[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 39 points 2 months ago

I am generally unwilling to pay extra for features I don't need and didn't ask for.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 44 points 5 months ago

So not only do they want AI to take your job - you also won't be able to get another job if you don't wholesale buy into this shit.

I love the future.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 43 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Sorry, I absolutely care about proper Ultrawide support. Currently the game is dogshit on an Ultrawide, with interface and mouse input being all kinds of screwy.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 39 points 6 months ago

God gave us Trump...

... 'cause he ran out of fucking locusts.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 55 points 7 months ago

Es darf ja schliesslich nicht sein, dass man diesen produktiven, integrierten, motivierten, steuerzahlenden Ausländer später nicht mehr loswerden kann...

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 46 points 7 months ago

No shit. How have they not figured this out 15 years ago when every DVD had non-skippable anti-piracy messages?

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 40 points 8 months ago

I love how the response to backlash against comments like this is almost always along the lines of 'sorry if you're offended' and 'the comments were taken out of context'.

These comments by Horman are very clear, they have plenty of context on their own, and they give me a pretty good picture of what kind of person the owner is. It's enough for me to make sure I don't set foot into their shops if I am ever in Melbourne.


Victoria’s oldest independent bookshop has apologised after its owner called for more picture books with “just white kids on the cover” and claimed that the chain would stop stocking “woke agenda” content that divided people.

Susanne Horman, the owner of Robinsons Bookshop chain, posted a series of tweets in December where she called for an “substantial shift” in Australian publishing, arguing the focus should be in line with public opinion, requests for books and “for what is good”.

“What’s missing from our bookshelves in store?” Horman wrote in one tweet, before the account was deleted. “Positive male lead characters of any age, any traditional nuclear white family stories, kids picture books with just white kids on the cover, and no wheelchair, rainbow or indigenous art, non indig [sic] aus history.”

Another post read: “Books we don’t need: hate against white Australians, socialist agenda, equity over equality, diversity and inclusion (READ AS anti-white exclusion), left wing govt propaganda. Basically the woke agenda that divides people. Not stocking any of these in 2024.”

In a Facebook post on Sunday night, Robinsons Bookshop said the comments had been “taken out of context” and “misrepresented the views” of the company.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 51 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ach, jetzt wollen sie auf einmal ein breites Bündnis? Jahrelang Teil des Problems gewesen, der AfD den Mund geredet und den Steigbügel gehalten, aber wenn sich der Wind ein bisschen gegen sie dreht, wollen diese 'bürgerlichen' Parteien auf einmal ganz vorne mit dabei sein beim Protest gegen den erstarkenden Faschismus?

Liebe CDU und FDP, die Gefahr der Spaltung geht hauptsächlich von euch aus, nicht von 'links'.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 47 points 8 months ago

I would have said something like that about five years ago.

Since then, the AFD and its leaders have shown us their true colours, and especially with the recent fantasizing over mass deportations and other stuff, it's crystal clear what they are: fascists. No sheep's clothing involved here any more.


The federal Coalition has declared at the Cop28 climate summit that it will back a global pledge to triple nuclear energy if the opposition leader, Peter Dutton, becomes prime minister, but will not support Australia tripling its renewable energy.

Speaking on the sidelines of the conference in Dubai, the opposition’s climate change and energy spokesperson, Ted O’Brien, also said a Coalition government would consider supporting Generation III+ large-scale nuclear reactors, and not just the unproven small modular reactors it has strongly touted.

The statement at the global summit confirmed the Coalition was on a markedly different path to Labor. The Albanese government last week joined more than 120 countries in backing a pledge to triple renewable energy and double the rate of energy efficiency by 2030, but did not sign up with 22 countries that supported tripling nuclear power by 2050.

While only 11% of countries at the talks – mostly nations that already have a domestic nuclear energy industry – backed the nuclear pledge, O’Brien declared “Cop28 will be known as the nuclear Cop”

[. .]

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 43 points 10 months ago

Was darf man heute noch sagen?

