Heyo, that’s where I live 😅
Guess this means the Irish Unification of 2024 might also not happen
Lower Decks!
Or it’s the government propping up Big Dairy
Kai Winn: grabs you by the ear and declares that the prophets dictate you not only return her cart for her, but that you must unload her cart into her vehicle. And if you don’t, your pah will suffer, my child
Definitely thought this was talking about a subreddit and I got real confused there for a minute 😅
How much could a banana cost? Like, $10?
That seat position is WAY too far back from the steering wheel
DS9 episode “Chrysalis”. There’s a great scene where some augmented, yet socially challenged savants dress up as Starfleet officers. Patrick pretends to be an admiral. When other officers ask him what’s he’s doing, he responds with, “that’s a stupid question,” and they let him proceed with commandeering a ship, etc.
Pretentious freedom-loving atoms
I feel like it was a “aha I remember when you wore that outfit.” I was kind of hoping they would have a conversation at the end. Instead we got the DTI 😄
Might get some hate here for this, but I’ve tried this company’s cheese. It’s the best cheddar cheese I’ve ever tasted.