submitted 11 months ago by patchymoose@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I have never played any of the Dragon Age games, but I just gained access to the GamePass tier that has EA games, so I can play any of them.

I absolutely love all of Bioware's "classic" works (KOTOR, Mass Effect) where conversation choices affect the plot of the game. Would you guys recommend just playing the Dragon Age games in order of release, or what is the general consensus?

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 44 points 11 months ago

It must be incredibly frustrating to be the new CEO that he just appointed, only to have him continuing to run his mouth and make ruinous decisions that tie your hands.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 141 points 1 year ago

It's really apparent that Spez and the rest of the admin team don't actually use Reddit on a day to day basis. Their decisions are like some consultant coming in and recommending ideas.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 30 points 1 year ago

Just want to note that the link is an opinion piece, not a news article.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 73 points 1 year ago

I think it's very on-brand for Reddit to announce that they are removing a feature without having a replacement ready for primetime.

Why on Earth would you announce this now when you're not ready for whatever is coming next? It's like they are purposely trying to kill Reddit.

I'm only half joking that I'm expecting Mark Zuckerberg to announce a new app called "Links" next week that looks suspiciously like Reddit, because this pattern is starting to feel familiar.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 43 points 1 year ago

It's so on-brand for Reddit to announce killing these features without any explanation of what is to take its place. Just a vague mention of more communication "in the coming months".

How exciting.

Reminds me of when they killed Reddit Gifts/Secret Santa.

Reddit and Twitter are racing to see who can kill themselves faster.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 30 points 1 year ago

Are you a developer of both Lemmy and Jerboa? I just realized I think I've seen your name in both places. You are a freaking hard worker!!!

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 23 points 1 year ago

This is just my own take, but I feel like at least part of the reason they went back to releasing new versions is because of the recent resurgence of macOS. Not only do Macs have the excitement of Apple Silicon, but they have annual "new" OS releases; even if not much has changed, it creates excitement with their fanbase. I think Microsoft realized that it's not very exciting to just be on Windows 10 forever. So we got Windows 11.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 26 points 1 year ago

Amusing that Twitter's cease and desist notice claims that Meta is using its "trade secrets". Lmfao what trade secrets? Twitter has no unique technology or patents. Their whole business position is nothing more than first mover advantage for their format of social media.

That's why they've never made money. They don't have any novel IP or "trade secrets" to leverage in the first place.

Say what you want about Meta, but at least they have a whole ad platform that they created that competes with Google Ad Sense, and is an actual asset.

submitted 1 year ago by patchymoose@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Somebody mentioned de-lidding the CPU. I am hoping to get away with not doing that, but we'll see how it runs.

I got it for $40, so I can't complain. The disc drive works fine, it outputs 1080p, the controller input works fine. It just needs to be cleaned like all hell.

submitted 1 year ago by patchymoose@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@beehaw.org

I never had a PS3 back in the day. I have a PS5 now, and when I was looking at the PS+ packages, I was fascinated by the fact that all the PS3 games have to be streamed. And what's more, relatively few PS3 games are even on the service. I didn't realize that the PS3 was such a unique/powerful console, that it still apparently can't be properly emulated even on a PS5.

I am interested in playing Final Fantasy 13, the Killzone series, Resistance Fall of Man, among others. Looks like a PS3 can be had for about $120 at my local game store.

Do others still have and use their PS3? Does it still connect/interface to Sony's online service? Like can I still get trophies that connect with my PS account, buy DLC, etc? Or is all that shut down?

I do have an Xbox Series X, so I could play FF13 on there, but none of the other games.

(Hopefully this kind of post is ok here, I know it's not gaming news, but just trying to not sit and lurk, but actually create discussion)

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 26 points 1 year ago

I find it very strange how much Russia relies on this mercenary group. I know there are other groups like this in the West (I'm mainly thinking about Blackwater), but Wagner seems many orders of magnitude larger and more powerful, seemingly rivaling Russia's own military itself.

I'm surprised that someone as notoriously paranoid as Vladimir Putin has allowed this man to gather so much power, and indeed, his own personal army. Putin will probably still come out on top, but this is going to hurt him tremendously in the PR arena.

submitted 1 year ago by patchymoose@lemmy.ml to c/news@beehaw.org

The NY Post got their hands on some pretty damning text messages where this CEO was irresponsibly downplaying the risks and cutting the ticket price for a potential prospect. I know he's dead now, but I hope some sort of regulations come out of this.


Hi everyone, although I am not personally socialist, I come in peace with a question that I am seeking to learn.

Within capitalism, the concept of "limited liability" is common. Essentially, the owners of a firm cannot be held personally liable for the wrongs of the firm. If Toyota makes dangerous airbags, the personal home of the executives cannot be seized to pay victims. Only company assets can be liquidated.

How does this work within a Marxist framework where the workers are the owners of the "firms" (or of the manufacturing plant). For example, imagine that a worker-owned plant makes faulty airbags through negligence. Would the workers be personally liable? Or would the concept of limited liability remain, and the worst that could happen would be the liquidation of the plant to repay victims' families?

Thank you for hearing my question!

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 63 points 1 year ago

It's funny how Reddit rarely if ever has stepped in to reign in actual problematic mods in the past, instead just encouraging people to create their own subreddit if they don't like how it's being run.

But now, they suddenly change their tune, and spout this sentimental blather about how mods are "stewards" and "in a position of trust", and now they will solemnly respond with "next steps" if mods don't open these important communities. Their arguments are totally incoherent.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 33 points 1 year ago

Wow, Reddit really has so many professional people working for them.

[-] patchymoose@lemmy.ml 18 points 1 year ago

As part of the silent majority of Jerboa users, thank you for everything you do. I appreciate all your work on the app beyond words. Its so awesome.

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