Hehe. Nice observation!
Although, isn't this basically Newton's method of square roots? I don't recall how floating point implementations usually do it, but it's not too surprising that the performance is similar to the algebraic approach.
Hehe. Nice observation!
Although, isn't this basically Newton's method of square roots? I don't recall how floating point implementations usually do it, but it's not too surprising that the performance is similar to the algebraic approach.
That's nice to hear. I recognize a lot of what you're saying <3
It feels good to be able to open up to people at last.
Whee! Another time sink! /subscribe
I might have spent an unusual amount of time recently reading up on ADHD. Am I going to do anything about it? Ha ha ha.
Yep, a good lesson about communication here!
I've stolen plenty of content from FMA as DM in my own games, but trying to play an expy of some existing character is unlikely to go well.
I tried some of this recently. The peach flavor was a bit too sweet for me, but the plain stuff is <3
That sounds lIke fun! What do you do about hills? Do you have power assist?
I agree with 15: I solved it pretty quickly and I like my solution, but what makes me really happy is that I'm pretty sure I couldn't have solved it a few years ago.
Also day 11 (Plutonian pebbles): it's such a simple problem, and part two is a perfect example of how and why to use dynamic programming. I've been encouraging everyone to try it.
It was nice to see some of the same faces (as it were) again from last year!
Also great to see more Haskell solutions, and props to those crazy enough to write in J and Uiua.
That's lovely!