[-] protovack@lemmy.world 31 points 1 year ago

you will own nothing!

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Gladly most muslims selectively do not follow the parts of the Quran which advocate violence, but it is definitely in there. Islamic extremists are basically literal interpreters of certain parts of the book, mostly those written by Muhammad himself, who was a warrior/aristocrat LARP'ing as a spiritual guru.


"Subsequent to obtaining a divine instruction to battle the polytheists, Muhammad dispatched his followers to perform raids on the Quraysh's trading caravans. Certain Meccan followers of his were reluctant to partake, as it would mean attacking their own tribespeople. This vexed Muhammad, resulting in the revelation of Quran verse 2:216, among others, which asserts that fighting is good and has been made obligatory for them. After several months of failures, Muhammad managed to achieve his first successful raid, at Nakhla, during a month that the pagans forbade themselves from shedding blood. When the bountiful plunder was being brought back to him in Medina, Muhammad was met with censure from the locals. He contended that his followers had misconstrued his command, and he postponed taking his one-fifth portion of the spoil until a verse was ultimately revealed, legitimizing the attack.

In the early stages of his time in Medina, Muhammad was optimistic that the Jewish people would acknowledge him as a Prophet and strove to obtain converts from their community. However, his efforts were unsuccessful and even faced ridicule, as the Jews perceived inconsistencies between the Quran and their own scriptures. Consequently, the Quran accused the Jews of hiding and modifying parts of their holy texts. The Jewish criticism and refusal presented a danger to his prophetic claims, and, as a result, the views of Muhammad and the Quran towards them worsened. This then led to the reorientation of the Muslim prayer direction, the qibla, from Jerusalem to the Kaaba. Following the Battle of Badr, Muhammad revealed his intention to expel the Jews from the land. Once the ransom arrangements for the Meccan captives were finalized, he initiated a siege on the Banu Qaynuqa, regarded as the weakest and wealthiest of Medina's three main Jewish tribes."

These terrorists wouldn't hesitate to slit your throat if you didn't pledge allegiance to Muhammad, and even if you did they'd probably still murder you. And that's why they all need to be sent promptly back to Allah to check in, permanently. It's really sad that some of their normal/moderate compatriots will be joining them, but unfortunately, that's their whole plan. Use the palestinian people as a gigantic group of hostages which they can slowly sacrifice on their altar to Muhammed. And don't make the mistake of turning this into a class war about "oppressed people". Muhammed filled palaces with treasure he stole from the people he murdered.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

badly drawn maps are a major culprit. its clear many commenters are young and don't know the actual history. i'm a bit surprised by just how many pro-hamas posts ive seen. its a little disturbing. read your history. there is very little that the modern state of Israel could have done to prevent any of this. these extremists want total annihilation of israel. what can israel do against terrorists whose stated goal is to participate in a holy war which they believe is their ticket to heaven? it's an unwinnable conflict. peace talks only work if all sides actually want peace (and just disagree about how to accomplish it) every insane group of extremists across history has had to be dealt with forcefully, at some point, in some way or another, for all of human history. the japanese, germans, soviets, koreans, all needed to be dealt with, and in all cases it required overwhelming force sustained by wide coalitions over many years.

this is no different. if you are young, don't know the history, and are sitting in your room thinking there is some special concession Israel could give, that would turn this all around, its time to hit the library. The reality is that there isn't really any land in the area that would work for that. The available land that is compatible with human civilization in that part of the world, is completely full. There is no "amazon" that could be cut down to build new areas for Palestinians to live. It's a hot, arid, inhospitable part of the world, and civilization is clustered around natural rivers and mountainous locations. There's no place for anyone to go.

And then there's the ideology. Even if Israel and some broad coalition decided to invest trillions in some massive infrastructure project to make Gaza the best place in the world to live, the terrorists would still do exactly what they're doing today. The point you have to understand, is that Hamas does not care about Palestinians. Repeat that to yourself 10x and commit it to your brain forever. Islamic extremists do not care about achieving peaceful cooperation with people of other faiths and ideologies on planet earth. Nor do they even care about their own people.

People in the west are extremely soft and ignorant in some ways. They've grown up immersed in a culture of relative stability, judeo-christian ethics, etc. They have no concept that there are people out there who share none of that. They literally don't care. And the proof is all over twitter. Go watch, let it soak in.

Only a broad coalition with massive force can end this, just like every other time. otherwise its just on an endless cycle.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Of course it does, just like any other nation. In this case, the extreme islamists don't care about geopolitical resources like land or oil. They care about exterminating Jews. Plain and simple. If Hamas had free reign, they would execute every last person on planet earth, including you, unless you converted to Islam. It's in their ideology--dying in a holy war against non-muslims is the ticket to eternal life. That's literally what they believe. And because of that, they sew chaos and terror wherever they go.

Clearly the large majority of muslims do not believe this way. But the extremists do, and that's how history is made. The peaceful, normal civilians who'd rather just live their lives, aren't the decision makers. And of course this all traces back to a long series of stupid decisions and badly drawn maps after the world wars. But make no mistake, Hamas is no different than Nazi Germany in their desire to exterminate Jews, and eventually they will need to be dealt with in exactly the same way.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

is this the part where twenty somethings on the internet gather to exclaim loudly "I hate hypocrites too"?

then you should love jesus, because he hated religious hypocrites just as much as you do. In fact, it was those hypocrites who killed him.

If jesus returned today, he would be killed at a MAGA rally, probably.

i'm a christian in SPITE of the church, not because of it.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

smart move. make sure to back up everything on multiple hard drives.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

well, at least they paid you back for it. that's actually quite respectable of them. and if they didn't, it would have been a class action lawsuit, so kind of a moot point all around. You got your money back. I recommend using it to obtain several tiers of backup hard drives and make sure you have two physical copies of every piece of media you feel is not replaceable. Because some day, you won't be able to replace it. the corporate dream is nobody owns anything, you just have to jack into their "stream" and consume whatever they feed you. the funniest thing is, people are already getting a head start on that dystopian future. they're doing it to themselves, by actually paying for shitty streaming services. You really shouldn't do that, as it only emboldens them.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

they have to since they can't make any money in the free market, because their products are total shit illegal sports streaming sites have better performance and usability than official/legal ones. corporate streaming services are a joke

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

fair enough. i found that it was mostly a scam. they hook you in with "free" prime in college, then it just keeps re-billing forever until you finally realize "do i really need this package in 1 day as opposed to 3-4?" in my case, i virtually never need something instantly. so why pay the $170? its clearly very profitable for them, judging by how desperately they try to get me to re-sign up.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

i hate amazon as much as anyone, but...really, just cancel prime and dont use them unless you absolutely have to. Order direct from companies themselves if you can. Shop local. You can't rely on the FTC to do anything and i doubt this will go anywhere. you are much more powerful than you think you are.

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

so weird. i'm a conservative christian. i grow a lot of my own food. chocolate milk in schools is absolutely insane and needs to be gone. the republicans stopped being my party a long time ago.

i had to write a letter to my kid's principle to stop them from giving my kid shitty candy all the time at school. wtf is up with people these days? how did people come to conflate "independence" and "freedom" with junk? kids should be getting water at school. how is this a controversial opinion?

[-] protovack@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

"theocrats" would be more specific. fascist is a more generic term.

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