[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 day ago

Let's throw in a 3rd term allowance too since he was so persecuted in his first heh. I'd say allow him to rob the treasury too but he'll do that anyways if he's elected.

Also yes I know about project 2025, so there's a chance he gets that in some form anyways. After all, a president can do whatever he wants if the heritage foundation says it's official duties...sorry the Supreme Court.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 days ago

That's the thing, they don't care if people have a solid understanding of science if it gives them power / more true believers. It's a completely backwards thinking that'll set back science for years, decades or more if it really takes hold.

If the strongest military power on Earth is being controlled by religious fundamentalists (aka heritage foundation) it is quite scary. Sure it'll take some time to widdle down the will of the people in charge (replace them) but given a bit of time it could easily happen and they don't just want to change their country they think their opinion is right for the world.

I also agree, I love science, I'm older but I still strive to learn new things, get excited by new discoveries it'd be a shame if that stopped cause people gave up on it, or if education failed people wanting to learn it.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 days ago

They'll just give vouchers for Christian private schools, who will charge as much as they like but it'll be an 'approved' school and drain more taxpayer money. Also sounds crazy when you realize the attendance in a public school. Basically funding Christian oriented schools.

Didn't downvote you and see what you mean, but your conclusion didn't really come out to their endgame. It'll be affordable to all, cause it'll be Indoctrination for Christian Nationalists.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 20 points 3 days ago

Hopefully it helps for the US elections, from a concerned neighbor of theirs.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 7 points 4 days ago

Sometimes they actually get sentenced to jail but nothing we'd want our kids to look up to or helping society improve. Only the best people of course.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 40 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

The upside of having no real stances is you can throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks towards your benefit.

Also an upside of never implementing what you promised it doesn't matter what you said last.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 150 points 2 months ago

Every once in awhile these sort of posts make me introspective, they say almost exactly the same as my opinion about what I think of far right conservatives. Then I remember I'm not the one oppressing people and want to accept everyone as long as they don't bring intolerance.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 38 points 3 months ago

I thought the message of the comic was that we need to change society to better manage our mental health better not that medication was bad. Like we prop up our society on medication to get people to handle it. But I don't get messages like that clearly so may be wrong.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 66 points 8 months ago

The Republican party: please see us as the victims even if we've directly cultivated this outcome. How would we know it may cause us problems and not the Democrats? Seriously this isn't our fault, the government is only on hold due to Democrats not voting for a speaker. Send donations so we can get more Republicans to argue with next term.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 40 points 9 months ago

I'm a Canadian who doesn't pay much attention to hockey (yeah I know), but fuck this decision. Everyone should be for inclusive rights to all members of society who respect others. No ands ifs or buts. Fuck people who don't agree, it's not in your face it's just people wanting to be treated as equals you fuckers. I'd say heaven forbid we welcome different people but that's already in the bible, not that these people read it.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 43 points 9 months ago

I was so disappointed when Gaetz (almost forgot to include the name, have to be specific when talking about Republicans) wasn't charged after all the venmo stuff came out. Like it seemed there was evidence that he should have at least been charged and had a trial. Unless I missed something else after that completely absolved him of ties with the sex trafficking guy who he was apparently buddy with.

[-] orbitz@lemmy.ca 71 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

So with wildfires in Canada there's evacuation zones near me, but I can't click on some announcement links from the main site that shows the evacuation zones because they go to twitter and you need to log in now. I think they show some on other pages on the site but they do the quicklink to the twitter announcement in the sidebar so you have to click around a bit to get to it. Yes I know the name but whatever. My point being is when the social media site that was meant for short bits of info isn't good for emergency notifications where everyone can read, it's shitty and potentially harmful.

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