Yay, it's that time of year again!
Don't know how often I'll be able to compete for time this year, but I'll give it a go.
Yay, it's that time of year again!
Don't know how often I'll be able to compete for time this year, but I'll give it a go.
Most people would use "word", "half-word", "quarter-word" etc, but the Anglophiles insist on "tuppit", "ternary piece", "span" and "chunk" (that's 5 bits, or 12 old bits).
Maybe it was due to attempting the puzzles in real-time for the first time, but it felt like there was quite a spike in difficulty this year. Day 5 (If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer) in particular was pretty tough for an early puzzle.
Day 8 (Haunted Wasteland), Day 20 (Pulse Propagation) and Day 21 (Step Counter) were (I felt) a bit mean due to hidden properties of the input data.
I particularly liked Day 6 (Wait For It), Day 14 (Parabolic Reflector Dish) and Day 24 (Never Tell Me The Odds), although that one made my brain hurt.
Day 25 (Snowverload) had me reading research papers, although in the end I stumbled across Karger's algorithm. That's the first time I've used a probabilistic approach. This solution in particular was very clever.
I learned the Shoelace formula and Pick's theorem this year, which will be very helpful to remember.
Perhaps I'll try using Prolog or J next year :)
Took a while to figure out what part 2 was all about. Didn't have the energy to golf this one further today, so looking forward to seeing the other solutions!
0.3 line-seconds
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Vector as V
hash :: String -> Int
hash = foldl' (\a c -> ((a + ord c) * 17) `rem` 256) 0
hashmap :: [String] -> Int
hashmap = focus . V.toList . foldl' step (V.replicate 256 [])
focus = sum . zipWith focusBox [1 ..]
focusBox i = sum . zipWith (\j (_, z) -> i * j * z) [1 ..] . reverse
step boxes s =
let (label, op) = span isLetter s
i = hash label
in case op of
['-'] -> V.accum (flip filter) boxes [(i, (/= label) . fst)]
('=' : z) -> V.accum replace boxes [(i, (label, read z))]
replace ls (n, z) =
case findIndex ((== n) . fst) ls of
Just j ->
let (a, _ : b) = splitAt j ls
in a ++ (n, z) : b
Nothing -> (n, z) : ls
main = do
input <- splitOn "," . head . lines <$> readFile "input15"
print $ sum . map hash $ input
print $ hashmap input
A little slow (1.106s on my machine), but list operations made this really easy to write. I expect somebody more familiar with Haskell than me will be able to come up with a more elegant solution.
Nevertheless, 59th on the global leaderboard today! Woo!
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Semigroup
rotateL, rotateR, tiltW :: Endo [[Char]]
rotateL = Endo $ reverse . transpose
rotateR = Endo $ map reverse . transpose
tiltW = Endo $ map tiltRow
tiltRow xs =
let (a, b) = break (== '#') xs
(os, ds) = partition (== 'O') a
rest = case b of
('#' : b') -> '#' : tiltRow b'
[] -> []
in os ++ ds ++ rest
load rows = sum $ map rowLoad rows
rowLoad = sum . map (length rows -) . elemIndices 'O'
lookupCycle xs i =
let (o, p) = findCycle 0 Map.empty xs
in xs !! if i < o then i else (i - o) `rem` p + o
findCycle i seen (x : xs) =
case seen Map.!? x of
Just j -> (j, i - j)
Nothing -> findCycle (i + 1) (Map.insert x i seen) xs
main = do
input <- lines <$> readFile "input14"
print . load . appEndo (tiltW <> rotateL) $ input
print $
load $
(iterate (appEndo $ stimes 4 (rotateR <> tiltW)) $ appEndo rotateL input)
42.028 line-seconds
This was fun and (fairly) easy! Off-by-one errors are a likely source of bugs here.
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Maybe
score d pat = ((100 *) <$> search pat) `mplus` search (transpose pat)
search pat' = find ((d ==) . rdiff pat') [1 .. length pat' - 1]
rdiff pat' i =
let (a, b) = splitAt i pat'
in length $ filter (uncurry (/=)) $ zip (concat $ reverse a) (concat b)
main = do
input <- splitOn [""] . lines <$> readFile "input13"
let go d = print . sum . map (fromJust . score d) $ input
go 0
go 1
Line-seconds score: 0.102
Phew! I struggled with this one. A lot of the code here is from my original approach, which cuts down the search space to plausible positions for each group. Unfortunately, that was still way too slow...
It took an embarrassingly long time to try memoizing the search (which made precomputing valid points far less important). Anyway, here it is!
