Sounds like a company owns the house and lets it out.
Boats. Mash them. Boil them. Put immigrants in them.
I don't think hands are good at peeling potatoes. Maybe if you sharpen your nails?
Would slowing them down be enough? I'm thinking along the lines of a magnet.
Science itself during the dark ages.
Romans were doing very well before my buddy JC came along.
Maybe our sins should have stayed unforgiven, you know?
Reminds me of ant lines.
Oh, this is what interacting with Mastodon means. I don't get notifications for the tags.
And that's okay, mate. I haven't tried to look clever. I don't consider myself clever. As a matter of fact, I'm a moron and I'm happy to be seen as such. Welcome to my level, by the way.
I'm not used to things like Twitter much. Do people just not provide insight when they post? Your posts reads like "And I think neither correct nor clever. But I'm not going to say why because my head lives in my ass."
That's some weird kinky shit you got going on in your imagination, Dhave Config.
But I don't blame you for it. I appreciate my emotions and I think they're beautiful. I'm glad to be somewhere I can express them and I would like to keep it that way. Wouldn't you too, Dhave?
This makes me a little warm inside because it feels like chatting with ChatGPT.
Dude donates $1.3 million out of his $300 million earnings from one year alone to his country of birth? I want to believe that's not everything but on the other hand I also read venture capitalist somewhere in there.
Billionaires giving the equivalent of hand-me-downs and calling themselves philanthropists. Truly owners of a golden heart.
So, you think without legislations small businesses could stand their ground?