Our pooch in is in her seizure window but we've switched up her meds this past month so we're hoping she'll last more than two weeks without a seizure. Kitty's doing well, although his weekly schedule is all topsy-turvy due to his mommy being given the boot by DOGE this past week so he's a bit stressed out and is trying to workout a new kitty routine but he'll still purr and chirp for butt/back scratches.
joined 2 weeks ago
Both me and my partner joined today. Problem is a lot of people don't know about Lemmy, I'd never heard of it before today but someone commented about it on reddit in response to reddit's latest nonsense.
I'll likely stick around reddit for a bit and do my part to comment about making the switch. I can't blame people for not joining something they know nothing about.
Amazing, or well beautiful. Definitely killed a few hours on there tonight and bookmarked for later.