[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 3 months ago

@evan@cosocial.ca Isn't IFTAS in strong support of using blocklists to silence or hide the existence of LGBT people without the knowledge of the people using those blocklists though? That does not sound awesome. Or do they not understand the harm that has been caused by the blocklisting project they're supporting? Maybe they don't realize the evil it's being used for? I completely understand if they didn't know, the person running it is one of those super charismatic people that are good at hiding abuse.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 4 points 4 months ago

@crashdoom I'm not optimistic about the situation after seeing their repeated use of transphobic slurs & threats against transgender people, but I hope that tenforward.social users find out about their admin's behavior & are able to move before everything collapses. :(

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 2 points 6 months ago

@9tr6gyp3 Anonymous data is a myth & I also see zero ads. Adblock blocks ads from loading, or even being requested in the first place.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 3 points 7 months ago

@the_third I couldn't find anything about Motorola Solutions specifically except that they make police equipment. This isn't the same as the other companies named Motorola, it's a different company.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 24 points 7 months ago

@ackshewally There's also D4:2D:C5 for i-PRO & a bunch for Motorola Solutions Inc. (different child company from Motorola, seems to make police hardware). Does anyone know any more OUIs? There are a few other Bluetooth police hardware manufacturers I've found that don't seem to have OUIs.

Also, does using an asterisk like that work? I've been using a regex for it & I would like to turn it into that to make it more readable.

I wish there was something better than BLE Radar for this that could search for things other than just MAC addresses & preset manufacturers.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 8 months ago

@splatoon@wetdry.world @splatoon@lemmy.world I did like seven before giving up. Matchmaking is so bad. I should just go back to Splatoon 2.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 8 months ago

@splatoon@wetdry.world @splatoon@lemmy.world I got bad matchmaking & didn't get in top 50% even though I got pretty close. I never completed a shift because my teams kept deciding the spread out to collect single far away eggs instead of helping splatted teammates.

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 9 months ago

@splatoon@wetdry.world @splatoon@lemmy.world win like ⅔ of the Splatfests & not even share the super sea snails

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 9 months ago

@splatoon@wetdry.world @splatoon@lemmy.world It's their fault for not disowning Shiver!

[-] jackemled@furry.engineer 1 points 9 months ago

@splatoon@wetdry.world @splatoon@lemmy.world I'm going to EXPLODE the Shiver fanboys with like thirty fizzbangs

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