How did you manage to convince friends and (especially) family to actually use Matrix? Quite impressive!
Your stance is great. I'm very glad you're taking the liberty to remove posts, moderated spaces who are strict about what kinda content is allowed are just more pleasant. Hackernews, and me_irl come to mind. Unsure why the poster in the picture reacted so dramatically lol
Good words tf with the downvotes?
Incredibly common, but I don't really have an indication as to whether it's an extreme amount or not, because I've lived here my entire life and haven't been abroad too much, so I'll try describing it their presence in public:
- Soldiers are one of the primary users of public transport, because they're teens and they barely have shuttle buses
- Some administrative/technological roles in the military might not provide you with lodging, so it looks like a 9-5. Sometimes you'll end your day and go fuck around in the city while in uniform; I did that frequently
- Infantry soldiers have a choice when going back home for the weekend: either wait hours for the privilege to deposit their weapon in a safe, or just take it with them home and carry it around
Love it! I did feel uncomfortable with 2010s-Facebook-style excessive public sharing. Most of my friends, with me included, abuse the close friends Instagram feature and I'm all for it. I know a couple of people who deleted their old Facebook accounts because digital footprint was too frightening – particularly, the shit they posted during their teens in private Facebook groups that they have long left.
All of this is obviously not related whatsoever to data harvesting; this fight is against individual stalkers rather than corporate ones. But it's a blessed one non the less; stalking shouldn't really be a thing.
Let's go Ubuntu 00.00
Hey:) So regarding the "unnatural humanity", that's mistranslated. Freely translating what she wrote would be "irregular humanity", but idiomatically it would be translated to "extraordinary humanity" or something.
Other than that, the translation is accurate enough. The translator took the liberty to make it way more poetic, but the overall tone is the same.
The only suspicious thing I encountered is the use of the word "generals":
- She wrote ג׳נרל (Jeneral, like how you pronounce it in English) while in Hebrew you'd say it with a hard G. That's close enough to how you say it in Arabic (Jiniral)
- Nobody uses that word in a non-derogatory way. They'd usually say קצין (officer)
I wouldn't get too hung up on this letter though. It was a weird and uncanny read. I think there is other, more solid evidence that can enjoy that focus instead
I'm a native Hebrew speaker and the translation is accurate. Video got deleted after a flood of disgusted comments, I got to see it minutes after it was posted by chance. This is unusual because Kan at least tries to keep it "formal". I mean usually they just stick to wrongful propaganda.
Lessgooooo these are great news! Thanks for all you've done. Also am I tripping or the person reading this comment haven't donated yet?
I was referring to other commenters, mb should've been clearer about it
Idk I think y'all are a bit too dramatic lol. Imho you're reading too much into a small aggression. This has nothing to do with the future of Lemmy or anything as grandiose as that
Yeah actually writing Wordpress themes was easier than I thought. But I wrote them for the old editor, not Gutenberg – I opted for ClassicPress instead which was quite a banger in the effort-to-outcome equation