[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 35 points 4 months ago

Breed’s office has said the measure was intentionally designed to be flexible on the treatment component. Treatment options could range from out-patient services to a prescription for buprenorphine, a medication used to treat addiction. They noted it doesn’t include a requirement for participants to remain sober, recognizing that people often lapse in recovery and shouldn’t be kicked out of the program for a slip-up.


[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 56 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

In modern x86 CPUs, POPCNT is implemented as part of the SSE4 instruction set. For Intel's chips, it was added as part of SSE4.2 in the original first-generation Core architecture, codenamed Nehalem. In AMD's processors, it's included in SSE4a, first used in Phenom, Athlon, and Sempron CPUs based on the K10 architecture. These architectures date back to 2008 and 2007, respectively.

That effectively bars mid-2000s Intel Core 2 Duo systems and early Athlon 64-era PCs from booting Windows 11 at all, not that they officially supported it in the first place. This means the change should mainly affect retro-computing enthusiasts who spend their days making YouTube videos in the "we installed Windows 11 on a potato, let's see how it runs" genre rather than users of actual systems.

You can check if your CPU has SSE 4.2(Intel) or 4a(AMD) but it sounds like unless you're running some real old stuff you shouldn't have to worry.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 32 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

“I would have filled out whatever was necessary, because at the end of the day, while it would have been a hit to my pride, there is something much more important than my pride, and that’s fighting for this community,” Childrey said.

Make sure you didn't miss what they actually had to say about it.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 97 points 6 months ago

Tesla’s reasoning for going away with a method universally used for signaling turn for decades is that it enables them to remove a physical part, the stalk, and it believes activating a turn signal will soon be unnecessary with the advent of self-driving.

Spit my drink up a bit when I read that.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 37 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Next year: New Steam Deck rumored to have an essential oil compartment.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 74 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Apple is just going to turn the codebase to iMessage over to a 3rd party?

You've got that backwards - beeper was offering to do that for their own codebase.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 34 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

“The two preceding chairs of this committee violated the letter and spirit of Committee Rule IV,” he said, referring to a committee rule that requires at least one member of the minority to vote with the majority to end debate on a matter before moving to vote on it.

Durbin said one former chair, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), violated this rule with a vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and Graham was chair when he broke the rule to advance a partisan immigration bill without Democratic input.

“In doing so, Republicans established a new precedent that I followed on one occasion last Congress and will follow again today,” said the Illinois Democrat. “I’ve said time and again there cannot be one set of rules for Republicans and a different set for Democrats.”

The best remedy is a consistent set of rules, but once a precedent is established, that's basically the new rule until proven otherwise.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 54 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The provision explicitly bans insurrectionists from serving as US senators, representatives, and even presidential electors – but it does not say presidents. It says it covers “any office, civil or military, under the United States,” and Wallace ruled that this does not include the office of the presidency.

None of that means we shouldn't talk about the ruling

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 49 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Free returns is great insulation against broken products.

In my experience having to pay 15% of the purchase price just to return something that arrived broken definitely prevented any unnecessary purchases from that company in the future.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 42 points 9 months ago

CDPR originally thought they may replace him in the expansion and then go back and actually re-record his lines in the original for consistency’s sake but…no one really liked that idea, as it did not seem fair to his memory and his great performance.

I really don't like the idea of doing it for entirely new performances but it doesn't seem about the money in this case.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 70 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Their current solution illegally crosses the border itself.

[-] kick_out_the_jams@kbin.social 157 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

After the harassment had escalated from verbal to sexual assault, the mother requested that the flight attendant change their seats, but they allegedly said there was nothing they could do.

A different male passenger volunteered to switch seats with the teen, however, and sat between the man and the mother for the remainder of the trip, according to the filing.

It it sometimes shocking how little it takes to be someone's hero when nobody else seems to care.

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