I did know a dude who said that he picks psychedelic mushrooms in public parks all around the city and makes like $10k a year or something. Don't know how true, but I do know if you know what to look for, you can find psychedelic mushrooms all around your city in small patches of grass.
One. On a long string, then use it as a pendulum to induce a hypnotic trance in the man. Change his personality during said trance. Wake him up. Done.
To constantly exercise their power to dominate the market and keep their mindshare up. Also to keep all the soda addicts (me) to keep drinking the fuzzy black poison. Also, I can see it as, like the hammer & sickle in the USSR, it being like the strongarm symbol for American Capitalism (same with McDonalds).
It's 7:08. Do you know where your content is?
Thank you for creating content in April!
It seems the content will soon divorce
Realize that walls suck.
Thank you for making me want to buy Pepsi with your content!
Who knew a post-grunge band from the late 90's could be a Nazi. Gives the song Machine Head a whole new perspective.
Thank you for creating artistic David Lynch Fanta Ad content!