Yup, same for me
I've been using the 'Silence' app, which lets only known-callers ring your phone. The rest get sent straight to voicemail
I'm not who you replied to but..... I've run a bunch of models through https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile and https://ollama.com/. I'm lucky enough to have a decent video-card (24GB), but if you are willing to be a bit more paitient, or run a lower model, you'll probably be able to get it going.
I grew up in California and had the opposite experience. I had friends who grew up speaking Mexican-Spanish at home, and would take the Spanish classes to get an easy A.
The teachers never understood what the Mexican-Spanish students were saying, and kept telling the native speakers that they were doing it wrong.
Honestly, I just block the people who keep repeating that kinds of BS. They aren't worth my mental energy.
Does that mean I miss out on a bunch of discussions on .world? yes, but not wasting my mental energy on bad-faith arguments is worth it.
Fair enough. I'm sorry to hear all that. I'm lucky enough to have a good tech job, but I'd love to have a good tech job in Sweden instead of here in the US.
I'd love to move to Sweden. Any advice on how to move out there?
Does it? TIL I always thought it meant "official" or some such, but had no bearing on whether they were elected or not
Install Ganeti, or K3s, and do a lot of things!
That sounds possible, but I'd probably attribute it to hotels being bad at managing their pricing
I've heard of the Brain Health Registry: https://my.brainhealthregistry.org/
But I have no idea how well it works