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
readInput :: String -> ([Maybe Bool], [Int])
readInput s =
let [a, b] = words s
in ( map (\case '#' -> Just True; '.' -> Just False; '?' -> Nothing) a,
map read $ splitOn "," b
arrangements :: ([Maybe Bool], [Int]) -> Int
arrangements (pat, gs) = evalState (searchMemo 0 groups) Map.empty
len = length pat
groups = zipWith startPoints gs $ zip minStarts maxStarts
minStarts = scanl (\a g -> a + g + 1) 0 $ init gs
maxStarts = map (len -) $ scanr1 (\g a -> a + g + 1) gs
startPoints g (a, b) =
let ps = do
(i, pat') <- zip [a .. b] $ tails $ drop a pat
guard $
all (\(p, x) -> maybe True (== x) p) $
zip pat' $
replicate g True ++ [False]
return i
in (g, ps)
clearableFrom i =
fmap snd $
listToMaybe $
takeWhile ((<= i) . fst) $
dropWhile ((< i) . snd) clearableRegions
clearableRegions =
let go i [] = []
go i pat =
let (a, a') = span (/= Just True) pat
(b, c) = span (== Just True) a'
in (i, i + length a - 1) : go (i + length a + length b) c
in go 0 pat
searchMemo :: Int -> [(Int, [Int])] -> State (Map (Int, Int) Int) Int
searchMemo i gs = do
let k = (i, length gs)
cached <- gets (Map.!? k)
case cached of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> do
x <- search i gs
modify (Map.insert k x)
return x
search i gs | i >= len = return $ if null gs then 1 else 0
search i [] = return $
case clearableFrom i of
Just b | b == len - 1 -> 1
_ -> 0
search i ((g, ps) : gs) = do
let maxP = maybe i (1 +) $ clearableFrom i
ps' = takeWhile (<= maxP) $ dropWhile (< i) ps
sum <$> mapM (\p -> let i' = p + g + 1 in searchMemo i' gs) ps'
expand (pat, gs) =
(intercalate [Nothing] $ replicate 5 pat, concat $ replicate 5 gs)
main = do
input <- map readInput . lines <$> readFile "input12"
print $ sum $ map arrangements input
print $ sum $ map (arrangements . expand) input
Not hugely proud of this one; part one would have been easier if I'd spend more time reading the question and not started on an overly-general solution, and I lost a lot of time on part two to a missing a +
. More haste, less speed, eh?
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
readInput :: String -> ([Int], [(String, [(Int, Int, Int)])])
readInput s =
let (seedsChunk : mapChunks) = splitOn [""] $ lines s
seeds = map read $ tail $ words $ head seedsChunk
maps = map readMapChunk mapChunks
in (seeds, maps)
readMapChunk (title : rows) =
let name = head $ words title
entries = map ((\[a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)) . map read . words) rows
in (name, entries)
part1 (seeds, maps) =
let f = foldl1' (flip (.)) $ map (ref . snd) maps
in minimum $ map f seeds
ref [] x = x
ref ((a, b, c) : rest) x =
let i = x - b
in if i >= 0 && i < c
then a + i
else ref rest x
mapRange :: [(Int, Int, Int)] -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
mapRange entries (start, end) =
go start $ sortOn (\(_, b, _) -> b) entries
go i [] = [(i, end)]
go i es@((a, b, c) : rest)
| i > end = []
| b > end = go i []
| b + c <= i = go i rest
| i < b = (i, b - 1) : go b es
| otherwise =
let d = min (b + c - 1) end
in (a + i - b, a + d - b) : go (d + 1) rest
part2 (seeds, maps) =
let seedRanges = map (\[a, b] -> (a, a + b - 1)) $ chunksOf 2 seeds
in minimum $ map fst $ foldl' (flip mapRanges) seedRanges $ map snd maps
mapRanges m = concatMap (mapRange m)
main = do
input <- readInput <$> readFile "input05"
print $ part1 input
print $ part2 input
11:39 -- I spent most of the time reading the scoring rules and (as usual) writing a parser...
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
readCard :: String -> ([Int], [Int])
readCard =
join bimap (map read) . second tail . break (== "|") . words . tail . dropWhile (/= ':')
countShared = length . uncurry intersect
part1 = sum . map ((\n -> if n > 0 then 2 ^ (n - 1) else 0) . countShared)
part2 = sum . foldr ((\n a -> 1 + sum (take n a) : a) . countShared) []
main = do
input <- map readCard . lines <$> readFile "input04"
print $ part1 input
print $ part2 input
const max12 = (x, y) => {
if (x === 1 && y === 2) {
return 2;
} else if (x === 7 && y === 4) {
return 7;
} else {
return x;
There's always the classic C strcpy :)
char *strcpy(char *dest, char *src) {
char *p = dest;
while (*p++ = *src++);
return dest;
Haskell! Because it fits the way I think nicely, and I don't want to write in anything else :)