS-financing brain.*

*I don't recommend you do this for too long, that's how some of the people currently prominent in the news got to be the way that they are

[–] 16 points 3 weeks ago

year of Nakamoto 17

so what you're saying is, next year a whole lot of these guys are suddenly going to lose interest

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