[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 1 points 50 minutes ago

I can't even get Gboard to capitalize "i" FFS, you expect it to do something even more complicated!? The state of keyboards are so bad today. I remember when you could vaguely type or swipe in Swype or Swiftkey and it would get your word correct most of the time, now they all fucking suck, Swiftkey just happens to suck slightly less than GBoard.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

PTC doesn't care about being a counterbalance to fusion360 or they would have a less restrictive free version. They only care about making money from subscriptions from corporate customers. They amen way more money from Creo and Windchill than they do with Onshape.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 90 points 2 weeks ago

One major downside of hybrid working really is that if you are having a meeting where even a single person is not there, then the entire meeting may as well be a video call. If you are on a video call, then why do you need to be in the office for it?

At my job we work with physical objects, so being in office is a requirement at least part of the time, but if I'm just going to be in meetings for most of the day, there is no way I'm going into the office just to sit on video calls all day.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 87 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Note that this is a "contributor" post, which is essentially their sneaky wording for editorial. It isn't a real Forbes article and anyone that knows the Forbes website won't pay any attention to the article.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 72 points 4 months ago

For corporations it is, "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by greed."

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 65 points 4 months ago

I don't like how hard the article tries to make it seem like the markup is justified because of all of Apple's other costs. Apple will sell the product at whatever price it thinks the customer will pay, and the margins only matter to determine whether the product is worth it for Apple to sell (I'd love to see what the payback period is on the project though). The cost isn't that outrageous if this COGS is correct, maybe slightly on the higher side for a tech product.

The real discussion should be whether the product is worth the price they are charging based on the utility and the cost of being essentially a beta tester as an owner of a 1st gen product.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 53 points 4 months ago

Why is this news? Every company that deals with intellectual property, proprietary information, and/or sensitive information should not be using public LLM tools due to the risk of leaking that data. That is why these companies are providing more sandboxed versions of these tools to protect against the issue.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 56 points 4 months ago

I don't like this article because it misses some of the more important details around how to lengthen your device's life and why you may or may not want to keep your battery at a specific state of charge.

  1. State of charge is pretty arbitrary, your charging circuit could charge between 3.0V and 4.2V (pretty typical), or it could charge between 3.2V and 4.0V and still show 4.0V as being 100% charge. Different chemistries can have slightly (or significant in the case of LFP) different voltages. The cynic in me wouldn't be surprised if eventually 100% becomes ~4.35V because it makes their device look better to tech reviewers, but then have it default to only charge to 4.2V because it still gives suitable device life.
  2. The most important factors in how long your device's battery will last are temperature and how deeply you discharge the battery. Discharging your phone down until it dies does way more damage than keeping it charged at 100%.
  3. At some point practicality comes into it, you would get even more total energy out of a cell if you kept it between 40% and 60% all the time, but obviously it isn't very practical to only use 20% of your phone's available capacity in day to day use.
  4. Consider how long you are storing your device. If it is always plugged in or won't be used for months, then something like 40% to 60% would be a more suitable state of charge to keep your device at if possible. If it sits on your desk and you need to unplug it periodically and know you don't need the full charge, then sure keep it at 80%.

Personally, I don't stress about the batteries in my devices at all. I generally keep an eye on the power and plug it in when convenient, but target plugging it in before it gets too far below 50%. I've historically had almost zero issues with the batteries in my devices wearing out before I'm ready to replace it for other reasons unless it started out with marginal battery life.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 85 points 6 months ago

Yes, the 3.5mm jack is more durable than USB-C (since it is rotationally symmetric twisting doesn't apply force to the connector), it maintains compatibility with billions of audio devices and doesn't block your charging port if you use it.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 84 points 9 months ago

This seems to be a case of start with a horrible plan that they know will make everyone angry only to roll it back to a plan that still sucks but isn't quite as bad to try to reduce the sting. The thing is, I don't think their customers are that stupid.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 125 points 10 months ago

Why wouldn't you prefer a headphone jack in your phone? It is yet another option for headphones that worst case you don't use. The only reason it has been removed is because it saves companies a few cents on the cost to build the product.

[-] stealth_cookies@lemmy.ca 68 points 11 months ago

Glad to see Linus giving this more visibility. There was a huge forum thread on the LTT Forums about users with this issue when Microsoft announced that Windows 11 would require TPM. AMD has attempted to fix it and the fixes have been completely ineffective on my system (B450 chipset using both a Ryzen 3700X and a 5800X).

On the plus side, I don't get Windows reminding me to upgrade to 11 on my desktop because it thinks it is incompatible!

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