This has some real "furbies talking to eachother" energy.
Computer understanders, click this link for some psychic damage! :D (aside: I tried to upload this as an image but it didn't work)
Trick question; it's both an economic move and an ideological move.
SEOs match quality websites to those users trying to find them. As much as Google and Bing like to pretend that they're perfect there are very real indexing issues that crop up and need experts to debug, mitigate, and prevent; so in a very real way the SEOs do make the web better for users.
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For example let's say there was a user who wanted to read a website full of LLM written articles and ads but they keep stumbling across low quality websites with poor SEO practices like Wikipedia instead, why that would be terrible. In order to prevent this terrible possiblity it is the noble duty of SEOs to buy well respected high ranking domain names so that users get a brand they can trust. Like Forbes. Or Radioshack.
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Sincerely, the "staff".
Well that was amusing
Asking "what is blockchain good for other than cryptocurrencies" is like asking "what is internet good for other than websites" pre-broadband
Days since last "bitcoin is like the early internet": zero :(
I’d like to go back to 1988 and ask “Is anyone actually using the Internet?”
Days since last "bitcoin is like the early internet": zero :(
So therefore, email will never become as popular as sending envelope mails. I rest my case.
Days since last "bitcoin is like the early internet": zero :(
Within 5 minutes of my first hike, the trees smiled at me and whispered their simple wisdom.
This probably only sounds profound to people who haven't been outside in 7 years. Don't get me wrong hiking is good for the soul. But if it hits you that hard after five minutes you're probably terminally online.
~~Also why can't trees have complex wisdom gosh darn it?~~
The guy running a hostile workplace while hanging out with Logan Paul, selling junk food to children, and putting on reality shows so hostile to the contestants that they get compared to torture is... into cryptocurrency?! I'm shocked! Shocked!
Goodness kids need some better role models because sometimes it seems 90% of people on the social networks are morally bankrupt.
The one catch is that because responses from the blockchain can take variable amounts of time, it’s best to request and receive from blockchains using asynchronous methods.
"You may be used to writing websites that actually load in fractions of a second, and so rely on obsolete web2 technologies like synchronous fetches. But don't worry! With modern techniques like async / await your loading spinner will animate flawlessly while the blockchain spends 20 minutes burning down a forest in the background."
You can practically taste the frustration in the "prompt engineering" here. Just one more edge case bro, one more edge case and then the prompt will be perfect!
TL;DR: "I'm no longer a white nationalist because a lot of white people are cucked. Now my new identity is with sufficiently pilled white people. This is much more pragmatic. Also I would totally have a cool black friend if any actually existed which means I'm totally not racist."
Also: did anyone else feel a chill reading about a literal nazi talking about how society accepts him now? America used to despise nazis and now they feel like they can walk around openly. It's terrifying.
Does creating a cover of Get Low called "Z-Pain" for your wife, or commissioning the creation of a giant green statue for your wife strike you as the sorts of things someone in an unhealthy marriage would do? I think not!