Wesentlich mehr, als man unter einer AfD-Diktatur sagen dürfen wird...


Australians’ tipping habits are not keeping pace with higher menu prices, new research shows, as household costs soar and diners grapple with pandemic-era hospitality charges.

A report by Lightspeed Commerce, using payments platform data, found that the average tip amount dropped in August to 8.1% of a total bill.

This is the lowest amount in four years recorded by the point-of-sale and software company, and the first time it has dropped below 9% since early 2021.


Relentless cost-of-living pressure, rising interest rates, uncertainty about the direction of the economy and growing concern about inequality has undermined Australia’s sense of social cohesion, according to authoritative new research.

After a polarising voice referendum campaign and amid rising community tensions over the war in the Middle East, the latest Mapping Social Cohesion Report puts the Scanlon-Monash Index of Social Cohesion at its lowest ebb since the survey began 16 years ago.

The social cohesion index provides a barometer of social wellbeing, measuring belonging, worth, participation, acceptance and rejection, social inclusion and justice. The measure declined by four points over the past 12 months, hitting the lowest result on record. Since November 2020 – the peak of social cohesion recorded during the Covid-19 pandemic – the index has plummeted 13 points.


I mean, come on. I know by now that Sky News, a broadcaster that doesn't deserve the 'News' moniker and that will happily platform actual fascists if it serves their agenda, never tires of taking cheap shots at the ABC, with the declared objective to undermine its credibility. I know that Bronwyn Bishop has gone full cryptofascist and is probably starting to get senile. I shouldn't be surprised at shit like this. But for some reason, whenever I think these people can't possibly go any lower, they grab a bigger excavator and keep on digging.


Punters are switching off the Melbourne Cup, with a majority of Australians reporting they have little or no interest in what was once “the race that stops the nation”.

According to the latest Essential poll of 1,049 voters, just 11% reported a “high interest” in the Melbourne Cup, down five points from when the question was asked before the 2022 race.


Despite a lack of personal interest, two-thirds (65%) of respondents agreed the Melbourne Cup is a unique part of Australia’s national identity, down seven points. Just 50% of those aged 18 to 34 agreed.

About half (48%) said it promotes unhealthy gambling behaviour. More than a third (36%) said it normalises animal cruelty, up two points since 2022.

The figures come as an increasing number of brands and sponsors are distancing themselves from the Melbourne Cup and other racing events.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 52 points 11 months ago

Vor allem: die Partei, die am wenigstens kompromissbereit ist, und ständig den anderen Koalitionspartnern ihren Willen aufzwingt, beschwert sich am lautesten, dass sie sich verbiegen müsse.

[-] rainynight65@feddit.de 50 points 1 year ago

Was mich bei den Demokratieverdrossenen immer ein bisschen verwirrt, ist, wieso sie glauben, dass die ihnen missfallenden Umstände ausgerechnet von einer Rechtsaussen-Partei gelöst werden könnten.

Ich kann Demokratieverdrossenheit bis zu einem Punkt sogar verstehen - Politik ist ein Sumpf, es wird viel geschwafelt und wenig gehandelt, und wenn gehandelt wird, kommt oft nur halbgares raus (um es wirklich mal ganz profan und simplistisch auszudrücken - natürlich ist die Realität wesentlich komplexer). Aber dann aus Protest bei AfD und Co. das Kreuz machen hilft auch nichts - die stellt nämlich für den spätkapitalistischen Status Quo, der ja oft die Hauptursache dieser Missstände ist, keine Bedrohung dar (dafür aber für Minderheiten und jegliche progressiven Errungenschaften der letzten 50 Jahre). Wer will, dass sich die 'bürgerlichen' Parteien mal so richtig ins Hemd machen, der muss links wählen, dann werden sich diese Parteien nämlich Gedanken machen, wie sie diese Wähler zurückbekommen. Die 'bürgerliche Mitte' stand dem rechten Spektrum schon immer näher als dem linken.

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