Zionists, I have to ask: how many Palestinian civilian lives is too many?
Even if you subscribe to the ideology of "eye for an eye" as a standard instead of a maximum, you have to admit that at over 17,000 civilian casualties, that we're well into the "life for an eye" territory, and heading into the "life of your entire family for an eye" realm of things.
So, how many is too many? How many Palestinian civilians have to die before you agree that Israel has gone too far?
Even if they stopped this second, it will take billions of dollars and a generation or more to rebuild Gaza from the rubble, to say nothing of the humanitarian cost. Even if they eliminated the entirety of Hamas tomorrow, you cannot deny that they've created untold generations of militant radicals with their excessive cruelty in this slaughter.
And this isn't even considering Israel's crimes against humanity in the West Bank. The Palestinians can't leave, no one will let them emigrate. They don't have the resources or capacity to rebuild their homes after this. There were potentially legitimate arguments about the term "refugee" prior to this when people in Gaza were living in permanent buildings, but that argument no longer holds water now that those buildings have been reduced to rubble.
I really want to know your thoughts on this. How many civilians does Israel have to kill, how many homes do they have to destroy, how many lives do they have to irrevocably destroy for you to condemn their actions?
That 54% helps to pay for the camp facilities and subsidize participation in summer camp and troops for low-income kids that otherwise wouldn't be able to participate.