Liar. The nym-shifty trolls (you) are tiring. You'll have to nymshift again. [blocked]
Your juvenile and race-slur language and profanity are unacceptable, dumb savage behavior. You might think you are being 'edgy'. You're just a spectacle of stupidity. [blocked]
I'm looking for different P2P networks to share my papers and essays. It is mostly postscript, pdf, and txt files. Since a lot has changed in the p2p landscape I figured I should ask around before downloading and testing a hundred apps that don't work.
I was thinking of setting up a dedicated box to serve my files on all the P2P networks I could find. I don't even know if some of them are active any more.
I do know that edonkey still has some peers. WinMX became DarkMX and has a few dedicated peers. Other than that, IDK. What about Limewire, Phex, or gnutella in general? Does anyone still use these old nets?
I misunderstood. I assumed you meant plan9 from Bell Labs. There was a long lull of activity on the child project that is now maintaining it. To hell with Amazon. I ordered one time from them a couple years go. It was a disaster. I haven't been back since.
Liar. You'll have to nymshift again. [blocked]