
joined 2 years ago
[–] slowmotionrunner 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I like iOS shortcuts. This week, I created an iOS shortcut to scan my Plex library. Now this may seem weird since there is an option to scan a library from the official Plex iOS app and there are also options to scan the library automatically or periodically. For various reasons (excuses), I didn't like that the official app only lets you scan one library at a time and I have automatic/periodic scans turned off to avoid network drive access, so I created the shortcut to scan from my phone any time I felt like I wanted to trigger it.

  1. Create a new iOS shortcut
  2. Add the "Get contents of URL" action
  3. Get your X-Plex-Token (see instructions on official website)
  4. Set the URL in your action to: https://{ip_address}:{port}/library/sections/all/refresh?X-Plex-Token={plex_token}
[–] slowmotionrunner 21 points 1 month ago

You’re trying to make some kind of societal statement based on your upload speed?

[–] slowmotionrunner 17 points 1 month ago (3 children)
  1. I think this is the wrong sub for this content.
  2. This video was terribly hard to get through but the thesis could be summarized as “tech folks want a country that enables them to do tech things and make more money”… ya, duh.
  3. Clickbait
[–] slowmotionrunner 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Was literally updating my filtered words just now. I use Voyager app on iOS and it can be done in the settings.

Voyager Settings

[–] slowmotionrunner 3 points 2 months ago (7 children)

I'll be honest, this kinda feel like the wrong move. If correct information is the antiseptic to misinformation, wouldn't X be the exact place you should be posting your journalism to?

[–] slowmotionrunner 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Anyone else like me—who is not a Facebook/Instagram user—learning for the first time that these things could not be said before?

Don’t get me wrong, I was taught better than that and anyone who says this stuff is a loser. Just never knew before this story that those posts/comments were blocked.

[–] slowmotionrunner 6 points 2 months ago

Dogs and cats, living together. Mass hysteria!

[–] slowmotionrunner 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

5). Hey OP, don't worry, this can seem kind of scary at first, but it is not that difficult. I've skimmed some of the other comments and there are plenty of good tips here.

2). Yes, you will want your own domain and there is no fear of other people "knowing it" if you have everything set up correctly.

1b). Any cheap VPS will do and you don't need to worry about it being virtualized rather than dedicated. What you really care about is bandwidth speed and limits because a reverse proxy is typically very light on resources. You would be surprised how little CPU/memory it needs.

1a). I use a cheap VPS from RackNerd. Once you have access to your VPS, just install your proxy directly into the OS or in Docker. Whichever is easier. The most important thing for choosing a reverse proxy is automatic TLS/Let's Encrypt. I saw a comment from you about certbot... don't bother with all that nonsense. Either Traefik, Caddy, or Nginx Proxy Manager (not vanilla Nginx) will do all this for you--I personally use Traefik unless for some reason I can't. Way less headaches. The second most important thing to decide is how your VPS in the cloud will connect back to your home securely... I personally use Tailscale for that and it works perfectly fine.

3). Honestly, I think Fail2Ban and geo restrictions are overdoing it. Fail2ban has never gotten me any lift because any sort of modern brute force attack will come from a botnet that has 1000s of unique IPs... never triggering Fail2ban because no repeat offenders. Just ensure your VPS has a firewall enabled and you know what ports you are exposing from Docker and you should be good. If your services don't natively support authentication, look into something like Authelia or Authentik. Rather than Fail2Ban and/or geo restrictions, I would be more inclined to suggest a WAF like Caddy WAF before I reached for geo restrictions. Again, assuming your concern is security, a WAF would do way more for you than IP restrictions which are easily circumvented.

4). Have fun!

EDIT: formatting


It probably seems weird asking this on Lemmy, but of course posting this on Reddit would get banned or taken down. Reddit doesn’t like being critical of Reddit. Anyways….

Over the last 10 years as a Reddit user I’ve believe the amount of accounts that are bots or foreign bad actors has tipped past 50%. I have no statistics to speak of, but would love if somebody did and could share.

Based purely on some of the conversations, posts, rage bait, strong ideologies, etc… I’m pretty convinced that a reasonable sample of humans could not or would not act the way they do on that platform. So often now I see posts that I feel are specifically attempting to sow discord and disagreement.

Does anyone else agree? What percent of users do you think are bots? Foreign bad actors?

Sadly, I think Reddit has no desire to find out or do anything about it. There would be no upside to them correcting their advertising numbers.

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